A driver's life

Lads have you ever thought just how many hours a week you spent sitting in your truck. Driving and then sitting waiting to get tipped and sitting around on ferries. Eating all the wrong food and have little time to exercise properly. Is it any wonder that health problems are rife amongst drivers. So many drivers are overweight (I am sure there is the odd Adonis out there though) I just never met one.
How many of you just go for the fast food en route How many make your own healthy food.how many of you get any proper exercises in for your heart.How many know the right food to eat for optimum health. You wouldn’t put diesel in a petrol car so why shove the wrong food down your gullet. Take your 45 eg do you just get out the paper and read it or get down on the bunk for a quick shuteye.How many of you get proper sleep kipping in the truck. Many drivers’ bodies have lost the cycle of proper sleep due to the different shifts they do. I think of all the professions driving is near the top of the list for unhealthiness and obesity.
I know I was guilty of all that and probably still am many times.

Well, I walk between 5 and 10 km most days while at work - most of that at a brisk pace. I never have burgers/bacon butties/chips or any other sort of fast food at work - I make my own sandwiches (two slices with cheese and/or ham and a bit of green) and have a boiled egg, a carrot or two, an apple and an orange as well. No crisps/cake/chocolate or sweets, no fizzy pop etc.

I don’t kip in the cab, and I aim to get 8 hours’ sleep at home every night.

But no, I’m no Adonis…

Lads have you ever thought just how many hours a week you spent sitting in your truck. Driving and then sitting waiting to get tipped and sitting around on ferries. Eating all the wrong food and have little time to exercise properly. Is it any wonder that health problems are rife amongst drivers. So many drivers are overweight (I am sure there is the odd Adonis out there though) I just never met one.
How many of you just go for the fast food en route How many make your own healthy food.how many of you get any proper exercises in for your heart.How many know the right food to eat for optimum health. You wouldn’t put diesel in a petrol car so why shove the wrong food down your gullet. Take your 45 eg do you just get out the paper and read it or get down on the bunk for a quick shuteye.How many of you get proper sleep kipping in the truck. Many drivers’ bodies have lost the cycle of proper sleep due to the different shifts they do. I think of all the professions driving is near the top of the list for unhealthiness and obesity.
I know I was guilty of all that and probably still am many times.

Indeed…Another case of enslavement so that others can reap the rewards.
In it`s present form the job should be outlawed, it is both physically and psychologically damaging, that is why I would never recommend it as a form of employment, it is a form of slow death.

Not all drivers spend their non driving working lives in rdcs and on ferries. Some of us actually have a little bit of physical interaction with the world.

Some of us eat healthily and keep a decent water intake up during the day.

Also some also sleep better in the wagon. No wife snoring and ■■■■■■■ next to me mid week.

Also some also sleep better in the wagon. No wife snoring and ■■■■■■■ next to me mid week.

I guess that’s one benefit with skaghead rentboys then! :smiley:

As a day man i find it much easier to lead a healthy active lifestyle than i did when i was tramping.

When i was living down the road i always used to start the week with the best intentions but they always ended up going out the window.My diet was based on convenience over health,my sleeping pattern was always changing due to wildly varying start times and stupidly long shifts.And i would always tell myself that i would hit the gym when i got home at the weekend …which never happened because i couldn’t be bothered after being away all week.

Since being back on days my diet and exercise regime are spot on and i can see and feel the difference.I understand completely how easy it can be for drivers to let themselves go.

I have taken up skipping, but haven’t done any this week as I left my trainers at home :frowning:

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Well, I walk between 5 and 10 km most days while at work - most of that at a brisk pace. I never have burgers/bacon butties/chips or any other sort of fast food at work - I make my own sandwiches (two slices with cheese and/or ham and a bit of green) and have a boiled egg, a carrot or two, an apple and an orange as well. No crisps/cake/chocolate or sweets, no fizzy pop etc.

I don’t kip in the cab, and I aim to get 8 hours’ sleep at home every night.

But no, I’m no Adonis…

Cheese :open_mouth: fat and salt
Ham :open_mouth: as above
Egg :open_mouth: cholesterol
Apple and orange :open_mouth: coated in pesticide
Carrot :open_mouth: how many happily retired rabbits have you seen ■■
Walking over 5 Km a day :open_mouth: wearing your joints out…you’ll be using a zimmer frame soon

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m off for another beer :wink: :wink:

The biggest problem is snacking. I eat more crap snacks than fast food. Trying to cut down on it.

I cook/ prep my own meals, drink about 3 litres of water a day and I got that gym 3-5 times a week.?

A lorry with a bed in the back is for real men. I quite like my roll on roll off vehicle where i get to go home every night and eat & sleep properly

See ! Us old gits had it right. No power steer, flat bed, whether it was rigid or artic, rope and sheets and nearly all handball. Then you could go to bobs greasy spoon and fill up on egg, bacon, sausage, tomato, black pudding, chips, a bit of steak, beans and mushrooms… I liked a mixed grill, and still be as fit as a butchers dog. :slight_smile:

See ! Us old gits had it right. No power steer, flat bed, whether it was rigid or artic, rope and sheets and nearly all handball. Then you could go to bobs greasy spoon and fill up on egg, bacon, sausage, tomato, black pudding, chips, a bit of steak, beans and mushrooms… I liked a mixed grill, and still be as fit as a butchers dog. :slight_smile:

I’m surprised you didn’t eat the dog as well! :open_mouth:
Maybe that’s what the steak was! :wink:

As a tramper I’ve cut out a lot of the crap I used to nibble on for what could be regarded as less fattening crap.

Biscuits have been replaced with tomatoes, pork pies and pasties have been replaced by home made egg mayo and tuna and sweetcorn.
Still have a scotch egg everyday though and some cereal to take the edge off. In fact due to increased mastication (that’s chewing not pulling ones portion) I consume more calories eating the stuff.

As far as exercise goes apart from the obvious which I’ve tried with my left hand for balance but can’t get the rythum right, I’ve also started walking about a bit, doing in cab pull ups, sit ups and even the odd squat (not the desypete type though).

Bum and stomach clenches are also possible whilst driving. In fact with a bit of imagination a trampers life can be quite healthy, one just has to put the effort in.


See ! Us old gits had it right. No power steer, flat bed, whether it was rigid or artic, rope and sheets and nearly all handball. Then you could go to bobs greasy spoon and fill up on egg, bacon, sausage, tomato, black pudding, chips, a bit of steak, beans and mushrooms… I liked a mixed grill, and still be as fit as a butchers dog. :slight_smile:

I’m surprised you didn’t eat the dog as well! :open_mouth:
Maybe that’s what the steak was! :wink:

The tail and claws give the game away. Tails extra tough and the claws get stuck in yer teeth.

Always keep rice, packet fresh veg and as much low fat high protein food that will fit in the fridge as possible and the cafes over in Espana will nearly always serve up a healthy dish here and there too. Keeping in shape has always been a priority so I also take dumb bells with me which i keep in the locker to use when parked up, just a pair of these can do shoulders, biceps, triceps, quads and calves and look for a gym at weekends… i do get some strange looks sometimes though… :grimacing:

My son is a nutritionist and a personal trainer not to mention being an Olympic weightlifter. I have asked him to do me out good nutricious snacks and meals for optimum performance (and I don’t mean in the sack but they could help you out there )

Also some exercises you can do in the truck or while on your 45.

I would post only if you are interested so let me know

Please post them up, also some piccys of your son would be nice.
(Obviously remove any identifying features like face, tattoos, clothing etc)

My son is a nutritionist and a personal trainer not to mention being an Olympic weightlifter. I have asked him to do me out good nutricious snacks and meals for optimum performance (and I don’t mean in the sack but they could help you out there )

Also some exercises you can do in the truck or while on your 45.

I would post only if you are interested so let me know

I was a PT instructor in the army and then did a BAWLA course (British amateur weight lifting association) when i left and did gym instruction for a few years. I think once you do this kind of thing it always stays with you…

So do we not have any amorphous blobs on here that literally ooze out of the cab?
As if we do, how many points of contact do you have while getting in and out? :laughing: