Ban all goods in staff

Happy Jubilee holidays to you all,here is the the theory,load your own trailer,have a gizmo in the cab to book your self in at the off load point with all the reference numbers and information.No human contact.
Unload it yourself,if you have hands and arms you do not
need a FLT licence.
This way,you will not have to read signs at RDC/NDC`s that say no drivers allowed in the toilets.
I have a whole week of moody and surly folks,i arrive in a good mood,to be greeted with grunts and moans,one guy thought the world had come to an end because he had to get me a spare pallet,so i could restack some barrels on it to unload it.
Why are English factory/warehouse staff so lazy and work shy,for them the hardest part of the day is thinking of the next tea break or going home time,and the joy they get of telling drivers,sorry mate,you are late,come back tomorow at closing time.

■■■■ that

just an idea,if they hate drivers,why work in the place where drivers will be,anyone working over the weekend or not? :smiley:

I ran in this morning but now I’m done til Wednesday

Im back in wednesday night at 19.00,5 days off,wish i had jumped on a parifin parrot and sat on the beach at Calahonda near Motril,Espania,top up the tan.

All this from a bloke who was whining about doing handball t’other week! :question:

Dont mind stripping down tilts as well.

Used to tip fairly often at lidls at Chelmsford I used to quite enjoy doing the unloading bit of exersize and it beats sitting in some dodgy waiting room listening to some nutcase telling you the latest stobart rumour or about when the was in the sas.

Did he miss the Costa Concordia by two minutes,Lidl and Aldi is self tip,you can go at your own pace,and its good to get out the cab and get the blood flowing.

Happy Jubilee holidays to you all,here is the the theory,load your own trailer,have a gizmo in the cab to book your self in at the off load point with all the reference numbers and information.No human contact.
Unload it yourself,if you have hands and arms you do not
need a FLT licence.
This way,you will not have to read signs at RDC/NDC`s that say no drivers allowed in the toilets.
I have a whole week of moody and surly folks,i arrive in a good mood,to be greeted with grunts and moans,one guy thought the world had come to an end because he had to get me a spare pallet,so i could restack some barrels on it to unload it.
Why are English factory/warehouse staff so lazy and work shy,for them the hardest part of the day is thinking of the next tea break or going home time,and the joy they get of telling drivers,sorry mate,you are late,come back tomorow at closing time.

i work as a goods in assitant operate a forklift and i dont hate drivers me and 2 of the 3 drivers that come to my place of work i get along with fine and 2 previous drivers i have become friends with share banter with them on facebook im not lazy im just not paid enough to work hard :stuck_out_tongue: not all warehouse staff are the same

Especially the ones in places like tosco, the laziest & most arrogant ■■■■■■■ you’ll ever meet…! :imp:

a site for goods in are prob saying ban all drivers■■? i did a 6 mth swop once, swopped from driving to a 5am-3pm warehouse shift, seriously never ever again!! bad enough all your own drivers moaning and whinging cos they have to unfasten an extra curtain strap to get a pallet off ect then you get the deliveries moaning at ya for something that has nothing to do with you… some shifts you felt suicidal when you finished, majority of drivers may only come into contact with others half a dozen times a day… so some if having a bad day ect vent their moans and frustration at the first guy they come into contact with… so working in goods in or even gate or office you can get this every 10 mins or so, i remember 1 guy throw the isotrak hand held thingy away, but it sprung back on the cable and smacked him straight on nose end…


Attitudes seem to be endemic at different places, some are misery guts’s some others absolutely fine.

One that stands out in my mind as being cheerful and well run is Marks & Sparks, Magna Park, so decently was i treated there that i had to comment at the time how refreshing it was.

If you get a good bunch of people then the whole place can be good, get a couple of miserable sods in though and they can infect the whole place, much the same as any transport yard.

Some licence holders don’t do themselves any favours by being sullen, impolite and aggressive.

Sod’s law states that whenever you arrive with a huge load that really needs some assistance in getting off, THIS will happen…

:laughing: :slight_smile:

Well I work in goods in some/most of the time where I work and in fact every driver who has come in has been in and out rather quick. Like a couple weeks ago we had a maritime driver come in with a load of cages to be booked in and put away he was tipped in 20 minutes and out of the yard in 30 :wink:

You’ll find it’s different everywhere you go, some places will be good some will be bad. And for the record I’ve worked every bank holiday this year so far including Easter and the Jubilee and wasn’t too bothered about it and not complained one bit…in fact it was rather enjoyable working the bank holidays because I’d probably sat at home doing ■■■■ all anyway if I wasn’t!

So to add a note not all English warehouse staff are lazy, just those who have a ■■■■ work ethic and expect something for nothing. I just don’t see the benefit out of doing that :wink:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Fair point there,not wise to tar them all with the same brush.

When I was a tesco goods in drone we got the trailers tipped quite quickly, me on the ppt bringing the pallets out and my fellow drone topping and breaking down. However you could wait up to 30 minutes for an exalted Goods In Checker to come down and scan the load in. Sometimes they wouldn’t come down to Chill 2 until we had tipped every load off and filled the grids. But that was in the days before the notorious drivers waiting room.

I wouldn’t imagine anyone from the driver’s waiting room coming down to help either, not being their job! :smiley: