George (Funnyfut) Pitcher

Like everybody my thoughts are with you. I dont know if you like reading, but please try to have a look at Lance Armstrongs book “It’s not about the Bike” it’s truly inspirational, he never gave in, regardless of diagnosis. This book changed my life!
Also for all men over 45 please get a test, (particularly if youve got a first relative who have had this, or female who’s had breast cancer) caught early enough it’s too easy to clear up, dont wait, 150 men in the Uk get diagnosed positive each day. Dont think cos you’ve had another type of blood test that that’ll cover it, it’s specific. Bully your Doctor, bully men in your family, if your Doctors not interested, go and pay £20 this is how much this costs. The test is called the P.S.A. test Protrate Specific Antigen test.
There is also a charity called The Graham Fulford Charitble trust, that travel the country doing free tests funded through donations, check them out inyour area.
Do it, I know what us blokes are like, sorry to bang on I’m not some old hippy, I just want you to stay around!