2015- onwards

A big THANK YOU to Rikki, moderators and everybody at Trucknet who work very hard behind the scenes , giving there time & input into making this the best truck forum, and it’s definitely growing in number members :smiley: .
And another big THANK YOU to everybody at Trucknet who post an share their experiences, knowledge, skills, jokes etc etc

Happy safe trucking everyone :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

As one of the members with a lot of posts on this site. I would like to thank the team of Trucknet who have enabled me to enjoy the site for over six years. Long may it continue.
Cheers Dave.

Well done and carry on the good work, it’s very much appreciated.
Happy new year :smiley:

call that a rant?


i could eat a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and [zb] a better rant that that :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

anyway, some of these ‘deals’ that you was talking of…

can one of them be to get Live Promotions to do something about their ridiculous overcharging for truck entries at Peterborough? :open_mouth:

do they not realise that without the trucks, there would be no show?

aaahhhh, bless, the simple art of extortion has been mastered by them :smiling_imp:

Yes and bring back the choice of being able to swap the two kids tickets for another adult one please!!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Well done Rikki and the gang,
here’s to 2015.

“Keep on giving her the shoe!!!” :wink:

Great forum guys and well run, nice to be able to have some serious chats and silly ones as well. Allowing the odd bit of banter as well as a good squabble adds to why this forum is so good and not to heavily censored.

As well as all the truck related stuff as passing on knowledge to newcomers to the industry is essential.

Right now i’ve blown smoke up your chuff could you lot consider getting Dozy off premed as I feel some of his gems are being missed…