Amazon at it again!

Doubt I will be delivering there with the current company I work for (unless Amazon start selling porridge! :smiley: )
I have however just e-mailed them saying I will no longer be making any purchases from them until this inhumane act is resolved.

Fact ; I delivered (or tried to!) about 3 weeks ago :slight_smile:
Fact ; There were seats in the ‘cooler’, about eight. :slight_smile:
Fact ;The toilet (only one) was clean. :astonished:
Fact;[zb] Me, never tried the door… didnt know I was actually locked in!! Glad they didnt tell me :cry: :open_mouth:
Fact ; I arrived 3 hours early for booking (because I was running up from London and didnt want to chance delays or missed time slot. Had to wait till 15 minutes before allocated time…Absolutely No problem with that, comfort of own truck ; stove, fridge food and bed!! e.t.c
Fact ; 8 other trucks were also parked outside the gates, pretty much with the same booking- in time,waiting patiently to get through the gatehouse.
Fact ; Backed onto bay, yard full of various Amazon staff walking around different trucks (Indestructable of course cos theyve got hi-viz divvy bibs on!) One of them is apparently taking care of me. He Chocks the trailer whilst showing someone who appeared to be “Trainee Banksmen” or some title.
.Fact; Two other drivers and me were ‘safely escorted’ from this enviroment of unparelled danger!!! :arrow_right: to The Cooler, where for the first time it became clear to me that it was one of these places (Keys handed in, sit and wait there etc etc) :unamused:
At this time I had about 2 hours duty time left, so I was pleasantly surprised when after only 40 minutes in Custody; a Fella came out of the office and shouted my dock number and waved my keys at me!! :open_mouth:
I was friendly escorted (Safely I should add !) out into the Danger Area!! where it was finally disclosed to me in a whisper that “Its been refused!” :open_mouth:
“Oh… I thought that was quick!” Says I, whilst looking carefully around, ( well after all… it can be very dangerous walking around, with at the time now only one person looking after me in the outside world! ) “Why has it been refused then?” I added, trying to sound concerned and bothered about what my Guardian had just told me!
“Pallets are too high!!”
“Eh :question: !”
“Aye, they should know … 150 cms maximum”
“Yeah, someone could get really hurt with them , eh” I remarked in a tone of concern that my Guardian took as serious!! :wink: (These palletised boxes were very well stacked and well wrapped)
So now I had the prospect of becoming Father Christmas to every ■■■■■ kid within a 50 mile radius, as my curtainsided load consisted of what looked like battery or motorised plastic scooters. trikes and buggys!!
So yeah they were really security conscious sending me back out on the streets eh :laughing:
Seriously…To bore you for not much longer… there was a happy ending… I got re-directed down to ND at Motherwell, where I was helpfully tipped quickly, and kindly allowed to park up safely overnight there with minutes to spare on the Tacho… Happy Days! :laughing:

Some of the Drivers i k :wink: now need locking up

Off topic a bit but funny. At my parents this weekend and this morning they had this small doormat delivered from Amazon, in this insane about of packaging! Nothing else, just the doormat. Unbelievable.

Off topic a bit but funny. At my parents this weekend and this morning they had this small doormat delivered from Amazon, in this insane about of packaging! Nothing else, just the doormat. Unbelievable.

They should have refused it as the box was too high :laughing:

Off topic a bit but funny. At my parents this weekend and this morning they had this small doormat delivered from Amazon, in this insane about of packaging! Nothing else, just the doormat. Unbelievable.

That’s quite funny actually as I had a same size box waiting for me this morning when I got in. And what did it have inside? A small USB laptop mouse. :open_mouth:

Ive have similar experiences with over packaging something which can easily fit through your letterbox comes in a bloody massive box. You’re not in so it gets sent to the sorting office thus wasting your time going down to collect it. You think wtf is this and open it and its the senna dvd you bought which has came in a box the same size as a shoe box for some bizarre reason :confused:

So they treat their products with more care than drivers eh? See where their priorities are? :wink:

I am doing a night trunk this week, I have brought a load back up for delivery to Amazon this afternoon, I will quiz my day man and get some up to date info, I will post the results tomorrow… and he isnt the best of drivers to get on with, so being locked up with a few other drivers might be fun… watch this space.,

So my day driver went there , and reported back to me, he had to wait until near his booking time, he was then allocated a bay, escorted to the slammer, where he and several other drivers were provided with plastic seats, a coffee machine and toilet facilities but no telly … the only questionable bit now is that they WERE LOCKED IN… his full load was tipped in 45 mins…compare that to one of our other drivers spending 3 hrs on a bay at tesco livingston the same night…
frankly , I would be grateful for the no telly part due to the amount of [zb] programs we have to put up woth.


I am doing a night trunk this week, I have brought a load back up for delivery to Amazon this afternoon, I will quiz my day man and get some up to date info, I will post the results tomorrow… and he isnt the best of drivers to get on with, so being locked up with a few other drivers might be fun… watch this space.,

So my day driver went there , and reported back to me, he had to wait until near his booking time, he was then allocated a bay, escorted to the slammer, where he and several other drivers were provided with plastic seats, a coffee machine and toilet facilities but no telly … the only questionable bit now is that they WERE LOCKED IN… his full load was tipped in 45 mins…compare that to one of our other drivers spending 3 hrs on a bay at tesco livingston the same night…
frankly , I would be grateful for the no telly part due to the amount of sh** programs we have to put up woth.

thanks for the truth. I may thank Mr Bezos for the plastic chairs

Are these posts for real?, if I turned up at a delivery point and was told that I had to hand my keys in and be locked in a room whilst waiting to be unloaded, they can ■■■■■ hof and ■■■■ the consequences, I am a human being, this is what they did in the 1940s in Auswich, we drivers should stand up and be counted, bollox to these companies that demand this sort of thing, we should all make a stand and say NO!.

me personally, i would get back in the cab and drive straight back out of the gate if they tried locking me in the room

Bang on in my opinion.
I’ve got the stuff, they want the stuff. They will sort something out or they are gonna be short on stock. No need to treat drivers or anyone like this. Never understood why certain companies have rules meaning drivers arent allowed in the back of THEIR OWN trailers. They have driven for hundreds of miles with the stuff!

Never understood why certain companies have rules meaning drivers arent allowed in the back of THEIR OWN trailers.

try being told by a VOSA official that you cant get on top of your tank to open the lids because your not qualified!.. :open_mouth:

i did at this point inform him that i had as recently as the day before and with scant regard of my own safety had actually climbed up on top of the tank to close all 5 lids all by myself!

I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!! had a reply to my e-mail i sent to amazon ceo jeff Bezos :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Dear Mr Stone,

My name is Angela Keane and I work within Executive Customer Relations.

I am contacting you on behalf of the office of Mr Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO. After reviewing your correspondence of 27th October, Mr Bezos has requested that I respond to your e-mail.

Rest assured however, Mr Bezos takes e-mails like yours very seriously and is very aware of the issue and our response both to you as well as internally to the various relevant departments.

Fulfilment Centres are industrialised environments where we have processes and systems in place to ensure high standards and safety for all employees, suppliers and delivery partners.

We are currently completing the fit out of our Dunfermline Fulfilment Centre ahead of it becoming fully operational in the coming weeks. We do have a waiting area for drivers which includes seating and enhancements to that area are being made ahead of the building’s launch. Drivers are not locked within this area.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.


Angela Keane
Executive Customer Relations

A new bit of jargon there for us. Fulfilment centres. ‘That bloody Tesco Fulfilment Centre at Avonmouth is a nightmare’. Could catch on. … by-amazon/

Denis F:
Delivery drivers "locked up" in empty room by Amazon - Deadline News

:question: :confused: :confused: :question: :confused: Why have you posted the same link as in the OP?

Rob K:

Denis F:

:question: :confused: :confused: :question: :confused: Why have you posted the same link as in the OP?

because I forgot to go back and read page one , saw this on fb and thought it was different :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

The reply from Amazon says ‘they are not locked up’ which essentially denies exactly what our
boys have been complaining about.
Denial in the form of use of careful words is common.

We know the locking took place, so why is Amazon effectively saying it didn’t?

I suggest we have some reports next week chaps. We all need to know if the locking
has actually stopped…or not.

Just to keep on a topical theme.

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