How have people found this shift pattern?
Is it a good work/life balance, or is it just too much when you’re working consecutive weekends for a long period?
How have people found this shift pattern?
Is it a good work/life balance, or is it just too much when you’re working consecutive weekends for a long period?
Ive only ever worked it in a previous industry (pc tech support for a call centre), doing 7 til 7 on nights and I loved it. Loved the fact you had 4 days off at a time, that 4 days holiday got you 12 off and 4 days sick got you 12 off . I was single at the time though, with no kids, so the weekend shifts didnt bother me. I couldnt do it now with family and child care, so it depends on your circumstances I guess.
Some people love it, and some hate it. So you’ll get mixed views on it, so it’s down to it suiting your personal situation. From past experience you’ll in effect work all or parts of 5 weekends in 8, great if you prefer having days off in the week and being able to do things with your wife and family, but as a single guy at the time I found it interfered with my social life as many of my friends socialised, or events where held at the weekend when I was working or sleeping it off. So I found myself going to the pub for a pint and sitting by myself, now I’m back in Monday to Friday
I do similar 4 on 3 off,.and I love it…sensible hours, more time at home,.what’s not to like
Theres more to life than putting in 70+ hours in a ■■■■ truck,.away from home every ■■■■ week on your way to your first heart attack.
I do similar 4 on 3 off,.and I love it…sensible hours, more time at home,.what’s not to like
Theres more to life than putting in 70+ hours in a [zb] truck,.away from home every [zb] week on your way to your first heart attack.
Absolutely, but I’m guessing your 4/3 is fixed and you have the same days off week to week?
That’s the problem I found with 4/4 is you go through weeks of having days off in the week but working when your mates ate about etc etc. I enjoyed it at the time it dudnt matter to me, but more commitments now so having a fixed shift as opposed to floating works for me better now.
Also depends on the pay structure. I used to get everything averaged so all allowances etc etc were calculated and gave me a salary so it didn’t matter if my “week” only worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday or worked Thursday through to Sunday the pay would be the same (with overtime on top if applicable) while some just pay you for what you do so some weeks you’re scraping a three day wage, others you’re on full four days pay etc. I’m inherently lazy so I could’ve budgeted myself better but its easier to have it done for me
But its what works for yhe OP and you won’t know if you don’t try it for a few months at least. I’m very lucky that I can comfortably live on my basic wage so after 8.5hrs I try to be done. But I don’t sneer at others who chase the dollar for whatever reasoning, I’m glad they’re there to pick up my slack
Like many are saying its could be in some respects good, like having 4 straight days off.Booking holidays 4 off gives you a 12 day break. The downside is if the company operates 24/7 364/5 days a year bank holidays etc can be a ball ache eg Boxing day New Year Easter etc because nobody will be inclined to swap shifts.
I do similar 4 on 3 off,.and I love it…sensible hours, more time at home,.what’s not to like
Theres more to life than putting in 70+ hours in a [zb] truck,.away from home every [zb] week on your way to your first heart attack.Absolutely, but I’m guessing your 4/3 is fixed and you have the same days off week to week?
That’s the problem I found with 4/4 is you go through weeks of having days off in the week but working when your mates ate about etc etc. I enjoyed it at the time it dudnt matter to me, but more commitments now so having a fixed shift as opposed to floating works for me better now.
Yeh I suppose my pattern is better in that way to the rolling 4 days off.
I start Wednesday, finish Saturday anytime between 10 am to about 6pm, depending on when I got my last drop off in the Fri and if I re.load Fri pm or Sat am.,.and how far I get back up.
Currently loading Avonmouth now so it all be one of those late Saturdays, but hey I m off all week next week on hol, so not too fussed.
Very occasionally if things have gone too bad.I’ll run in on a Sunday, (as dozy likes to have a pop at me about bless him ) but it s only happened 2x last year, and not at all so far this, but hey, that s transport, and it beats 5 nights out a week, maxing out,.being weekended and all the other crap I’ve done in the past.
I’ve been on it for four years now, salaried at 48hrs actually do between 40 to 44. Salary divided by 52 so paid the same amount every week but not all firms work it like that. I forget what day it is half the time, I’m either in work or off and taking 4 days holiday gives you 12 off which is what I’m doing now.
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So long as its paid well, bearing in mind the weekends and probably bank holidays you’ll be working, its the best of the lot.
Very useful if the OT rate is good and you need some extra wonga, can do an extra shift every week if it suits and still have 3 off.
If it fits your home life and/or you can work around it.
If your significant other works and does normal hours then it could put more pressures than there already are on relationships because for 5 weeks on the trot you’ll be working at least 1 weekend day.
I love it! Did it for 3 years and I said at the time that it was the best thing I ever did. That job went ■■■■ up due to the pandemic so I went back to being away Mon - Fri for almost the last 2 years and I can honestly say that the last 2 years have been an absolute blur, I earned good money but have had no life whatsoever. Switched to 4x4 in my current job a couple of months ago and never again will I work Mon-Fri unless it’s sensible hours (ie 9-5).
I find that working 1 day less is neither here nor there but the extra 2 days off make such a difference to your life. You do get used to working weekends (sometimes nighting out on a Saturday feels pretty depressing) and it’s nice having days off in the week (can pick the kids up from school, take car to the garage, doctors/dentist etc).
If you are a day man,as Juddian says, then the downsides could possibly be if your other half works Mon-Fri or you have a busy social life that revolves around weekends. If you currently night out all week then there are no downsides really because you have no life anyway
Thanks for the replies.
All the time off is obviously the major plus side to this but it’s having to wait 6 weeks for your next full weekend to come around, that will take it’s toll I’m sure with a young family. It’s encouraging to hear the people who have done it saw more positives than negatives though.
I have first hand experience of a shift pattern change completely flipping a great job upside down, so it is a concern. Nothing is set in stone and it could be very well be another pattern, so will have to wait and see.
I changed from Mon-Fri to do 4 on 4 off in 2014, and have never looked back. I got used to working weekends (I don’t have a family anyway), and use my holiday at weekends. The weekends I do work are, for me, just a necessary evil to have the brilliant work/life balance I enjoy for the rest of the time. Having four days off every week is a God send.
When you book 4 days off, you end up with 12 consecutive days off. If you get 20 days holiday per year, and book 4 off at a time, you end up having 5 lots of 12 days off through the year. It’s almost like having a fortnight off every other month.
28 days holiday a year = 7 x 4 plus 4 days on either side = 84 days off in total ok its not every w/e off but 12 days off 7 times a year would be ok for me.I could get work done at home in one go instead of spreading it out over 2-3 w/ends
I currently work 4 on 4 off on night shift collecting milk and absolutely love the pattern. With holiday I’m home more than I’m at work and having the 4 days off consecutively makes a huge difference.
Although having kids aged between 3 and 15 working weekends doesn’t bother me at all. Maybe it’s because I work nights so I’m up by 12 and still get to spend time with them or take them out etc. Also as my pattern works I basically work a month with weekends and a month without weekends. Personally my favourite shift is Thursday to Sunday then I get the Monday to Thursday off the following week when it’s nice and quiet at home and me and the better half can go out for lunch etc and it costs me less
It really is each to their own but the biggest downside is to me having to work Christmas if it falls on my days in (which this year it does) but I suppose the cows can’t hold it in
How have people found this shift pattern?Is it a good work/life balance, or is it just too much when you’re working consecutive weekends for a long period?
Great pattern for taking holidays
I work 3’s and 2’s which is the same as a 4 on 4 off in days worked but you only work every second weekend. Obviously the pay isn’t as good as you only work 7 in 14 days instead of 10 in 14 on a Mon-Fri but you have an extra 2 months off in a year. I do try to make my hours last to make the most of it however.
2 in 2 off 3in 2off 2in 3 off. Then it resets itself.
Best shift I ever worked.
28 days holiday a year = 7 x 4 plus 4 days on either side = 84 days off in total ok its not every w/e off but 12 days off 7 times a year would be ok for me.I could get work done at home in one go instead of spreading it out over 2-3 w/ends
You wouldn’t be entitled to 28 days holiday a year though. Because you only work 3.5 days a week your 5.6 weeks by law is 20 days. (Individual Employers may offer more).
I have this shift pattern now, with a slight variations. It’s great, easy to pick up overtime if you wish, loads of time for family. But the work is soul crushingly boring so I’m leaving to work more days but I will actually get to go places
I’ve recently changed jobs onto 5 days on 3 off used do Mon to Fri.
And I love it having 3 days off in a row.
When was hot other week went away for the 3 days to the lakes was great. Planing on another 3 days away soon. Can’t do that with weekends off.
Makes a lot of difference having more time at home