
big bowl of porridge and 4 hard boiled eggs, snack on dry roasted peanuts until lunch time :smiley:

small bowl of cereal[cornflakes]and I take freshly sliced oranges and apples with me to eat by 8am,also up at 03 30 for 5am start



I could eat that now!!

I have admiration for those with time to do this. If I am in at 5, I won’t drag myself up till 4.30am. Wash, teeth, dressed and brew in the car on the way down!!

When I was younger I’d be due to start work at say 6am, and I’d still be in bed at 05:55, a move usually instigated by my mother dragging me out of bed. Otherwise I’d never go.
Theses days I’m more paced allowing time for putting up a lunchbox, having breakfast and if req’d also tending or lighting a coal fire (anyone remember those?) brushing my teeth etc, prior to going out the door at 4:30am for the 10min drive to the yard. Or earlier if I’m going to a yard further away. This allows for possible delays inc clearing the car of snow and ice & not forgetting the “get to the front door and find you’ve forgotten something, or that last gulp of hot tea has started to work its magic and you’ve gotta leg it to the bathroom for a dump ASAP, as no doubt I’d never make it to the yard before its too late” moments

Mug of Green Tea, bowl of porridge, slice of toast if at home. In cab, Mug of Green tea, Bowl of porridge. :frowning: :frowning: After all that I still cannot lose any weight.

I go for porrige with some sultanas in it ,cook in the microwave as there is less washing up that way.

mashed banana under shreddies and milk in the truck, or two toast with beans and two poached eggs.(not Heinz beans too much sugar in)

Mug of Green Tea, bowl of porridge, slice of toast if at home. In cab, Mug of Green tea, Bowl of porridge. :frowning: :frowning: After all that I still cannot lose any weight.

Doing you no harm though.that green tea is great stuff,after my initial coffee fix on a morning it is all I drink now.

Egg on fried slice, bacon , sausage and beans…that’s breakfast init ?

Makes the day more interesting … :wink:

Just a question to you all out there what with early starts etc .with this being the so called time for losing weight,i being one of those ,what best than to ask other truckers on there breakfast habits to get tips . I m up at 03.20 ,do you eat before you start your shift or a little later etc. :question:

I’m not being in any way funny with you or glib. But you want to lose weight, you’re looking for the best time to do it and the best time to eat ? The only way to lose weight is to eat less, NOT think whens best to eat. If i was up and out at 03.20 i wouldn’t give food a thought until maybe 10/11/12…but of course i smoke and i know thats an appetite supressant. And just like i know what to do to abstain from smoking i.e give it up, to lose weight you’ll just have to eat less. Thats the reality, aything else is kidding yourself. Just eat less.

I only eat breakfast when I’m hungry,usually 1 slice of bovril on toast or oats with cold milk. I’m trying to get into the green tea! I’ve tried a cup with a little sugar but wasn’t to keen, is it better to have a regular brew after? Or does this just undo the goodness?

I only eat breakfast when I’m hungry,usually 1 slice of bovril on toast or oats with cold milk. I’m trying to get into the green tea! I’ve tried a cup with a little sugar but wasn’t to keen, is it better to have a regular brew after? Or does this just undo the goodness?

You really need Brown sugar and cream to feel to full effects and gain any benefit from it.

It doesnt matter what time you eat, especially if your an early bird or a night worker. It all about keeping a regular pattern of eating, and eating the right stuff. You could eat breakfast at 3am, lunch at 9am, and have an evening meal at 3=4pm & be in bed by 7=8pm. Its all about portion control & balancing the intake times of breakfast, lunch & dinner to suit your shift pattern. Eating an early bird breakfast and finishing off with night owl supper isnt going to help you loose weight. Eating less bread & carbs could help you to loose weight, likewise drinking less alcohol (beer etc) cutting out the takeaways & fried breakfasts. But there is a point where the individual is reluctant to give up certain things and their weight loss will plateau. A mate of mine stopped eating bread, pasta and potatoes after he developed type 2 diabetes, but ate huge amounts of meat (grilled bacon etc) and dropped 2 stone in 6 weeks.

Compare the size of the hole you put food in to the size of the one that it comes out of when you’re done with it.

This is the problem, the entry is far bigger than the exit.

Compare the size of the hole you put food in to the size of the one that it comes out of when you’re done with it.

This is the problem, the entry is far bigger than the exit.

Or as his holiness Chubby Brown put it… " no wonder your a fat feker, your gob is 3 times the size of you arse hole"

I knew it was one of the comedians, couldn’t remember which one.

Many a true word spoken in jest though.

Im partial to a nice early morning muffin myself… :sunglasses:

Im partial to a nice early morning muffin myself… :sunglasses:

Would that be skinny or regular? :stuck_out_tongue:


Im partial to a nice early morning muffin myself… :sunglasses:

Would that be skinny or regular? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine is full fat !! :smiley:
Regards. John.