A religion question for Robroy,but will he give me a straigh

So,do you think a Christian fundamentalist would tell a lie on oath.So,if a Christian told you something and then you said he was a fake,but he then went on to swear on the Bible that he was telling the truth,would this prove either he was telling the truth or he wasnt Christian at all.Only those 2 possobilities?

That sound like the old conundrum where someone says they ALWAYS tells lies and then states that they are a liar - which is the truth and not a lie :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Yes,I guess it is.

So,do you think a Christian fundamentalist would tell a lie on oath.So,if a Christian told you something and then you said he was a fake,but he then went on to swear on the Bible that he was telling the truth,would this prove either he was telling the truth or he wasnt Christian at all.Only those 2 possobilities?

Why not make it multiple choice, with only one option?
You’re obviously looking for a specific answer.

So,do you think a Christian fundamentalist would tell a lie on oath.So,if a Christian told you something and then you said he was a fake,but he then went on to swear on the Bible that he was telling the truth,would this prove either he was telling the truth or he wasnt Christian at all.Only those 2 possobilities?

Nah you forgot the third possibility option (and why tf are you singling me out anyway ? :open_mouth: ) .
Third option being…

I DON’T CARE.! :bulb:

How’s that for a …‘‘str’’. :neutral_face:

The bible[& all other religious tracts]have been,for a long time,irrelevant in relation to ‘‘swearing an oath in the name of?]’’.people lie as a matter of course if there is a benefit in it.Religious texts are just books of stories so have no relevance to a persons honesty.God did not write the bible,man did.No criminal,accused person,politician has ever been smitten by god for lying in court.

So,do you think a Christian fundamentalist would tell a lie on oath.So,if a Christian told you something and then you said he was a fake,but he then went on to swear on the Bible that he was telling the truth,would this prove either he was telling the truth or he wasnt Christian at all.Only those 2 possobilities?

:laughing: I’m entertained that you would still ask religion-based questions after all the previous (quite natural) negativity you’ve received on here. Seems to me you’re still looking for answers, so with that in mind, although Rob may not want to play, I will.

Yes, he would lie on oath.


  1. deliberately, because in my experience “Christian” is synonymous with “Hypocrite”, or at the very least is a person unable to recognize their inherent biases, or
  2. “accidentally” due to his inherently-defective mental processes.

A belief in a religious explanation of the the world is, by anyone’s standards, simply irrational. Thus any “testimony” from this person cannot be reliable even at the most basic level.

To define yourself as a Christian Fundamentalist must surely mean interpreting that collection of ancient stories, (written in Hebrew and/or Aramaic, translated into Greek, then into Latin, then into English), as an infallible historic document. Therefore, by default this person can not be relied upon to understand objective fact from fiction, and consequently cannot determine “a truth” from “a lie”.

Religion is the lie some people appear to need to get through life, it is sanctioned by society, just like “care in the community” is sanctioned.

Me, I’ll take science over religion every day, though I do not expect you to be in the least swayed by me any more than I could ever be swayed by you.

Concise answer from Zac. I’ll give an abridged version; DILLIGAF?

Nah you forgot the third possibility option (and why tf are you singling me out anyway ? :open_mouth: )

Because “It’s a fine, bro-mance…”

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Nah you forgot the third possibility option (and why tf are you singling me out anyway ? :open_mouth: )

Because “It’s a fine, bro-mance…”

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think he sees me as the ultimate challenge for a conversion. :laughing:
More chance of me getting a season ticket for Sunderland. :laughing:

Of course they’d lie - the people who call themselves fundamentalist christians are usually the furthest away from acting like a christian you can imagine. That’s why you get all these Trump supporters claiming they follow God and then lie and say that anyone who disagrees with them is a scumbag. They arn’t christian in any way, shape or form.

While we’re in an enquiring mood, I have a couple of questions for you, Sploom.

  1. When Noah went boating, was it on salt or fresh water?

  2. Australia has over a million uniquely indigenous species, how did they all fit on the ark and why didn’t a single one rate a mention?

Im not sure how those people got from the ark to Australia, too be honest.
So Zac_A answered my question and Robroy didnt care or want to go into details which is fine.
The reason I asked you ,Robroy,is because you called me a fake when I desribed a supernatural experience I had when I avoided being squashed by a sea container.You called me a fake.But here is a thing.I would be prepared to swear on the Bibke tgat it happened and would also take a lie detector test.,notwithstanding how accurate those tests are.
The ones that dont give a ■■■■,well,you still take the time to read my posts and reply!

Star down under.:
While we’re in an enquiring mood, I have a couple of questions for you, Sploom.

  1. When Noah went boating, was it on salt or fresh water?

  2. Australia has over a million uniquely indigenous species, how did they all fit on the ark and why didn’t a single one rate a mention?

Not forgetting that we are expected to believe that a polar penguin (or two) walked from the Arctic to the Middle East to board a boat.

I really can not remember any of that supposed conversation between us tbh mate, I’ve too much going on in ny life for it to actually matter…but there ya go .
If it’s that important to you then crack on with it. :neutral_face:

Ive got things going on in my life too,yes I get your point,weve all got things going on that we need to deal with.

the maoster:

Star down under.:
While we’re in an enquiring mood, I have a couple of questions for you, Sploom.

  1. When Noah went boating, was it on salt or fresh water?

  2. Australia has over a million uniquely indigenous species, how did they all fit on the ark and why didn’t a single one rate a mention?

Not forgetting that we are expected to believe that a polar penguin (or two) walked from the Arctic to the Middle East to board a boat.

Its nothing compared to what we are expected to believe about how life began
How all these chemicals could come together and create life.How the cell somehow created a membrane around itself,to contain all the complex ingredients to sustain life and also,not only that,but reproduce…,thats infinitly more unbelievable than a few oengiuns finding their way a few thousand miles

> Sploom:
> Its nothing compared to what we are expected to believe about how life began
> How all these chemicals could come together and create life.How the cell somehow created a membrane around itself,to contain all the complex ingredients to sustain life and also,not only that,but reproduce…,thats infinitly more unbelievable than a few oengiuns finding their way a few thousand miles

I guess that is similar to the scene in The Garden of Eden, when after eating mushrooms Adam & Eve heard a snake talking to them ■■


the maoster:

Star down under.:
While we’re in an enquiring mood, I have a couple of questions for you, Sploom.

  1. When Noah went boating, was it on salt or fresh water?

  2. Australia has over a million uniquely indigenous species, how did they all fit on the ark and why didn’t a single one rate a mention?

Not forgetting that we are expected to believe that a polar penguin (or two) walked from the Arctic to the Middle East to board a boat.

Its nothing compared to what we are expected to believe about how life began
How all these chmicals could come together and create life.How the cell somehow created a membrane around itself,to contain all the complex ingredients to sustain life and also,not only that,but reproduce…,thats infinitly more unbelievable than a few oengiuns finding their way a few thousand miles

At the risk of setting of the QI claxon, the penguins didn’t need to get on the boat. They can swim… :unamused:

As for believing that life began by a few minerals getting together and creating a self reproducing cell. That is pretty farfetched. Just as far fetched, as a beardy bloke in the sky, creating the universe and the world and the plants and the animals and humans, out of nothing. Oh, and in 6 days noless.

A waste of time debating this boring crap with this guy, he’s totally brainwashed and will not listen to logic and reason, but prefers to believe in what equates to incredible and impossible fairy stories.

He sees his mission in life is to 'spread the word ',.a bit of a T.net missionary in fact, .which is why he brings this crap up every so often,.so do not waste your time trying to reason with him with logic.or argue., as he thrives on it… :unamused: