5 Word Story

Right lets write our own story. Each person has to add 5 words to the story.

She had seven types of…

contagious tropical diseases that she…

caught off a sailor from

Southampton, whos favourite position is

dudley and he had a

falls down the steep stairs. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

into the big blue yonda…

or was it a toyota?

no it was defninetly a

time to ask the question…


Wait a minute he said :unamused:

Did you seen that guy?

He walks kind of funny.

Well, he is from Dudley.

and has a very smelly

cold tin of mushroom soup

sloshing in his hard hat.

He shouted over to Dave

Where are my black suspenders