10% + 3MPH

at what point does the rule start for 10% + 3mph before a charge of speeding is brought?
a mate of mine has just got a ticket for doing 47 in a 40 limit, coffee has posted about someone getting 3 points for doing 36 in a 30 zone.
both the above are exactly 10% + 3mph.
they shouldn’t have got a ticket unless they were doing 48mph and 37mph in each case. should they?

I thought it was 10% +2mph?

I thought it was 10% +2mph?

so did i and i got done for doing 46mph on a national speed limit single carriageway :frowning:

ACPO guidlines are 10% is the prosecution of whatever speed limit. Does depend on where you are though !!

Coventry’s force spent a day knocking Vans over 3.5 t for doing over 50 on the dual carriageway.

Lancashire will do you depending how busy they are.

I dont speed on the M74 & M80 and the A9 the bil have nowt better to do, i watch it especially on the down hill stretches in the Highlands, funny enough thats especially where the police like sitting.
above Blair Attol and around Perth come to mind ) :unamused:

And in east anglia - well they have nothing else better to do all day other than nick traffic.

10% +3 is a ACPO Guideline Not a Rule.

Mr Plod could do you for doing 31 if he felt like it.

10% + how much of a git they are is rule of thumb , hence why i am awaiting a possibe speed ticket as i came out of a 50 zone into a 40 slowing down gradually for the speed camera ahead , then noticing a piggy bank van on the opposite side on a parrallell road facing me , if thats not money raking i dont know what is , did you know that since the councils dont get a cut in the fine that the amount of speed trapps has decreased , thats proof that there there not for safety and just for money , the road i was on was a 2 lane road that had just gone from 4 lanes so was as wide as a dual carrageway (a59 going towards ormskirk)

10% +3 is a ACPO Guideline Not a Rule.

Mr Plod could do you for doing 31 if he felt like it.

not entirely true mate as there is a plus / minus allowance on the calibration of the devices, but i know what you mean :blush:

It is exactly true. He can charge you with doing 31 but there is a defence available if your speedo is out by less than 10%. As all speedos these days tend to read low your chances of getting away with it are slim. That said the judge wouldnt like his time wasted by a charge for 31mph

above Blair Attol and around Perth come to mind ) :unamused:

I nearly got rear ended by another artic when I slammed on at the site of plod just where you mentioned. Whole convoy of trucks aswell. I bet the ones at the back of the line were near stopping because of the domino affect

I thought the speed limit was what was on the big signs with numbers on. I know we’ve been here before, but why the ■■■■ would you speed when your licence is your living, and when you lose it, there’s always someone else to do your job.

I thought it was 10% +2mph?

Correct Steve-o. Back of the class for limey :smiley:

(They are of course guidelines and the plod in question could be a git. Incidentally for a 20mph limit, it’s +3mph. Study THIS (doc) file)


I thought it was 10% +2mph?

so did i and i got done for doing 46mph on a national speed limit single carriageway :frowning:

yes, but what were you driving?

I thought the speed limit was what was on the big signs with numbers on. I know we’ve been here before, but why the [zb] would you speed when your licence is your living, and when you lose it, there’s always someone else to do your job.

In my 20s I got the full 12 points on the tot up system :open_mouth: and had to go to court to plead to keep my licence :exclamation: :exclamation:
Whos fault was it :question: - MINE - no excuses - I KNEW I was over the limits when I did it - that’s what comes of trying to impress a boss !!!

The point I am making is that we CHOOSE to go over the limits - no-one forces us to - so why a debate as to how much we can go over one or what the criteria is :question: :question: :confused: :confused:

This is why I like the saying… speed cameras are funded by volunteers :slight_smile:

Many try giving feeble excuses as to why they got caught but there is only one reason - THE DRIVER

the reason for the debate ROG, is because a mate of mine has had a ticket, and we could do with finding some sort of defence.
there’s no point pleading guilty, if there is a good chance that plod have not kept within the guidlines/rules.
the fact is, a speed limit has probably been broken, but it dosn’t mean we can’t debate on a way out of it.
also the debate could help someone on here out of a sticky situation.
next time it could be you. :wink:

Hands up anyone thats been passed by a police car without it blues and twos going when you are doing the correct speeed they shold practice what they preach and what about the one on the M54 near brum :unamused: who was getting used to his new high speed unmarked car :open_mouth: yeah right at double the speed limit he got off I think with a severe bollokin

the reason for the debate ROG, is because a mate of mine has had a ticket, and we could do with finding some sort of defence.
there’s no point pleading guilty, if there is a good chance that plod have not kept within the guidlines/rules.
the fact is, a speed limit has probably been broken, but it dosn’t mean we can’t debate on a way out of it.
also the debate could help someone on here out of a sticky situation.
next time it could be you. :wink:

If it was me then I will do as I did before - put my hands up to it - I did it - I knew I did it - I had the option of not doing it - no excuses - I was the driver

Why should someone who DELIBERATELY broke the law not pay for what they did ■■?

Pretty sure as stated above its 10% + 2 not 3.

Doubt your friend will get off with a loophole like that, imagine standing in front of the magistrates and saying, yeah I was doing 46 in a 40 but…

You have admitted speeding!

Think there was a website that tries to help peeps like this, called pepipoo or something? Best of luck.

Well I’ve got a day off on friday… to go on a speed awareness course, got flashed doing 36 in a 30, still cost me £60 :cry: but I get to keep a clean licence :laughing:

Well I’ve got a day off on friday… to go on a speed awareness course, got flashed doing 36 in a 30, still cost me £60 :cry: but I get to keep a clean licence :laughing:

Were you AWARE that you were doing 36 in a 30 before getting flashed ?

Well I’ve got a day off on friday… to go on a speed awareness course, got flashed doing 36 in a 30, still cost me £60 :cry: but I get to keep a clean licence :laughing:

I went on one of these last year at Northampton cricket club. It was very good and the bloke who took us made it interesting. I’ve been on courses and seminars for fun that I didn’t enjoy as much!
Out of about 20 people in the group not one knew the speed limit for a truck, and most of them didn’t know the basics of the highway code.