Boris talks sense … ours-rules

Jesus, i might actually vote for this guy, I like the cut of his Jib.

I’ll listen if something happens lots of politicians talk a good talk but don’t act on what they says


Jesus, i might actually vote for this guy, I like the cut of his Jib.

sense :question: sounds to me like he just wants to do away with the rules and get us all working 23 hr a day and god help us then when a cyclist commits euthanasia under your wheels Boris would blame you for being tired

Abolition of the driving regs would be pounced upon by many operators to the disadvantage of drivers as a whole. Despite their flaws, I am all in favour of them remaining in place for as long as i’m driving, they create a level playing field across the industry.

He’s just another cynical Con Party ■■■■■■ who’s just trying to follow the Party line of chasing the UKIP vote while also appeasing the raving LibDem cyclist action mob.If the Cons were really serious about simplifying hours regs all they needed to do was to make keeping the domestic regs for UK registered vehicles ( in even more simplified form ) a non negotiable part of our EU membership from day 1.For some reason they’ve chosen to go along with all the EU driven bs instead and there’s no reason to think they’d change anything now if they succeed in getting back their UKIP losses.Meanwhile UKIP seem to be big on the rhetoric but no actual cast iron guaranteed policies at least in regard to transport policy.Although UKIP’s global warmist sceptic environmental credentials at least seem more promising than the Cons global warmist ones in that regard.

Yes, what he is trying to say is that a 15 hour day isn’t long enough for the likes of us. Typical Tory trougher who’s never done a day’s work in his life telling everybody else to get their finger out.

Abolition of the driving regs would be pounced upon by many operators to the disadvantage of drivers as a whole. Despite their flaws, I am all in favour of them remaining in place for as long as i’m driving, they create a level playing field across the industry.

The issue isn’t about removing hours regs but simplifying them.Ironically a 12 on 12 off limit would actually create a safer environment than the EU’s 15 hour day idea.While at the same time allowing trucks to keep rolling when the EU regs force them to stop often in places where safe parking isn’t available.

I doubt either of us are talking about abolition but I’m saying & I think what he’s saying is a bit of a more relaxed approach to the punishment moving toward a slap on the wrist/warning for the odd half hour here & there rather than an outstretched palm…

Boris has an agenda and it’s got ■■■■ all to do with a 2 man band in bexley, he needs stuff built. He is probably wondering why stuff takes so long to get built in London and so daft arse construction manager has stuck the blame on driver availability. Boris does not give a hee haw about anyone except Boris.

Drivers hours protect the majority of us that do want to be slaves 15hours every single day. Yeah some parts of drivers hours rules annoy me but in the whole am glad to have them.

Boris is the best hope to get rid of Cameron right now.
I’d have to support that - even though I don’t agree with his reasoning behind being against driver regulations. Have it his way, and we’d ALL be working 84+ hour weeks for the same or even less money… :open_mouth:

I’ve always voted against the incumbent my entire life, but I don’t live in London let alone Uxbridge, so I won’t find myself voting for Boris in any case.


Abolition of the driving regs would be pounced upon by many operators to the disadvantage of drivers as a whole. Despite their flaws, I am all in favour of them remaining in place for as long as i’m driving, they create a level playing field across the industry.

The issue isn’t about removing hours regs but simplifying them.Ironically a 12 on 12 off limit would actually create a safer environment than the EU’s 15 hour day idea.While at the same time allowing trucks to keep rolling when the EU regs force them to stop often in places where safe parking isn’t available.

I’m with you. 12 hour day max, No driving limit, half hour break every 4 hours. Followed by 12 hours off. 36 hours weekly rest after 6 shifts. No extensions, no reductions, no time to make up.

Boris is the best hope to get rid of Cameron right now.
I’d have to support that.
I’ve always voted against the incumbent my entire life. :smiling_imp:

Old joke “Doesn’t matter who you vote for…the government always get in” :smiley:

He’s an arrogant buffoon.

His only intention when making this statement is to get business on his side. For any Tory, business owners come first and the working class can go to hell.

He likes to pretend he’s big on road safety, but is overlooking the safety implications of abolishing the current regulations.

Why anyone would vote for this moron mystifies me.

Boris does not give a hee haw about anyone except Boris.

That sums up this thread in one.

Why is everyone so keen to work more hours for less, rather than see empoyers forced to pay more for a limited number of hours that cannot be exceeded upon pain of death? :confused:

If the max time allowed on a full time driving job were say, 48 hours on duty, 12 hours max per day on duty, and the same 9/10 hours actually driving vigerously enforced… There would be a general move to make all driving jobs 4x12 shift weeks, so all full timers would get an extra day off, save 20% off their commute, and get the same money - because any employer who thinks they can openly cut rates NOW is asking to be taken out and shot! :smiling_imp:

Why is everyone so keen to work more hours for less, rather than see empoyers forced to pay more for a limited number of hours that cannot be exceeded upon pain of death? :confused:

If the max time allowed on a full time driving job were say, 48 hours on duty, 12 hours max per day on duty, and the same 9/10 hours actually driving vigerously enforced… There would be a general move to make all driving jobs 4x12 shift weeks, so all full timers would get an extra day off, save 20% off their commute, and get the same money - because any employer who thinks they can openly cut rates NOW is asking to be taken out and shot! :smiling_imp:


He’s a politician, making grand statements is what they do, don’t expect anything to come of it. As for replacing Cameron with boris, to what end? I couldn’t see any policy change happening regardless of who’s in No10. Same with ukip, promise plenty, deliver nothing. You’ve not heard a peep since the euro elections until now, getting close to election time again and who pops up? Serial election loser farage.

The best thing about Boris replacing Cameron - it means that the Tories are no longer in government first… :smiley: Boris is only awaiting Camerono to drop the ball next may before he gets his knife out. :smiling_imp:

Why is everyone so keen to work more hours for less, rather than see empoyers forced to pay more for a limited number of hours that cannot be exceeded upon pain of death? :confused:

If the max time allowed on a full time driving job were say, 48 hours on duty, 12 hours max per day on duty, and the same 9/10 hours actually driving vigerously enforced… There would be a general move to make all driving jobs 4x12 shift weeks, so all full timers would get an extra day off, save 20% off their commute, and get the same money - because any employer who thinks they can openly cut rates NOW is asking to be taken out and shot! :smiling_imp:

That leaves 3 days for another driver to work, thus creating more jobs and reducing unemployment.

Too easy though I’m afraid.

He’s just another europhile politician, telling people what they want to hear, making noises like Cameron about things he has no control over whatsoever because we no longer make our own laws.

They’d sell their own grannies for votes.