Advise needed

Hi. I inserted my card this morning and after 30min driving the tachograph showed I had been driving for 2h 53min. It then flashed at 4h.15 so I stopped and took a 47min break to clear it. On down loading it later it said I had exceed my daily driving.
The down load also showed it had been used on Sat and Sun, no weekly rest, though it didn’t show any details like vehicle or times etc. The card has not been used since Thursday and has been in my bag so can’t have been used by anyone else.
Does anyone know how this would have happened? Is it a fault with the card or with the vehicle I was using?


Has anyone used the truck since you did last?

I might be wrong but cant you get the infringment on your card if you dont clear the warning msg “driving without card” before you put your card in… I could be wrong.

Sometimes when I get my tacho report showing any infringements, I get one saying I’ve taken insufficient daily or weekly rest. I know for a fact it’s total rubbish as for one, I don’t work weekends. Once I finish at around 5pm on a Friday, that’s me till Monday at 8am.(That’s roughly a 60hr weekly rest period) And it’s an 8am start every morning for me and the latest I ever work is till 6.30pm(My daily rest is never anything less than 13hrs). So quite how I manage to get infringements for this ill never know.

But I’ve never had anything showing up while driving like you have described. Sounds strange.:confused:

Has anyone used the truck since you did last?

I might be wrong but cant you get the infringment on your card if you dont clear the warning msg “driving without card” before you put your card in… I could be wrong.

The truck was used by someone else since then and has been moved by the loaders. I always clear the warning msg before putting the card in and did so this morning…I think.

If someone removed their card and then drove on, would that have added the extra driving time to my card?

Im not sure but when i started we were told to clear the tacho msg or the infringments would be on our cards.

If the tacho unit is the siemens 1.4 and you put your card in at start of duty and just go with no manual entries , it will carry on from your last driving period, likewise if you have not put in your breaks (daily or weekly rest) it will assume that as other work.

If the tacho unit is the siemens 1.4 and you put your card in at start of duty and just go with no manual entries , it will carry on from your last driving period, likewise if you have not put in your breaks (daily or weekly rest) it will assume that as other work.

I think you might be right westham. I can do manual entries but with this one, the siemens, I have only ever used it a couple of times and have difficulty knowing what is asking me in regard to the manual entry. If what you say is correct then that seems to be the problem.

Thanks for your help… and to the other posters


If the tacho unit is the siemens 1.4 and you put your card in at start of duty and just go with no manual entries , it will carry on from your last driving period, likewise if you have not put in your breaks (daily or weekly rest) it will assume that as other work.

All the new Mercs and FH’s at work have these fitted, can be a PITA if you forget to do the manual in the morning (you have 30 seconds to start the entry).

One way round it (though not legal) is to set the mode to bed for a minute before you take out your card and set it to bed before inserting the card in the morning then the tacho assumes you have been on rest for the period of removal.

Does sound like it is all related to a lack of correct manual entry and your previous driving period has now been added to this driving period.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much and just to be sure I would make a printout for the last day of work and write on the back that you started weekly rest at ‘date & time’, add your digi card number, name and signature. Then do the same for this first shift and write on the back that you ended your daily rest at ‘date & time’. This more than covers you for a roadside check.

Does sound like it is all related to a lack of correct manual entry and your previous driving period has now been added to this driving period.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much and just to be sure I would make a printout for the last day of work and write on the back that you started weekly rest at ‘date & time’, add your digi card number, name and signature. Then do the same for this first shift and write on the back that you ended your daily rest at ‘date & time’. This more than covers you for a roadside check.

Thank’s shep532. I’ll do that

you will know if its the 1.4 as when you put your card in it will say 1M entry. select yes and press ok manual entry screen will appear you will see two lines of date and times, the top line is when you last removed your card and the bottom line is when you inserted your card. the mode symbol on bottom line is flashing, use up and down arrows to change then ok button to confirm, then date and time will flash change these to the time and date last shift finished press ok to confirm, This info will now move to the top line and bottom line mode symbol will flash input rest symbol press ok then time and date this will be your rest so move date to present and time to when your shift started press ok, this now moves to the top and the bottom line is now only asking for infomation on what you been doing since you started your shift. A very basic guide but i hope it stops you getting unnecessary infringements.

Just been watching that :smiley: It’s a pity they can’t make one standard unit then this problem wouldn’t occur.

If it is a 1.4 type tacho,you MUST put the tacho on “Break” before you eject the card on all types of tacho,otherwise on the 1.4,it will think you have been on duty since you last removed the card,and you must make a manual entry to state what you have been doing since your card was last used.

I will post the instructions I have for this tacho to tell you how to make a manual entry.

Your all going to jail!

If where you work, that when you pull your card out and then have to get debriefed or do anykind of other work, Dont follow bestbooties advice

If it is a 1.4 type tacho,you MUST put the tacho on “Break” before you eject the card

What rubbish i never put it on “break” before ejecting my card and i never have any problems. :confused:

bald bloke:

If it is a 1.4 type tacho,you MUST put the tacho on “Break” before you eject the card

What rubbish i never put it on “break” before ejecting my card and i never have any problems. :confused:

Surely - if I select the break/rest mode - then press the eject button and answer the logging out questions (country, print out etc) I just broke the rules by working whilst on a break ? :unamused: Surely it should be on cross hammers whilst carrying out the logging out process. :wink:

I have to say there is some nonsense being talked in this thread, if you do manual entries instead of leaving the tachograph to guess what you’ve been doing it won’t matter if the tachograph is flashing “driving without card”, nor will it matter what mode you leave the tachograph on at the end of the shift.

These problems usually arise because drivers shove the card in and leave it to do it’s own thing.
It’s probably a design fault but unfortunately mind reading is not something digital tachographs are particularly good at :wink: