Blue Badge Holders & Double Yellow Lines

I know they are allowed to for up to 3 hours, but does anybody else here ever find themselves running into problems manouvering because of blue badge holders parked on double yellow lines?

There is a retailer I deliver to fairly often in a town centre whos loading bay access is on a one way street adjacent to a restaurant, and you have to reverse down the service road from the street. Whenever somebody at the resturant parks outside on the double yellow lines, it leaves me no room whatsoever to swing in so I am absolutely screwed, can’t go anywhere and have to wait for sign of life. This has happened on more than a few occasions in recent times.

Given that this loading bay is shared by 3 other retailers, and there drivers must all have the same problems, it stinks of being bloody stupid. :imp:

I don’t know whether I’m being inconsiderate when I curse because the customary Nissan Micra with National Trust stickers making it hard for me to get past. Disabled one thing, but not a right to park badly…

common misconception, a blue badge does not give anyone the right to park where they like, or how they like.
If the vehicle is parked in such a way that it causes an obstruction, IT CAN be towed, without notice.
It states this clearly on the badge. I know because i used to have one.
Being slightly physically challenged myself, i have had to over come such problems, but have never parked in such a way.

before my mum passed away a few years ago my dad had a blue badge for the car on her behalf(she couldnt drive). Now my dad is a bit of a stickler for rules and regs to the point of nausea (I used to think he was German…you must not etc etc)
Anyway if he was taking my mum somewhere and it was yellow lines he would only park for the minimum amount of time to ensure my mum had got into the shop or wherever, and would then take the car and park it on the nearest car park.
Used to drive my mum mad, but as he used to say , I’m not disabled I can walk from the car park.

Trouble is today a lot of blue badge holders arent the actual disabled person it refers to,only relatives but its used as an excuse to park anywhere for as long as they like.

The problem with one parked on double yellows is that you dont know if its genuine or not until the driver returns.
I have had a few arguments with perfectly able drivers when theyve returned to their car, but usually got a load of abuse in return :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

common misconception, a blue badge does give anyone the right to park where they like, or how they like.
If the vehicle is parked in such a way that it causes an obstruction, IT CAN be towed, without notice.
It states this clearly on the badge. I know because i used to have one.
Being slightly physically challenged myself, i have had to over come such problems, but have never parked in such a way.

I am guessing you meant Doesn’t?
That just about sums it up, the badge is there to help you in your mobility, however that should not be to the detriment of anyone else.

I have had a blue badge vehicle removed after the driver blocked me in, I asked him not to park where he pulled up, but he had the arse and told me to ■■■■ off. not a problem, I knew who to phone. I just wish I was there to see him when he got back to his missing car. I have no problem with the badge, I just hate when people try to abuse the privilege of it’s ownership.

I had this a few times on store deliveries. One time at a Sainsbury’s around Southampton I had to wait as I needed to reverse in off the road but a disabled badge car right in the way. Little old granny came walking up and I thought here she is, but carried on walking. Eventually I saw a woman striding up with about 7 bags in each hand and you start thinking, Nah can’t be! But oh yes she stops at the car, car park just the other side of the street I might add and starts to load the car. I still have to laugh now but how lazy/tight are these people and how do they get away with it?
And on that note my wife has a badge and It really gets to me when you see these kids park in disabled bays cos they couldn’t give a toss and people in tastey cars that don’t want them damaged so park there as there is more room. :imp: :imp:

I was doing a del to a store in manchester where you had to back in and they shut the boors after you.I had backed in they shut the doors
about 30min later i was ready to go so they opened the doors and right in front of the doors was a car with a blue badges :angry: :angry: the store phoned the polices . when the polices got there they got the car moved :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am a disabled badge holder, and get really annoyed when work vans park in the disabled bays, and I find I can’t see to reverse out beside them. Many of the youngsters who park in our disabled bays could always have my disability, then they could park in the bays without question.


common misconception, a blue badge does give anyone the right to park where they like, or how they like.
If the vehicle is parked in such a way that it causes an obstruction, IT CAN be towed, without notice.
It states this clearly on the badge. I know because i used to have one.
Being slightly physically challenged myself, i have had to over come such problems, but have never parked in such a way.

I am guessing you meant Doesn’t?
That just about sums it up, the badge is there to help you in your mobility, however that should not be to the detriment of anyone else.

I have had a blue badge vehicle removed after the driver blocked me in, I asked him not to park where he pulled up, but he had the arse and told me to [zb] off. not a problem, I knew who to phone. I just wish I was there to see him when he got back to his missing car. I have no problem with the badge, I just hate when people try to abuse the privilege of it’s ownership.

:blush: edited now :blush:

when i had my badge, i often had the badge police walk trying to be un noticed by, and see if my badge was displayed. Made 1 fella recoil in absolute embarrassment, when i got out, and showed him i was an amputee, i often think of that moment when i’m having a bad day on the road, will always make me smile :smiling_imp:

Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

believe me been thinking about for ages, but seeing as i now able to walk 40ft unaided the DLA somehow feel I’m no longer disabled :confused:

Halfrds in Putney used to be a nightmare - not too hard to get in, but of the car park at the back was full, you couldn’t make the left turn out when there was a car in the disabled space beside Waitrose. Sat there over an hour once untill some woman, laden with shopping, came out, hopped in and drove off.

Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think there is someone on here who has a blue badge and uses it in his truck.

Tony, that is ridiculous about the DLA, but having gone through two assessments and a tribunal I sympathise with you :open_mouth:


Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

believe me been thinking about for ages, but seeing as i now able to walk 40ft unaided the DLA somehow feel I’m no longer disabled :confused:

That is totally ridicules & you should appeal against that as there are people that are better off than you & have them :unamused: :unamused:

Halfrds in Putney used to be a nightmare - not too hard to get in, but of the car park at the back was full, you couldn’t make the left turn out when there was a car in the disabled space beside Waitrose. Sat there over an hour once untill some woman, laden with shopping, came out, hopped in and drove off.

I’d love to have a word with the idiotic architects who design these car parks and loading bays. Maybe they think everything comes in a transit van :unamused:

Terry T:

Halfrds in Putney used to be a nightmare - not too hard to get in, but of the car park at the back was full, you couldn’t make the left turn out when there was a car in the disabled space beside Waitrose. Sat there over an hour once untill some woman, laden with shopping, came out, hopped in and drove off.

I’d love to have a word with the idiotic architects who design these car parks and loading bays. Maybe they think everything comes in a transit van :unamused:

It is the same with many industrial estates, look spacious on a Sunday afternoon, totally inadequate on a weekday.



Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

believe me been thinking about for ages, but seeing as i now able to walk 40ft unaided the DLA somehow feel I’m no longer disabled :confused:

That is totally ridicules & you should appeal against that as there are people that are better off than you & have them :unamused: :unamused:

yeah i’ve already gone through that, which is where i was told, because i can walk 40ft i no longer needed or could be considered in need of motability! my reply was a simple one, “and if i remove my leg, do i qualify then?”
to which they said no, as i can easily replace it :confused:

I’ll give it another year or so, then re-apply :smiling_imp:




Tony you hould have the blue badge in the truck could be emmmm “interesting” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

believe me been thinking about for ages, but seeing as i now able to walk 40ft unaided the DLA somehow feel I’m no longer disabled :confused:

That is totally ridicules & you should appeal against that as there are people that are better off than you & have them :unamused: :unamused:

yeah i’ve already gone through that, which is where i was told, because i can walk 40ft i no longer needed or could be considered in need of motability! my reply was a simple one, “and if i remove my leg, do i qualify then?”
to which they said no, as i can easily replace it :confused:

I’ll give it another year or so, then re-apply :smiling_imp:

Im still not going to make you a coffee :smiley:

Only all the time, for the record I was told by the traffic warden (who was ticketing double parked blue badge vehicles) that they can’t park anywhere that is dangerous or inconvienient to other road users. Although its not just blue badge people, any bulb in a car will leave it somewhere daft given half a chance. A lot of the able bodied people with them have got them to provide transport to a disabled relative, the rest are on the fiddle.

One of our retired quarry workers has a disabled badge and motability car; A few years back his daughter used his car as hers was off the road and a policeman gave her a telling off for some reason or other I think she could use it only if it was for his benefit…How they can prove otherwise is anyones guess? Outside a gym maybe?