

WTF are you havering about

Nice one Gordon. :laughing: :laughing: What is known as a ā€œNail on headā€ post.

I think Sam just started another thread similar to the van den bosch bullcrapā€¦ :laughing: :laughing:

Lots of people chatting meaningless bull :smiley: :smiley: no harm in that
:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: outta here :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


jessicas dad:




and you wonder why none of us listened to you lot

Nope. Never wondered that. I think most of us knew you wouldnā€™t listen to reason.

Awww poor Gogz sorry I dragged you into this one, but hey you know I feel heā€™s a fighter and he will survive without my help! but me well reason never, well not at least incharge of a keyboard with no breathalyser!! Iā€™m still struggling with sleep over where I put the chipolata Iā€™ve been around the trailer park asking everyone with no joy! the only suggestion is maybe cook it and use the fat to grease the ball joint? but guess what Iā€™m clean out of balls and I have only got Linda Mcā€™cartneys sausages in the freezer and the dogs wonā€™t even eat them!! and NMM another time another life who knows? Iā€™d love to find out if my feet are colder than yourā€™s whilst playing with your beast if youā€™d allow me? :grimacing:

WTF are you havering about

drugs or booze blame both gogz.


you thick gitā€¦ it means she is either on drugs or boozeā€¦ read it again.

jessicas dad:


jessicas dad:




and you wonder why none of us listened to you lot

Nope. Never wondered that. I think most of us knew you wouldnā€™t listen to reason.

Awww poor Gogz sorry I dragged you into this one, but hey you know I feel heā€™s a fighter and he will survive without my help! but me well reason never, well not at least incharge of a keyboard with no breathalyser!! Iā€™m still struggling with sleep over where I put the chipolata Iā€™ve been around the trailer park asking everyone with no joy! the only suggestion is maybe cook it and use the fat to grease the ball joint? but guess what Iā€™m clean out of balls and I have only got Linda Mcā€™cartneys sausages in the freezer and the dogs wonā€™t even eat them!! and NMM another time another life who knows? Iā€™d love to find out if my feet are colder than yourā€™s whilst playing with your beast if youā€™d allow me? :grimacing:

WTF are you havering about

drugs or booze blame both gogz.


you thick gitā€¦ it means she is either on drugs or boozeā€¦ read it again.

Nah, she missed the Moroccan suggestion :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

shame about you not being black, otherwise wouldā€™nt mind you getting up my nose

Is that Moroccan? :laughing:

No thatā€™s for smoking itā€™s Coke thatā€™s supposed to be put up your nose but itā€™s difficult getting the can out afterwards. :open_mouth: :laughing:


Wheel Nut:

shame about you not being black, otherwise wouldā€™nt mind you getting up my nose

Is that Moroccan? :laughing:

No thatā€™s for smoking itā€™s Coke thatā€™s supposed to be put up your nose but itā€™s difficult getting the can out afterwards. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Donā€™t do drugs, that is not an instruction, just an observation :laughing:

jessicas dad:


you thick gitā€¦ it means she is either on drugs or boozeā€¦ read it again.

Whoā€™s She the cats mother? :open_mouth: No drugs Iā€™m far too poor for them, more like a bottle of meths on a sea-front!!!.. Could also be that Iā€™m a total fruit & nut bar! :laughing: :laughing:ā€¦X

Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

the big un:
Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

Hell I just read that as Wheel Nut :blush:

Wrong entranceā€¦

Wheel Nut:

the big un:
Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

Hell I just read that as Wheel Nut :blush:

Wrong entranceā€¦

Seriously Wheel Nut you really souldā€™nt do drugs, they really mess your head up, you end a right wheelnut whip!!! :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

the big un:
Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

Hell I just read that as Wheel Nut :blush:

Wrong entranceā€¦

Lol back door deliveries by very limit invation and your the wrong gender lol

Wheelnut whipā€¦ Ah manā€¦ that is just so bad!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the big un:

Wheel Nut:

the big un:
Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

Hell I just read that as Wheel Nut :blush:

Wrong entranceā€¦

Lol back door deliveries by very limit invation and your the wrong gender lol

before you enter just leave me your keys please lol


the big un:

Wheel Nut:

the big un:
Fruit&Nut is ok prefere Whole Nut lol :smiley: :smiley:

Hell I just read that as Wheel Nut :blush:

Wrong entranceā€¦

Lol back door deliveries by very limit invation and your the wrong gender lol

before you enter just leave me your keys please lol

what valet parking lol

ā– ā– ? :confused: My head hurts :question: