Having a blonde moment i think or ive been off for too long over xmas but i can get under a 13ft3 bridge unit height only cant i? Renault premium with a tipper on the back, tractor units aint any higher that 4m are they… cheers
Treat yourself to a late Xmas pressie … A tape measure
I very much doubt it will be over 4m unless it has a very radical air kit, I don’t think even a Magnum is 4m, but as has been said a tape measure is useful.
The daf cf we use are 13’2 but the premiums we have on hire are 13’6. Depends on how the deflector has been set up I think they can be adjusted.
We’ve got premiums with a wind deflector on top and they are 14ft. If in doubt Play Safe!!
i measured our fh gtxl at 12’11"
14ft seems a bit high for a unit only, i’ve certainly gone under 13’6 with mine and its been no problem, ive gone under 13’3 with an fh xl and a euro trailer before thinking about it and it went through, trouble is im delivering to pangbourne railway station and the bridge is right before it.
If you have a tipper on the back just drive through full pelt and if the deflector comes off you’ll look like every other tipper on the road
lol i was waiting for that!
14ft seems a bit high for a unit only, i’ve certainly gone under 13’6 with mine and its been no problem, ive gone under 13’3 with an fh xl and a euro trailer before thinking about it and it went through, trouble is im delivering to pangbourne railway station and the bridge is right before it.
You could come in from the other end, bit of a sharp turn though and the weight limit bridge just up the road, …Maybe get to use a lower height lorry.
We’ve got premiums with a wind deflector on top and they are 14ft. If in doubt Play Safe!!
Have you actually measured it or are you just going by what someone else has set the hight indicator to? I will measure mine again in the morning but pretty sure it is less than 13’.
I never go by the height indicator to be fair cos i know it hasnt been changed since we’ve had it and it used to pull containers before that, the air deflector is at its lowest position so i would of thought it would be ok, not exactly a merc megaspace is it lol
I know there was one bridge just south of Shreswsbury on the way to Minsterley where if we were driving Volvos we could go under it but with the MANs we had to go round the diversion route.
My Premium is 11’6 to the cab top.
I regularily go under a 12’4 bridge near our works, but we have no cab top wind kit as we pull tanks.
The radio aerial doen’t half twang though lol!
Have you got stacks?
the air deflector is at its lowest position
then you will ■■■■ a 13 3 bridge
I very much doubt it will be over 4m unless it has a very radical air kit, I don’t think even a Magnum is 4m, but as has been said a tape measure is useful.
Not exactly sure how high a Magnum stands but I remember going under a low arched railway bridge in France in a Magnum and a French (now there’s a surprise) truck driver had to wait for me to get thru, as I passed he held his thumb and chief nose pickin finger close together, thereby signifying that there wasn’t much clearance or that my wife had told him I only had a littlun !!
Lol, im swapping over to a magnum on tuesday so the tape measure will defo be coming out on that, cheers for your help chaps i think the trusty tape measure will be coming out in the morning to be on the safe side.
My Premium is 11’6 to the cab top.
I regularily go under a 12’4 bridge near our works, but we have no cab top wind kit as we pull tanks.
The radio aerial doen’t half twang though lol!
cheers mate thats handy to know, so my air kit at its lowest certainly wont be over 13ft. Happy days