Asda Scania doors?



globby 480:
but leather spanky, they are only supermarket trolley drivers what aint got half a brain between them all!! they are shown what ways to go what times to stop [zb] etc,etc so how can you expect any sence out of them as the saying goes what is the diffrence between a supermarket truck driver and a super market trolley… the trolley does have a mind of its OWN :grimacing:
and how dare you say that word towards the mighty truck of the planet!!! how very dare you, :laughing: :laughing:

half a brain?

What kinda stupid statement is that?

How can you generalize people who drive for supermarkets?

Think you need to get a grip mate!

i agree and how can someone who can,t spell insult others by calling them half a brain?

it’s can’t btw!!!

… It’s because we have to park them so close together and when you get out the drivers door, it hits the black plastic of the mirror on the truck parked next to it…

Are you able to open the door wide enough to pull the bonnet release so you can check the oil and water…before you start the engine?

Really sould get a life but has anyone else noticed that all asdas scanias have dents/damage on the drivers door just below the window, must be from a certain loading bay they use or somthing but its a couple of years since i first noticed this and it must cost a few £s to sort so you thhink they would find where this was happening and stop it.

From som of the answers i dont see how the mirrors are damaging the doors :open_mouth: more like the doors are getting bashed by the other doors opening on them … elf and saftey would say… you should be able to open the door fully and use 3 points of contact at all ties entering an exiting the cab

globby 480:
but leather spanky, they are only supermarket trolley drivers what aint got half a brain between them all!! they are shown what ways to go what times to stop [zb] etc,etc so how can you expect any sence out of them as the saying goes what is the diffrence between a supermarket truck driver and a super market trolley… the trolley does have a mind of its OWN :grimacing:
and how dare you say that word towards the mighty truck of the planet!!! how very dare you, :laughing: :laughing:

what a load of ■■■■■ you talk,i drive for a supermarket,good money,easy job,no hassle,oh & btw i`ve been driving 20yrs,general haulage,flats,containers,roping & sheeting,tramping etc probably did more miles in reverse than you have going forward :wink:

It is a shame though, the motors are pretty mint apart from the patch of scratches on the door. For a company that cares so much about cleanliness and tidyness, you’d think someone would sort the parking out to prevent this from happening.


Really sould get a life but has anyone else noticed that all asdas scanias have dents/damage on the drivers door just below the window, must be from a certain loading bay they use or somthing but its a couple of years since i first noticed this and it must cost a few £s to sort so you thhink they would find where this was happening and stop it.

From som of the answers i dont see how the mirrors are damaging the doors :open_mouth: more like the doors are getting bashed by the other doors opening on them … elf and saftey would say… you should be able to open the door fully and use 3 points of contact at all ties entering an exiting the cab

Nope-trust me,it’s definetly the mirrors! :wink:



Really sould get a life but has anyone else noticed that all asdas scanias have dents/damage on the drivers door just below the window, must be from a certain loading bay they use or somthing but its a couple of years since i first noticed this and it must cost a few £s to sort so you thhink they would find where this was happening and stop it.

From som of the answers i dont see how the mirrors are damaging the doors :open_mouth: more like the doors are getting bashed by the other doors opening on them … elf and saftey would say… you should be able to open the door fully and use 3 points of contact at all ties entering an exiting the cab

Nope-trust me,it’s definetly the mirrors! :wink:

may be its when an ASDA driver brings this back to base

and parks it up for the day in between two trucks "oooh its gonna be tight fit few more revs…easy does it…easy does…" CLUNK :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but then again it helps if they actually park within the yellow lines…


i dont need to spell do i, :wink: as the half a brain still tells you what the words are anyway and you still need to be show how to do the job as you carnt think for ya selfs,on every shift, at least the trollies have a mind of thereown :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

artn you trollie dollies so easy to rev, bet your the ones with the wonky wheel aswell :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


globby 480:
but leather spanky, they are only supermarket trolley drivers what aint got half a brain between them all!! they are shown what ways to go what times to stop [zb] etc,etc so how can you expect any sence out of them as the saying goes what is the diffrence between a supermarket truck driver and a super market trolley… the trolley does have a mind of its OWN :grimacing:
and how dare you say that word towards the mighty truck of the planet!!! how very dare you, :laughing: :laughing:

what a load of [zb] you talk,i drive for a supermarket,good money,easy job,no hassle,oh & btw i`ve been driving 20yrs,general haulage,flats,containers,roping & sheeting,tramping etc probably did more miles in reverse than you have going forward :wink:

i am taking the peeeeeeeeee, ya daft sods chill out you can’t be serious on here gordon bennett

Globbieeeee dear, have you not taken your pills again? :wink:

globby 480:
but leather spanky, they are only supermarket trolley drivers what aint got half a brain between them all!! they are shown what ways to go what times to stop [zb] etc,etc so how can you expect any sence out of them as the saying goes what is the diffrence between a supermarket truck driver and a super market trolley… the trolley does have a mind of its OWN :grimacing:
Im a lill peeved with your remark there about (trolley drivers) I worked for a firm that had a contract with sainsburys back in the ninties. We all had to do the the supermarket run… sometimes… but we were all general haulage drivers too!! Respect plse.

Globbieeeee dear, have you not taken your pills again? :wink:

yer just doubled up on the Prozac now :laughing: i be fine in a hour :wink:

What are you like Daz. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m stuck on the worst dolleys. (yellow day cabs).
So get me a decent 4 series sorted, based here in North Lanarkshire pronto me old son !!!

:laughing: :laughing: andy :grimacing: i dont have time to be training you every day :wink: :wink: i will do a change over with ya next time i am on my way up top of the land, i will stay at yours and you carry on and bring the truck back about a month later :smiley:, but i hope your lass has masterd the cooking of eggs as they were a bit runny last time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: for my breakfast :open_mouth:

globby 480:
:lol: :laughing: andy :grimacing: i dont have time to be training you every day :wink: :wink: i will do a change over with ya next time i am on my way up top of the land, i will stay at yours and you carry on and bring the truck back about a month later :smiley:, but i hope your lass has masterd the cooking of eggs as they were a bit runny last time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: for my breakfast :open_mouth:

You do cheer me up mate. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

At least the neighbouring door mirror gives assistance to the poor excuse for a check strap, there are just as many Scanias out there with the leading edge of the door bent and the bottom hinge cracked where a driver has had it snatched from his hand in the slightest of breezes. The original 4 series never had that problem, but you could spot their drivers from their limp and their swollen knee…Anyone who’s driven one will know what I mean.


Good thread!

I’m a saddo too.

Look closely, you’ll see alot of Eddies Scanias suffer the same fate.

Some drivers give a ■■■■, many don’t.

Boils my ■■■■ too !

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Ok Spanky-stop laughing!!! :smiley:

Saw one of there brand new 60 plate scanias broken down on the a13 yesterday didn’t notice the door though :open_mouth:

:roll: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Ok Spanky-stop laughing!!! :smiley:

don’t know what you mean mate :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: