When to turn the fridge off

:open_mouth: Bloody Hell ! …Even an egotistical (allegedly) arrogant (yeh I’ll go with that) son of a ■■■■■ like me would never come on here and say I knew more than anyone on here on ANY subject (even if I did :smiley: )
I have always found in life there is ALWAYS someone better at something…or maybe that’s just me eh? :smiley:
Am I right in saying then UK t , you would put yourself at the top of your ‘‘Cut above the rest’’ list that you put on (and failed to disclose) here last week? :smiley:

It’s like this Rob, there is a line that I draw in the sand, one which would perhaps not cross and go out of my way to purposely upset someone. I don’t really think what I have said is in any way offensive. I merely pointed out that I probably have more qualification to speak out on matters that I am deemed an expert on. I fail to see how that makes me arrogant in any way. Are you suggesting that I am boasting as I was not intent on that, I gave a very brief outline of some and which is a very small portion of what I have achieved in my life time. I do the same job as you do therefore does that mean I am arrogant to someone who does not drive? If someone was talking about driving a hgv in front of you and was talking drivel or was not a driver themselves, would you not consider yourself an expert and simply explain that you drive a hgv and that they are mistaken.

James the cat:
Help me with this. Why do shops sell eggs on the shelf but say to keep in the fridge?

It’s actually law here that eggs must be stored and sold in ambient conditions, the thinking is that eggs with their porus shells could have disease enter when condensation builds up on the eggs while they move between ambient and cold temps as they move around. In US is a legal requirement to keep them chilled. Whatever the packet says eggs are better unrefridgerated

hey robroy.id reckon if someone was talking drivvle about trucks,you may well care to enlighten them as to their inaccuracies,though in doing so,you might manage not to come across as a superior,condescending,pretentious arrogant know all wazzock…or once again is it only me that would think such a thought… :confused:

hey robroy.id reckon if someone was talking drivvle about trucks,you may well care to enlighten them as to their inaccuracies,though in doing so,you might manage not to come across as a superior,condescending,pretentious arrogant know all wazzock…or once again is it only me that would think such a thought… :confused:

I am so sorry that you haven’t done much with your life and have nothing to boast about, perhaps try lying and make yourself sound a bit more exciting. There is nothing I have said that should really have put your nose out other than as I have told you before, low intelligence? hows that for arrogance.


hey robroy.id reckon if someone was talking drivvle about trucks,you may well care to enlighten them as to their inaccuracies,though in doing so,you might manage not to come across as a superior,condescending,pretentious arrogant know all wazzock…or once again is it only me that would think such a thought… :confused:

I am so sorry that you haven’t done much with your life and have nothing to boast about, perhaps try lying and make yourself sound a bit more exciting. There is nothing I have said that should really have put your nose out other than as I have told you before, low intelligence? hows that for arrogance.

if the hat fits?..you definately should be on stars in your eyes being so clairvoyant and knowing about other peoples lifestyles and business…i wouldnt have thought doing a course to waffle on about fridges whilst being a driver would class as boasting though…switch on,switch off,set temp,set defrost,cycle,or continuous…not much more to it than that in your average steering wheel attendant world.it might be more of a claim to fame knowing how to bleed one up,jump start the truck from it,change the fan belt or fill it with water,but there you go. im now thinking…beaker…:unamused:

if the hat fits?..

Maybe my arrogance shining through here, but the saying goes “if the cap fits” but that’s just me being me.


if the hat fits?..

Maybe my arrogance shining through here, but the saying goes “if the cap fits” but that’s just me being me.

i rest my case…

Does anyone know why cows stare when you have a milk tank on

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Does anyone know why cows stare when you have a milk tank on

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

because they want it back


Does anyone know why cows stare when you have a milk tank on

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

because they want it back

Isn’t that Kerry gold butter?



Does anyone know why cows stare when you have a milk tank on

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

because they want it back

Isn’t that Kerry gold butter?


Hey UK tramp
If you had read my post you would have seen that the arrogant lable was a description of myself…not you.
If you were thinking it was an implication aimed at you, then you clearly do not know me (which incidentally is true :smiley: ) If you did you would know that I don’t hint or imply, I actually say what I mean.
To prove that just look at the trouble I have got into on here in the past for that. :blush: :smiley:

I just thought your post was a tad condescending that is all, and a bit badly thought out, especially aiming it at a large number of truckers, who by nature usually react to this by cynicism and severe taking of the ■■■■…as illustrated.

Anyway I’m going to have a go at this playing a trumpet business, which is handy because …it belongs to me. :bulb: :wink: :laughing:

Hey UK tramp
If you had read my post you would have seen that the arrogant lable was a description of myself…not you.
If you were thinking it was an implication aimed at you, then you clearly do not know me (which incidentally is true :smiley: ) If you did you would know that I don’t hint or imply, I actually say what I mean.
To prove that just look at the trouble I have got into on here in the past for that. :smiley: :unamused:

I just thought your post was a tad condescending that is all, and a bit badly thought out, especially aiming it at a large number of truckers, who by nature usually react to this by cynicism and severe taking of the ■■■■…as illustrated.

Anyway I’m going to have a go at this playing a trumpet business, which is handy because …it belongs to me. :bulb: :wink: :laughing:

I know, I honestly could never take offence from anyone off here, I may come across as arrogant and I may well be, I just come across that way on here, in real life, its odd I know but people usually like me. :smiley:

Wow a fridge god who cant drive a scania with a clutch pedel.

Always ask the customer what they want thats your best bet.You will get to know when to leave it running and when to turn it off.Always ask before you get to the loadong point what temp you need and pre cool the trailer saves a wait at the loading point.

Wow a fridge god who cant drive a scania with a clutch pedel.

Not got a degree in that

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


Wow a fridge god who cant drive a scania with a clutch pedel.

Not got a degree in that

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

I have to admit defeat with this one. I hate it and hope I never drive another manual Scania after this.

Does anyone know why cows stare when you have a milk tank on

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

A good question for Fridge Jesus. These blasphemers are getting in the way. He’ll answer us in good time.

I would still like to know what that bloke was doing to the cow when he discovered that milk were good to drink …