Abolish Bank Holidays

Seems like a very good idea to me!

guardian.co.uk/commentisfree … scrap-them

I’m with you! All they do is encourage me to spend Sunday in the pub with my mates, do loads of money and wake up with a sore head… :frowning: :blush:

bank holidays.
what’s the point? i’ve never understood why we have them.
introduced by banks that work part time, and still want to do even less.

bank holidays.
what’s the point? i’ve never understood why we have them.
introduced by banks that work part time, and still want to do even less.

Well said

I would rather be at work training for my next test then be sat on my back side

I would rather be at work training for my next test then be sat on my back side

Exactly, let’s abolish them until the recession is over.

A lot of firms now absorb them into your holiday allowance, me being as cynical as I am reckon it is so that they can get you to work for single time on said Bank hol, instead of extra rate + day in lieu as it always was, and me being as arsey as I am refuse to work them because of this :neutral_face:

Abolish Banks!

Abolish Banks!

they nearly did that on their own. :laughing:

i would love to go back to a cash society.

I only work a couple of days a week, so they mean nothing to me, other than grockles causing bottle necks on the Monday :laughing:

What bank holiday :question:


I would rather be at work training for my next test then be sat on my back side

Exactly, let’s abolish them until the recession is over.

Let’s go the whole hog and abolish weekends too. I’m sure we would be more productive if we didn’t spend time with our families and children which could be spent working.

I only work a couple of days a week, so they mean nothing to me, other than grockles causing bottle necks on the Monday :laughing:

Just had a google for what a grockle is. You learn something every day! I quite like it, grockle grockle :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Harry Monk:


I would rather be at work training for my next test then be sat on my back side

Exactly, let’s abolish them until the recession is over.

Let’s go the whole hog and abolish weekends too. I’m sure we would be more productive if we didn’t spend time with our families and children which could be spent working.


Good grief there are some sad gits on here, it’s a day off man! We already get the least amount of bank holidays in Europe. I’ve never got my head around people who work all hours then, when paid time off is given, they sit around wishing they were at work. How boring is that, get out and get a life FFS.
When I drove for ASDA they went on strike rather than give up their bank holidays, it did cost 120 drivers their jobs mind but that’s the union for you. Get out and do something.

Good grief there are some sad gits on here, it’s a day off man! We already get the least amount of bank holidays in Europe. I’ve never got my head around people who work all hours then, when paid time off is given, they sit around wishing they were at work. How boring is that, get out and get a life FFS.
When I drove for ASDA they went on strike rather than give up their bank holidays, it did cost 120 drivers their jobs mind but that’s the union for you. Get out and do something.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I like you.

What bank holiday :question:

all of zem. you vil vork.

as it happens, it is still illegal to celebrate christmas in great britain.
it was introduced by cromwell, and still hasn’t been over turned.

I still get triple time or double time and a day in lieu for working a bank hol. I would much rather keep them thanks ! :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t think many of you actually read the link! :unamused: :grimacing:

44 Tonne Ton:
I don’t think many of you actually read the link! :unamused: :grimacing:

Yes the idea make a good deal of sense as you (and the employers) can plan the holiday.

(from the link)…
In short, bank holidays are crap. Even so, I’d hate to give you the impression that I’m against people getting time off work. I’m a realist, not a killjoy. I’m all for people being allowed out of the office once in a while. Or, at least, I would be, if they weren’t released all at once. Surely it would be better to legislate that everyone should be allowed a few days extra holiday a year, to take at their leisure? (And I use the word “leisure” emphatically.) Imagine how useful it would be to be able to have an extra day to play with so that you can go shopping on a Wednesday once in a while. Or to extend your summer break. Or to go to the seaside on a day when there’s actually enough room to lay down a towel …