Aftermath of holidays

I week off and come back to find my stowage bin gone,bungy straps gone,all the protection pieces gone ,you leave stuff on your truck so it makes life easier for anyone who may use the truck /
Do the job when your off and you get re-paid by it all going walkabouts :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :unamused: :unamused: ,sad really, and there was me feeling guilty about taking my air duster out .

I am suprised that you expected another outcome! Some people just don’t give a s*** or have any pride in what they do anymore.

I wouldn’t leave the steam off my ■■■■ if I thought another person was using my truck. to many things I would have bought to be abused/taken.

I’m a day man but the lorry is allocated to me, i don’t leave a lot in it and to be fair not much gets taken.

However every time i’m off for a few days, i return to find yet more damage, its very disappointing especially as those responsible don’t have to sort it out nor do they get disciplined so consequently they’re not in the least bothered just say they’ve had a scrape and bugger off home.
You expect it to be left filthy dirty as so few have pride in their work any more, but the damage is sheer incompetence.

I am off this week, I am well known in the co for being both ott and ocd (yeh, I know and for other things… before anybody jumps :smiley: ) when it comes to my cab interior.

When I first started with this firm, I came back to a complete â– â– â– â–  tip of a motor. I seriously kicked off, chucked my toys out of the pram, and took 2 hours to clean it instead of setting off with my loaded trailer.
So from then I have had no problems for last 5 years or so, as my boss knows the score, and is good enough to ensure some skanky 2at does not drive it.

I asked who was going on it, and it is a day man who is a sensible and clean sort of a guy, so I do have the boss to thank again,… and will do.

I took stuff out like bedding, kettle, and valuables and left the rest in.
I also left him a note to tell him to leave it as clean and tidy for me as I left it for him. I will go in on Sun to check, if it is a mess (which I doubt) I will do the same and sort it in co time on Tues when I start back, but doubt (and hope) if it will come to that again.
It is all about the same old thing, standing up for yourself. :bulb:
I recall the ‘note’ thing was discussed on here before, and a few agency types got ■■■■■ about it, but ■■■■ it, the truck is my home for longer in the year than my actual home is.
If I stayed in somebody’s home I would have the decency, good manners, and upbringing to respect it.

I always leave trucks in no worse state than when I get into them. The ‘regular’ driver is no doubt taken aback sometimes when they can see the dashboard and the dials again, courtesy of the temp driver knowing how to use a duster. :wink:

I always leave trucks in no worse state than when I get into them. The ‘regular’ driver is no doubt taken aback sometimes when they can see the dashboard and the dials again, courtesy of the temp driver knowing how to use a duster. :wink:

Guilty of that. Have come back to find my cab wiped down and dusted. I don’t leave it in a truly bad state but it does get grubby inside with dust. I was surprised that my dials were that bright! :laughing:

I think the guy whose truck I’ve been in the last few days will struggle to find his straps now they’re all neatly coiled and in the stowage bin instead of tossed in a tangled heap in the footwell…

I sometimes leave my motor at Mercs for the odd warranty job at weekend…
If there is one to pick up I will and take it back, most of them are clean and tidy inside (but not as mine :sunglasses: :smiley: )
As for some of them, it never ceases to amaze me how some dirty â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  live in such â– â– â– â–  holes.
As soon as you stick your nose in the cab the smell of rotten feet hit you, and the cab is a complete crap pit.
I get out feeling grubby.

To be honest, sitting here my cab is pretty untidy but I blame that on having too much stuff and not enough places to put stuff. Got to love the Premium with its two storage lockers!

I remember having a week off and a smoker had my truck, ashtray full and cab floor covered in dog ends plus nicotine stains over the headlining. I wasn’t a happy bunny!


Consider yourselves lucky. Was off for a week end of August, came back to find a bloody great ding in the cab roof and a hole in the body roof. And no it wasn’t an agency driver either. :smiling_imp:

This forum is turning into the life and times of dolly dozy :laughing:

We’ll be getting the holiday snaps next :unamused:

This forum is turning into the life and times of dolly dozy :laughing:

We’ll be getting the holiday snaps next :unamused:

Doze bless him, has more adventures than Noddy and Big Ears :laughing:

Right leave dozy alone as he is keeping me entertained while on enforced rest

Now I don’t have that problem if I leave anything in it is there when I come back but have worked at a place when I did take everything out as it might not have been there when I got back & this was not agency they just though they had the right to take it as there own

This forum is turning into the life and times of dolly dozy :laughing:

We’ll be getting the holiday snaps next :unamused:

If I knew how to id post the 2 pics that I took of the busted patio chair on our balcony, according to the receptionist its a regular occurrence, patio chairs breaking , what I haven’t got is any pics of me ending up in a big heap on the floor, apparently I’ve bruised my cocksic( or some bone at the top of my ■■■( and it’s still painful a week on ,Im not very PCs savy but I’ll see if I can get someone to show me how you post pics up.
Rest was just your normal â– â– â– â– â– â–  up Brit abroad(fully inclusive it just has to be done :exclamation: :angry:

From what I can gather the truck
Was used thurs/ fri/day/sun 24/7 pm tesco work ,mon-fri tramping,sat, sun, mon tesco 24/7, same
Driver tramping but all different ones in it on tesco, just can’t seem to pin it down as to when it went , trampers says it was there when he used it , so you’d think it went sat, sun, mon before I came back but I just can’t see what use edge protection would be for a tesco driver , one of life’s mysterys , and a lesson

Absolutely no excuse for leaving someone else’s cab in a ■■■■ tip! Smacks of having zero respect, and downright ■■■■■■■ lazy.

I always leave my cab as clear as I practicably can when I’m going to be off. I was absolutely amazed last time, as not not only had my couplings not been half inched…but I found I now had a second spare set :open_mouth: :grimacing:

Dozy, if I was a company driver with my own unit I’d clear everything out before going on holiday or even at the end of the week.

I always carry some cleaning kit and spare bulbs/multi-tool in my bag, can’t stand manky cabs. Even get stroppy if the suzies are left in a tangle :blush: .

There’s only one company and fellow agency driver at my regular place that are even more OCD than me :laughing:

First day back after 9 days off and… gleaming inside and out! Suspicious I am young Skywalker.