2015- onwards

Traditionaly I have posted a news years update, I didn’t this year because I was waiting on a few things- but better late than never here is this years rant

Every year it is normal for folks to point out TruckNet is dying- well this last 12 months this dying website had over 27,000,000 page views. No thats not a typo - TruckNet had over 27 million page views. I don’t know what you consider to be a dying website - but that looks pretty healthy to me.

But all is not well with the website, the software is failing us. Many folks are struggling to post their memories due to a clause in the software that sometimes cannot accept “cut and paste” from a word doc. We are more than aware of this issue. We could quite quickly update to a new version of the software that would alleviate this problem- However by doing so we would lose all images that have been uploaded to our servers. That is something we feel is too much and have taken the decision to not upgrade while we look for a better solution., so sorry guys but it will remain as it is for now.

In early 2014 we suffered some performance issues with the website, to counter this we invested in a dedicated server for TruckNet- hopefully you have seen a dramatic increase in uptime and quicker page loading times.

TruckNet is not free, to run a website with this amount of traffic is way beyond a free host- to put it bluntly we have bills too pay- The basic tenant is and always will be that TruckNet is free to use. I am pleased to say that not only has TruckNet covered its costs this year it also saw a 27% increase in revenue over 2013. OK its not enough for me to run off to the Bermuda’s with, but enough to persuade those paying the bills to keep us going.

So plans for 2015■■
We will continue to research software options to try and resolve the issues
We will be at TruckFest Peterborough and all are welcome to the stand to say hello
We are looking strongly at holding the charity night again- probably in the Cannock area again
We are hoping to make available to members some deals with discounts not available anywhere else.

No major fireworks in 2015 - but for a website that year on year has been told its dying we seem to be doing pretty ■■■■ well :slight_smile:

TruckNet would be nothing without your input, we don’t create the content , you the users do, you are TruckNet, each one of you that contributes- , and TruckNet survives because of the volunteer team that give up hours each week to keep this site on track, on topic and online- so to you all thank you for yet another year of success.

Keep up the good work you have been doing for years. It is much appreciated by many. :smiley: :smiley: :sunglasses:

Thankyou Rikki. More appreciation from others wouldn’t go amiss perhaps :grimacing:

Here is to onwards… :sunglasses:

Well done to Rikki and all the mods at TruckNetUK.
Yes, there are occasional problems, but on the whole, considering it costs members nothing to view, we can’t really complain.
I’ve been a member for 7years now, and I still find lots of interesting and informative posts.
Keep up the good work.

As Jim Royle would say - “dying my arse!” One of my better moves in 2013 was to join up, and i will continue to support this forum in any small way that i can. I think you`ll find that there are a whole lot more of us who are VERY appreciative of this platform than there are petty minded detractors.

Onwards and upwards - Here`s wishing all the team ongoing success for 2015. :smiley:

Thanks to all the people who make Trucknet happen the best transport forum on the net.

the site is only as good as its member so well done to me!

but all joking aside this is one of the best sites for banter/knowledge/rants/moans/groans and passing on memories/experiences.

so well done to all involved in the upkeep of the site.

call that a rant?


i could eat a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and ■■■■ a better rant that that :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

anyway, some of these ‘deals’ that you was talking of…

can one of them be to get Live Promotions to do something about their ridiculous overcharging for truck entries at Peterborough? :open_mouth:

do they not realise that without the trucks, there would be no show?

aaahhhh, bless, the simple art of extortion has been mastered by them :smiling_imp:

Looking on trucknet has become part of my daily routine and is great for a bit of banter and a laugh, as well as a good source of information even if some of the views expressed at times can be a little debatable (and I do include myself in that category). So well done and thank you to all responsible for keeping this great site going.

Good stuff, lots of us enjoy being here, thanks for all the hard work boys and girls… keep it happenin maan…

Love a good masdebate :wink:
Thanks Rikki and the team!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

No major fireworks in 2015

Have some minor ones instead … :laughing:

A day does not go by that I do not look in at what’s happening.
Great forum…

With spanky on that "You call that a rant " getting soft in your old age :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ) ok so I am catching up quick :laughing: )

Still look in after many years on here & the last 1

Seen many topics seen members come & go some of us stay still find useful info on here

brilliant site IMO.had lots of help re.drivers hours,regulations from Tachograph,ROG and others.the top men on here know FAR more about road transport than the ‘team’ in our office! :slight_smile:

Yes we create the content but only if you want the content!

tango boy:
Love a good masdebate :wink:
Thanks Rikki and the team!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

there are plenty of massdebaters on here

I’ve been a member since 2002 (lost login and had to re register!). I remember how different the website was back then. Quite a change, both in the good and bad of course.

Everyone seemed much less argumentative in the early 2000s. Now you can see a falling out in an empty room. But that is down to online sociological changes. I think Trucknet is not alone in this issue. In earlier days, people spoke to one another as if they would in front of someone else, with manners and caution as everyone was getting used to forums.

Nowadays a cultural shift has emerged with a disassociation from responsibility people feel when interacting with each other online. Almost as if they’re speaking to make believe people. Thats not down to Trucknet though, just an interesting observation of online users as a whole and the forum platform that is coming of age.

Back in the day there was not nearly the same content level which is to be commended! Keep up the good work and resource. It’s not half bad given its available free of charge :smiley: .

Thanks go out to all the good folks who make this forum work.99% of people are massdebaters and 1% are liars.MMTM though what does he know Polish on agency wears a green uniform.

Thanks Rikki and the team :slight_smile: I joined a few years ago when I was coming back into driving trucks after a decade off - and found huuuuge amounts of information, and had my questions answered (even if they were dumb :wink: )
Then I got into winding people up as well (I am a lorryist after all), and I know I’ve sailed close once or twice :wink: Still think it’s the best forum out there, and I look in daily - so Happy New Year, guys. Even if you are dying on your arse…