Diesel, LNG, electric or hydrogen powered trucks?

Eddie Heaton:

@Lancpudn The Euro 7 emission standard will see all light & heavy duty road freight vehicles included in the emission standard for the first time ever when implemented in July 2025.
The financial penalties for missing emission limits are enormous for truck manufacturers, It’s currently set at in the Commission proposal. (New updated emission standards announcement is due in February as I mentioned in my other post) The excess emission premium for the period 2025 to 2029 is set at €4,250/g CO2/tkm), instead of €6,800 in the Commission proposal. From 2030, the excess emission premium is set at €6 800/g CO2/tkm. :open_mouth:
By 2025 truck emissions have to be cleaner by 15% from today & 30% cleaner by 2030.
europarl.europa.eu/RegData/ … S_BRI(2018)628268_EN.pdf

Meanwhile … I would imagine that as far as most of the under-developed countries on this beleaguered planet of ours are concerned , it will be merely a case of “ business as usual for the foreseeable future “ .

Yep. We in UK represent about 1% of the world’s population. ■■■■■■■ in the wind.