Ask a stupid question why don't you

so i pulled into the services to park up for the night, i parked in the corner away from other trucks because i pull a fridge and it was fully loaded and was on, curtains shut etc was sitting for a couple of hours then a saddo chapped my door and asked are u gonna have that running all night. now the correct answer in my head was no zb sherlock, ive not got it on for the sake of it. now he chose to park next to me so i wasnt going to move, in my personal opinion the guy ought to get a life and if u dont like the noise then dont park next to a fridge fgs. it doesnt affect me i still get a good sleep fridge running or not.

Good for you, you done the thing.

so i pulled into the services to park up for the night, i parked in the corner away from other trucks because i pull a fridge and it was fully loaded and was on, curtains shut etc was sitting for a couple of hours then a saddo chapped my door and asked are u gonna have that running all night. now the correct answer in my head was no zb sherlock, ive not got it on for the sake of it. now he chose to park next to me so i wasnt going to move, in my personal opinion the guy ought to get a life and if u dont like the noise then dont park next to a fridge fgs. it doesnt affect me i still get a good sleep fridge running or not.

I would have responded “Yes” and closed the door/window. Or offered to keep his pint of milk cold for him :slight_smile:

I agree with JD, the other driver is a moron.

The only thing stopping a good nights kip…door knockers !

wot a daft question to ask, if your sitting by yourself with a fridge on the back then it doesny take a brain surgeon to realize why and his problem for parking up next to you

You done the right thing drive

You should have told him to ■■ off…

Telling people to ■■■■ off when you’ll be asleep overnight in a truck isn’t a good idea if you ask me.

He probly was a bit thick for asking but some people are. On the other hand you may have been running it full tilt till eleven or midnight say and then knocking it off till six am like some do, maybe what he was thinking.

You still don’t knock if the curtains are drawn though, very rude.

The best nights sleep anyone could get in a service area would be to put the fridge motor on constant. It drowns out the noise of everyone else coming and going at any time of the night and because it is there all the time it doesn’t disturb your sleep.

i really dont get why people get narky about fridges its just one of those things when it comes to parking up for the night

When I used to do fridge work,it was before digital anything so I slept like a baby wherever I parked up. As the constant hum of the fridge use to drown the noise from night men doing changeovers ect.
And likewise parking next to a fridge was not a problem.
The problem now is the fuel saver thing that means they keep switching off and on.
So, can you flick a switch to keep them on constantly?

This sounds a bit like when you park in an empty car park and then you come back to you car somebody has parked so close you can hardly open the door. Car park still almost empty


I get that every day when in any half-empty car park. I’ve taken to parking right in the corner, but to no avail. It’s usually a middle-aged female on her own with a scruffy looking dog with her (canine variety). Someone told me once it’s a “safety in numbers” argument, but that only applies when parking posh cars next to posh cars I thought… :confused:

When pulling a fridge, it’ll be some scouser who’s got the rest of the 'kin MSA to park in, but decides it wants to share some of my bodily warmth by parking so close to me that he can no doubt lean against his own cab door whilst ■■■■■■■ up my wheels to boot! :angry:

It’s a good idea I find to have a frozen load rather than merely a chilled one, as you can then argue “Sorry bud, I ain’t turning it off 'cos it’s ice cream” to which they seem to be surprised to find out… FFS I’ve not got cryogenic body parts on board, or sweeny todd pie supplies!

I parked at Immingham the other week and got the last available space…right next to a fridge :imp: Couldn’t do anything about it and had to accept it. Well, what a surprise :open_mouth: It was running ALL NIGHT and it was the best nights sleep I’d had in a while there.

I soon got used to the continuous drone of the running and it blanked out all other noises i.e. drivers shouting to each other (not talking) :unamused: Engines starting up and ticking over, then switched off :unamused: All in all experience was ok :sunglasses:

Yeah, continuous is way better than stop/start to sleep through.

That is known as white noise. When my kids were small merely switching the hoover on had them fast asleep (pity the lazy ex couldn’t push it around whilst it was switched on :imp: )

Even now if the gf uses her hair drier I’m away within minutes. You can recreate white noise in any RDC waiting room, just wait for the bluetooth guy desperately trying to make eye contact, look or nod at him then bingo, within a minute you’re fighting sleep off. :smiley:

I get that every day when in any half-empty car park. I’ve taken to parking right in the corner, but to no avail. It’s usually a middle-aged female on her own with a scruffy looking dog with her (canine variety). Someone told me once it’s a “safety in numbers” argument, but that only applies when parking posh cars next to posh cars I thought… :confused:

That’s what I got told to

When I done fridge work the motor running didn’t bother me but I used to wake up sometimes ,half asleep and thought it was the truck going along the road untill I realised it was the fridge ,happened a couple of times just for a few seconds ,scared the sh***e out off me.

Anyone who doesn’t like fridge noise, a piece of advice, don’t go to work in Canada/USA the truck stops are never quiet as most drivers run on high idle all night in winter, and summer. I ran the truck constantly for 5 days and nights, except for fuelling down south this summer, with an average temp of 43c daytime, and 30c at night you need the A/C, so you wouldn’t even hear a fridge.