Another quick is this legal?

Start work 5.45
Driving. 6.00-8.00
Break. 8.00-8.45
Other work. 8.45-10.45
Driving. 10.45-11.25
Other work 11.25-12.55
Break. 12.55-13.05
Driving 13.05-14.40
Other work. 14.40-14.55
Finish work. 14.55.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Start work 5.45 = 15 min work
Driving. 6.00-8.00 = 2 hours driving
Break. 8.00-8.45 = 45 min regs break
Other work. 8.45-10.45 = 2 hours work
Driving. 10.45-11.25 = 40 mins driving
Other work 11.25-12.55 = 1 hour 30 mins work
Break. 12.55-13.05 = not long enough for a regs break
Driving 13.05-14.40 = 1 hour 35 mins driving
Other work. 14.40-14.55 = 25 mins work
Finish work. 14.55.

9 hour 10 min shift
4 hours 15 mins driving so no driving time break needed
2 hours 10 mins work
6 hours 25 mins total working time
0485 to 1455 is 6 hours 10 mins but 10 mins break lessens the total to 6 hours so that is ok for WTD
30 mins needed for WTD but taken 45 mins so that is ok

I think my maths is ok … but my eyesight was not so EDITTED post

ROG a thought 8.00 till 8.45 was 45 mins.


It’s not legal.

You’ve had 10 minutes on break at 12:55 til 13:05. That doesn’t count as a break at all.

So you’ve exceeded the six hour WTD rule.

but as many others have pointed out on here no one has been prosecuted for WTD misdemeanours


It’s not legal.

You’ve had 10 minutes on break at 12:55 til 13:05. That doesn’t count as a break at all.

So you’ve exceeded the six hour WTD rule.

but as many others have pointed out on here no one has been prosecuted for WTD misdemeanours

The was a total of 6 hours working time for WTD because although the 10 min break does not count as a break for the regs it still counts as break time not driving or other work time

There’s no such thing as a 10 minute break…

The tacho will automatically record it as other work.

So, no breaks whatsoever shown in 6 hours 10 minutes.

There’s no such thing as a 10 minute break…

The tacho will automatically record it as other work.

So, no breaks whatsoever shown in 6 hours 10 minutes.

The tacho should not record a 10 min break as other work or driving time - if it does it needs to go in for repair

A driver can do
10 min drive
10 mins other work
10 mins break
10 min drive
10 mins other work
10 mins break
10 min drive
10 mins other work
10 mins break
That will total on the tacho a 30 mins of each but will not record any offical breaks

The tacho will automatically record it as other work.

No it won’t.

There’s no such thing as a 10 minute break…

The tacho will automatically record it as other work.

So, no breaks whatsoever shown in 6 hours 10 minutes.

If you put your tachograph on break for 10 minutes and it records the time as other work you need to defect the tachograph because it’s faulty :wink:

You can have a break of 1 minute and it will be recorded as break, it won’t count for the drivers regulations or the WTD unless it’s at-least 15 minutes long but it’s still break even if it’s less than 15 minutes.

Break doesn’t count towards working time regardless of how long or short the break is.

edit: As said it looks legal.

Ok Rog and wheelnutt…

I’ll agree with that.

So now we can work over six hours with only a ten minute break?

I never take breaks of less than 15 minutes. My previous experience of tachos showing other work was when they had paper discs in them.

So now we can work over six hours with only a ten minute break?.

No, but in the example he didn’t work over six hours. There was exactly six hours work between the 45 min break and the end of the shift.

So now we can work over six hours with only a ten minute break?

duty or shift time = yes
total recorded working time (driving + other work) = no

Legal example
work 1 hour
break 14 mins
drive 1 hour
break 14 mins
work 1 hour
break 14 mins
drive 1 hour
break 14 mins
work 1 hour
break 14 mins
drive 1 hour
break 15 mins

No it’s not legal from the end of your break at 8.45 you’ve gone 6hours 10 minutes the 10 min break means nothing you’re 10 min over your 6hour wtd you needed a 30min break before 14.45hrs

No it’s not legal from the end of your break at 8.45 you’ve gone 6hours 10 minutes the 10 min break means nothing you’re 10 min over your 6hour wtd you needed a 30min break before 14.45hrs

You can do 6 hours working time before needing a break, as breaks don’t count as working time he hasn’t gone over 6 hours working time.

I know what your saying but the 10 min don’t count so he’s not had his 30 min break within the 6hours or do you mean the 10 mins has stretched his 6 hours the same as poa would.

No it’s not legal from the end of your break at 8.45 you’ve gone 6hours 10 minutes the 10 min break means nothing you’re 10 min over your 6hour wtd you needed a 30min break before 14.45hrs

After 0845 there is only six hours WORK. The 10 min break isn’t “a break” for the purposes of RT(WT)R, but it is still time which they are not working. It’s the same if they had taken 10 min POA, that’s also time which isn’t work time.

The “six hour rule” is for time working between breaks (or start/end of shift), only driving time and other working time are working time, breaks or POA are not working time.

Calm down I just looked at the 10 min not being a break so yes it is legal,apologies we’re only human well some of us are :smiley:

I hope those of you that said it’s not legal haven’t do your Cpc! And tbh if your drivers you should know a break is a break it doesn’t count as working time regardless whether it’s 1 min or 15 mins

Don’t go on about cpc it’s just another government tax on the working man what all the shiny arses in Europe agreed to,now we got brexit they can scrap it but they won’t there fleecing to much money out of drivers how can cpc help I done the same module 3 times and then2 different so how is that helping drivers it’s a big con.

Don’t go on about cpc it’s just another government tax on the working man what all the shiny arses in Europe agreed to,now we got brexit they can scrap it but they won’t there fleecing to much money out of drivers how can cpc help I done the same module 3 times and then2 different so how is that helping drivers it’s a big con.

This goverment tax how much do they make on a £40 course after the staff, room, food and paperwork have been done, as for scraping it they should make a test at end pass you drive fail as you would you don’t.