This morning at the Bow interchange a lady cyclist lost her life in a collision with a tipper.
I went past there not long after it had happened there is a dedicated cycle lane round the roundabout with traffic lights specifically for the cyclist I don’t know if the cyclist had stopped at the lights or as a lot of cyclist around there do and jumped them IMO this roundabout is dangerous as if you don’t have eyes everywhere they come from nowhere.
I’m not going to get into who’s to blame as no information is available and I didn’t see the accident but it’s another tragic loss of life RIP lady cyclist and condolences to her family.
I also feel for the tipper driver who now has to live with this tragic accident on his conscience for the rest of his life.
Don’t think I’d like to carry on driving for a living if it was me.
Not a good day all round for cyclists today, 2 killed & 2 seriously injured. One in Nantwich was hit by a truck and killed, the truck didn’t stop. That makes 4 in a week.
I’m aware some on here aren’t too keen on cyclists but nobody deserves to die for choosing to ride to work do they?
Moral of the story, trucks kill-don’t zb with them…:!::!:
whilst I agree with what you say I think if the roundabout in question Was redesign there would be less accidents there.
Still doesn’t bring the dead woman back though.
The BBC reporting that; “It is thought the latest cyclist to be killed had been cycling on the CS2, although the crash happened just off the cycle superhighway”. Wtf does that mean?
A bit like saying “the pensioner drove down the motorway the right way, then turned round and drove down it the wrong way”
These discussions always seem to end up in a blame everybody else, but this doesn’t really achieve anything. Cyclist number have grown massively in London, and its really for the good, can you imagine the congestion if all those people drove a car round there. Nobody would get anywhere. Cyclist might like us to disappear or only work at night, but this ain’t going to happen, London needs trucks to deliver goods or remove stuff from construction sites. Night working isn’t practical and if it does happen then they’ll be loads of cyclists on the roads at night because they’ll need people to load and unload the trucks.
TFL like to have all these cycle lanes, but are cycle lanes that encourage cyclist down the left hand side of traffic really a good idea? No wonder the more savvy one go down the right hand side. As for jumping lights, yes it’s illegal, but they’re not the one who generally get run over by trucks, its the law abiding one who are sitting at the light waiting. That’s got to be a poor system that puts law abiding people at greater risk than those who ride illegally.
The roundabout on the A6 going into Preston under the M55 is being rebuilt and the southbound A6
now has 3 lanes, they have put a bike lane between lanes 1 & 2. I will not be using it, it look’s like an
accident waiting to happen.
Still doesn’t bring the dead woman back though.
No it doesn’t unfortunately but maybe if her & her fellow cyclists observed this little theory they might still be alive & less fatal incidents occuring…
Change in weather and lighting may be factors.
Bow roundabout needs looking at though it’s not cycle friendly.
It doesn’t seem to be very HGV friendly either since they’ve tinkered with it. Putting in that cycle lane round the outside has made a lot less space and it seems more like a series of corners than a smooth transition around it.
I still say that cyclists should have to wear helmets, OK it’s not going to stop you getting squashed but I’m sure some of these fatalities could be avoided by wearing them. We get endless amounts of red tape, hoops to jump through to try and limit these accidents, It wouldn’t hurt for the vulnerable road users to increase their own personal safety too.
Does anyone know who’s lorry it was? Hope it wasn’t one of Keltbrays’ as they’ve not got the best reputation judging from a search on cyclist forums.
A labourer on a site said to me today “they (8 wheelers) look round right ■■■■■■■■ to get around corners.” It’s surprising what a pain they can be, you can have the steer axles well away from a kerb, yet still clip it with the rear wheels. I wonder if cyclists notice a false gap which they enter, then get a nasty surprise?
Does anyone know who’s lorry it was? Hope it wasn’t one of Keltbrays’ as they’ve not got the best reputation judging from a search on cyclist forums.
A labourer on a site said to me today “they (8 wheelers) look round right [zb] to get around corners.” It’s surprising what a pain they can be, you can have the steer axles well away from a kerb, yet still clip it with the rear wheels. I wonder if cyclists notice a false gap which they enter, then get a nasty surprise?
Don’t know which company it was all I could see was the back of a yellow cab.
He was loaded and sheeted so must have been at full weight would have thought.
A question for the tipper drivers on here. What’s the max weight of an 8 wheeler.
MGW is 32t for an 8wheeler mate. Yellow cab around Bow, could be Pryors? KR79 will probably know. I have noticed that cyclists are being more careful around me so maybe they’ve got a fear of tippers after all the accidents?
One theory on collisions with tippers; Are they getting caught on the easy sheet arms? I snagged my hi viz on mine earlier, if a cyclists’ loose clothing gets caught on one they could easily get dragged off and under the rear wheels.
A labourer on a site said to me today “they (8 wheelers) look round right [zb] to get around corners.”
I got booked for an awkward Hiab job a couple of months ago, the site agent told me he’d asked for me rather than a 6 wheeler as it would be easier for me on a tight site because of the twin steer
MGW is 32t for an 8wheeler mate. Yellow cab around Bow, could be Pryors? KR79 will probably know. I have noticed that cyclists are being more careful around me so maybe they’ve got a fear of tippers after all the accidents?
One theory on collisions with tippers; Are they getting caught on the easy sheet arms? I snagged my hi viz on mine earlier, if a cyclists’ loose clothing gets caught on one they could easily get dragged off and under the rear wheels.
Thanks thought it was but wanted to make sure.
Is there no way bike bars could be fitted to the side of a tipper maybe to the chassie or something I understand about the body movement but surely something must be able to be done.
The cyclists blame the lack of under-run protection to front and sides of tippers for the high casualty rate.
This sounds plausible, but cyclists also get killed in crashes with buses and coaches (2 in London this week alone) and they have about the same ground clearance as a car.
My personal opinion is that the cycling ‘lobby’ has a huge attitude problem, and some of this is reflected in the self-righteous and reckless behaviour of some cyclists.
I’m a cyclist BTW, but I try to use the same set of skills and awareness that I do on a motorcycle rather than just hope and expect others will take responsibility for my safety because I won’t.
MGW is 32t for an 8wheeler mate. Yellow cab around Bow, could be Pryors? KR79 will probably know. I have noticed that cyclists are being more careful around me so maybe they’ve got a fear of tippers after all the accidents?
One theory on collisions with tippers; Are they getting caught on the easy sheet arms? I snagged my hi viz on mine earlier, if a cyclists’ loose clothing gets caught on one they could easily get dragged off and under the rear wheels.
Thanks thought it was but wanted to make sure.
Is there no way bike bars could be fitted to the side of a tipper maybe to the chassie or something I understand about the body movement but surely something must be able to be done.
This truck’s got sidebars on the chassis with a warning notice as infill
MGW is 32t for an 8wheeler mate. Yellow cab around Bow, could be Pryors? KR79 will probably know. I have noticed that cyclists are being more careful around me so maybe they’ve got a fear of tippers after all the accidents?
One theory on collisions with tippers; Are they getting caught on the easy sheet arms? I snagged my hi viz on mine earlier, if a cyclists’ loose clothing gets caught on one they could easily get dragged off and under the rear wheels.
Thanks thought it was but wanted to make sure.
Is there no way bike bars could be fitted to the side of a tipper maybe to the chassie or something I understand about the body movement but surely something must be able to be done.
Most of the London tippers have side bars fitted nowadays, Crossrail have started the ball rolling and FORS is popping up here there and everywhere demanding more and more.