5 Word Story

leave it alone or else


why is it called del

I will burn your little

hand, if you poke it

up my skirt again you

This site has double standards

And two wongs dont make

Pathetic statements that stink of

■■■■■■■ are very small dogs

(Cant believe that was edited) :open_mouth:

Well, you know the rules. :laughing:

[zb] are very small dogs

that have the ablility to

produce white dog ■■■ every

produce white dog ■■■ every

other week which means that

they spend too much time

they spend too much time

around the neighbors house sniffing

that naughty white powdery stuff

that naughty white powdery stuff

which then causes it to

start ■■■■■■■ the neighbours cat

start ■■■■■■■ the neighbours cat

once releaved he would then

sit down and clean is