AI >> gaining momentum.... whose jobs will go first?

. I did see a robotic brick layer on the tube.

Commuting in London?

I dont disagree, but it is about the prompts used for asking it questions sometimes… and me, I ask it what to ask it lol…

:laughing: Hats off, you have more patience with this tech than I could muster, but if I plan to play with it again I’ll certainly take my lead from your cues on how to get the best out of it.

Perhaps overuse of AI might eventually lead to an unintentional backlash in education? Such as adding a significant oral exam component where answers are required on-the-spot and there’s no opportunity to resort to tech-cheats.


I dont disagree, but it is about the prompts used for asking it questions sometimes… and me, I ask it what to ask it lol…

:laughing: Hats off, you have more patience with this tech than I could muster, but if I plan to play with it again I’ll certainly take my lead from your cues on how to get the best out of it.

Perhaps overuse of AI might eventually lead to an unintentional backlash in education? Such as adding a significant oral exam component where answers are required on-the-spot and there’s no opportunity to resort to tech-cheats.

It’ll be like calculators can’t remember if we were allowed to use em or not in exams, but remember it being a discussion with an elderly relative saying it was cheating and how people one day wouldn’t be able to do basic maths. :neutral_face:

I like it for letters as someone else pointed out, 5 seconds to fire one off for whatever reason, and can have humour, guilt etc added to it depending on purpose… why added that office will change, as simple thing like responding to letters if complaint, means 5seconds to scan letter, write appropriate response bullet points of their concernes, and then how to sod off :laughing: done in a polite and caring way. Or scan all these CVs and then give me bullet points of each, and compare them all and tell me which is best candidate for my job requirements… and thats possible now with just chatgpt,
100 CV’s checked in 2 minutes…

Didnt Plato or Socrates suggest that writing and reading will weaken ones memory?
Weren`t they anti new technology then?

I am very happy for my Dr to look things up on her computor. Better than relying on memory alone. I am also confident that what is stored on that computor is understood by my Dr because of her training and what is already held in her brain to interpret and apply that info.

Job losses through technology have long been predicted, but dont always arrive as predicted. New tech may create as many new jobs as it destroys old jobs. Not many would want automated dirty jobs, remade as lower tech again. But just because automation hasnt led to mass unemployment in the developed world so far, doesnt mean that it wont tomorrow, or the next day.

If such a time arrives, or is possible, it is up to society to manage it.
It could be mass unemployment and poverty for the masses, with just a few very rich people,
It could be a working year of a few weeks and fully paid holidays for 11 months for all.

Mass unemployment is only a bad thing if wealth is unfairly distributed.
Mass unemployment is only another name for unfunded holidays.
With money who is against more holidays?

“Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a Man’s Mind”.

As a Dune fan, I thought of this as being quite on-topic here.

“Evil” is something that a machine/Robot can do rather better than a Human. “Amorality” is the reason why, imo.
Those humans that lean towards no religious creed - are the ones most likely to take such a path, of course…

There is a certain logic to that:

“Believers say I’m going to hell for being Wicked, but as I don’t believe in Hell, God, Jesus, or the power of the current state I didn’t vote for neither - I’m immortal until the day I die, and as such, my own Hubris - is supreme!”

Not my view that, but it is surely one that we all come up across - nearly every day! :open_mouth:

Its another argument for universal basic income - millions wil soon be out of work and middle class people wont like that £84 a week dole money.

Its another argument for universal basic income - millions wil soon be out of work and middle class people wont like that £84 a week dole money.

Guess from comments on another thread, they’ll be increasing the baby output to match the debt repayments… so about 16+ :laughing: then again they can ask AI how many precisely required to match the repayments…’

You can now get the ghatgpt in Edge browser … for anyone wanting to have a mess around…

To install the Bing AI app on Windows 11, use these steps:
Open Microsoft Edge.
Open Bing AI website.
Click the Settings and more (three-dotted) button in the top-right corner.
Select the Apps submenu.
Click the “Install this site as an app” option.
Click the Install button.

do “Create Image…” then put in what you want, and get images too… use "create image of a 3d render … etc etc " and get cartoon style… or “photoshop” for photo style image ■■

SOME TIME SHORTLY AFTER… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

a robot truck driver by his long truck outside a truck stop selling food, with human truckers laughing with him

Its another argument for universal basic income - millions wil soon be out of work and middle class people wont like that £84 a week dole money.

UBI is looking more likely as time goes on, IMHO. But it isn`t a good fit for our present capitalist system.

Realising that we are in an interconnected world, and that this needs a book written, not a post on TNUK…

We want to see improvements in our lives. Mostly we aren`t content with what we have. We want more/better for ourselves and our kids.
Capitalism needs population growth, to grow the economy and provide us with the future we want.
But excessive population will kill our planet.

Off to the Immigration threads: UK is full up etc, but we want a growing economy and jobs need filling. UK birth rate is shrinking, and politicians are not being honest :open_mouth: about things. We aren`t being honest with ourselves.

Capitalism isn`t going to work in the future, if we are mostly no longer wage slaves. UBI seems the most likely way forward.
Not tomorrow, for sure, but discussion is needed sooner rather than later.

The advent of UBI presents new social issues however…

“The Devil Makes Work for Idle Hands”.

We face a possible “Judge Dredd” style distopian future, should tens of millions of people all be out-of-work at once, and receiving money for which they have to perform no discipline such as work/retraining/education to receive.

America and CDBC moving forward maybe, Independence day next month too for them. Curious if happens, and on that date, as would make UBI much easier… just a rumour though lol…

Frankly from the opening example, this is rubbish.
We will need humans as intelligent as readers of this website to check the output.
No Watford Gap Services?!
Cannot even get the basics right!

Frankly from the opening example, this is rubbish.
We will need humans as intelligent as readers of this website to check the output.
No Watford Gap Services?!
Cannot even get the basics right!

Good point, but if you do it today and ask it to list them for HGVs, you get Watford services in the list, as it learns, and the more its used the faster it learns, plus a system thats live and not restricted would be using the Internet also, expect someone told it, it was missing Watford lol… :laughing: but you can’t beat experience either… for now, however like the computer will never replace an office filing system, etc etc … or satnavs and maps, some still prefer maps, me being one, but reality is the satnav’s are getting better.



how CPC Trainers can use it… it learns more and perfects things the more it does them,

Expect much effin and jeffin.

:laughing: :laughing: anyone using it with internet access maybe should tell it “exclude the use of switch logics youtube transcripts” :smiley: but thats the other issue, copyright gets washed out as it rewords everything… a big argument at moment over some image AI’s and shuttertock & getty images that it scrapped to produce its art… so as usual lawers will be quids in

It would reply ‘who?’ :smiley:

I’m equal parts terrified of it and excited by it. Actually no I think terrified just edges it

I’m not concerned by it, perhaps if my name was Sarah Connor it might be different.

Also missing Trowell, but I’m not telling it, I am keeping my edge against AI, when computers take over I am going to hide there as they do not know it exists! … NGJi?ep=14

This was an interesting listen regarding AI.

Also missing Trowell, but I’m not telling it, I am keeping my edge against AI, when computers take over I am going to hide there as they do not know it exists!

:unamused: its like swimming in the sea, always take a mate thats a slower swimmer…just in case sharks are lurking :wink: :laughing: … force-test

From what I can see the first ones to go will be those near it.

Development of:
1.Free will, completed
2.Self preservation, completed