Hand Blender

On Tuesday night I decided to make some fresh bread crumbs using my hand blender which I use regularly but was talkin and not really concentrating as there was some bread stuck to the bottom placed index finger on the bottom only problem was that i still had my other finger on the on button

So it went round catching my finger i said I was ok not that bad ran it under cold water put some kitchen roll round it and held it tight

Son mam you need to go to hospital
me no I am alright
son no you have gone white
me we carnt get there
son we can
me I will drive
son no will phone a taxi

So he won I put on my jacket and we went arrived at hospital booked in not a problem was quite busy for a Tuesday but soon went through to see the nurse she asked to have a look at the wound then it started bleeding profusely I went white and had a dry mouth ( slight shock ) she shouted for another nurse to bring a chair was rushed straight through to a room that looked like a mini operating room another nurse came through and was told to take my blood pressure and temperature which she did they were normal

Not long after that a Dr came through to see me as the first nurse had insisted I was to be seen quick Dr gave me a local in the index finger so she could have a better look moved part of the skin back to see if there was any damage done to the tendons she thought there might be and wanted me back the next day for plastics to look at but had a closer look went to get the senior registrar who came along and had a good luck decided there was no damage to speak of but said I had made a good job

The Dr was happy so was stitched up and a bandage placed on and was asked to go back on Friday afternoon had an appointment so went back they took the dressing off had a quick look were happy that it is healing and is clean re dressed it I now have to have the stitches out on Tuesday

:unamused: :blush: :blush:

I may have some numbness in the top of my finger as the tendons in that part are micro that they couldn’t do anything with them will have to be more carefull next time

Crumbs that was close :laughing: all you have to do now is blend in with work and pulling your finger out :unamused:
Hope it mends ok Animal

animal I’m sorry to hear about your accident, sounds as if the results could have been much worse so you probably got off light to be honest.
I hope the wound heals quickly.

By the way, I know it’s called a “hand blender” but it’s really for blending food :wink:
Good luck.

So, what did the kids get for their tea in the end? :laughing:

Sorry about your accident :wink:

Wheel Nut:
So, what did the kids get for their tea in the end? :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: nothing as by the time we got home at 23.15 we didnt bother

will know more next week how the finger is going thanks

Crumbs that was close :laughing: all you have to do now is blend in with work and pulling your finger out :unamused:
Hope it mends ok Animal

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Get well soon Angela.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That was silly! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure you’ll be fine, mate. :wink:

:frowning: Sorry to hear that, so please have a speedy recovery.

:open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: Just think of the money you’ll save on pink nail varnish. :grimacing:

I’ll get my coat… :wink:

There are certain places where you should not stick your fingers :exclamation: - that was one of them - i’ll leave it up to your imagination as to what the other places are :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Get better soon Blenda - errr, I mean ang :slight_smile:

Well you can imagine trying to have a shower as I am not supposed to get the finger wet

A mate said I should by a packet of condoms to place over my finger :unamused: can you imagine goin into the shop ad askin for them when asked what sort you want then explianin that it is for your finger :laughing: :laughing:

Well you can imagine trying to have a shower as I am not supposed to get the finger wet

A mate said I should by a packet of condoms to place over my finger :unamused: can you imagine goin into the shop ad askin for them when asked what sort you want then explianin that it is for your finger :laughing: :laughing:

they might think you are going to put it in the ‘other places’ :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


Well you can imagine trying to have a shower as I am not supposed to get the finger wet

A mate said I should by a packet of condoms to place over my finger :unamused: can you imagine goin into the shop ad askin for them when asked what sort you want then explianin that it is for your finger :laughing: :laughing:

they might think you are going to put it in the ‘other places’ :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Bit like my finger :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :smiley: :unamused: :blush: :blush:

Ok…Bit too much info… :open_mouth: :wink:

they might think you are going to put it in the ‘other places’ :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Hmmm, what would it matter what they thought?

If it were me, I wouldn’t care what they thought. :grimacing:

and this is a girl who went to colledge taken a course to be a chef :blush:

and this morning tried (and failed) to cut her hedge with electric shears :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well the stitches are out the finger is still quite tender and I dont have much use of it as yet although I have been advised to keep it covered for a few more days

Yes I did make a good job but it should heal in time :unamused: :unamused:

Ouch :cry: :cry: :cry:

the condom tip sounds good, you could always find a teenager to buy them for you :wink:

just go in the shop and ask for a dozen
tell them you’re expecting it to be a wild night, it shuts them up for sure :laughing:

your not suposed to stick your finger in it. it tells you in the distructions to use a
blunt instrument to clean any sticky residue from around the blades. Ang have you got an accident book in the house yet

Well went back to hospital as the finger is still badly swollen and discolored, most of the scab has come off the top of the finger is very cold to touch and there is no feeling in the top

Spoke with the consultant who seen me 3 weeks ago he had a good luck although I might not get all the feeling back in the top of the finger he is quite happy with the way it is going and could take several months to heal because of where it is there is very little they can do due to the nerves being so small in the tip of the finger, he also said to rub hand cream on it to help stimulate the nerve ends