Eu referendum whats your vote

All Countries are supposed to be “Sovereign” so we can just walk away and tell the EU can go and ■■■■ itself ! What can they do, ■■■■ all ! and World trade will carry on ! so what are the "Remainers " scared of ? We aren’t lame ducks are we ? we are the second biggest “NET” contributors to the EU so we only get back a percentage of what we pay in, and that has always been the case ! So what’s wrong with keeping 100% of our contributions, it must do us more good than receiving less back in “handouts”. The Paddy’s are starting to realise that their “handouts” are coming to an end and they will start to be "net " contributors shortly ! So that is going down like a “lead balloon” in Eire !! ■■■■ 'em I say and just walk away because I will tell you those ■■■■■ in Brussels are never going to agree to anything so it will all end in tears ! Cheers Bewick.

Well if the news is to be believed Westminster is turning into a ■■■■■■ “cess pit” no wonder the ■■■■■■■ UK is struggling with negotiating with the EU. I am just waiting for D. Abott to accuse J. Corbyn of sticking “it” in the wrong box ! :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: Now that would really be sensational ! Cheers Bewick.

Good old Enoch.

Yes and fat lot of good did it do him or us.
By the use of certain derogatory terms in his famous speech, he not only gave them the ammunition to shoot him with, he also closed that most important discussion for nigh on 30 years because he played into their hands and its took 30 years before anyone in the established corridors of power dare voice any concerns about immigration, and it’s still a taboo subject where voicing an opinion risks a hate speech investigation.

So Rees-Mogg should attempt to knife May, which will immediately rule him out for ever as a potential leader of the party, superb tactic.
It isn’t just May, it’s over half the present conservative members of parliament that didn’t want to leave the gravy train, sorry, the EU.
He’d be falling on his own sword, just like Enoch, who after the Rivers of Blood dust settled was out.

Blimey Juddian.I don’t think that Enoch said anything which Tommy Robinson or Anne Marie Waters,nor for that matter even Gerard Batten,haven’t in calling a spade a spade by the language of the day.So if Enoch had stayed and gone grovelling to Heath and Thatcher and expressed his full support for them how would that have fixed/changed anything.We’d still have ended up where we are now except that there would have been no voice raised in opposition to the establishment stitch up at all at least regarding the immigration issue.

On that note maybe the real question is why is it that the cross Party establishment agenda always seems to win out.Even in the case of the majority anti EEC/EU real Labour Party in government in the day or the Leave vote now.With people like Powell and Shore and Benn all being sidelined in favour of treacherous zb’s like Heath,Wilson,Callaghan,Thatcher,Major and Blair followed by Brown and Cameron and now May working for her remain cronies by trying to limit the damage of the Leave vote and unfortunately succeeding.What is certain is that we won’t fix that by supporting anyone among the treacherous Cons let alone not voting at all.At least while the choice of voting UKIP is still there and so long as it sticks with its Out Now policy of ditching article 50 and telling the EU no divorce payments we’re out.

With even Rees Mog not only standing by May but at least also supportive of going along with article 50 as part of his stated support of May.Which totally contradicts his so called anti EU position.When it’s equally clear that article 50 is actually a catch 22 to stop anyone seceding from the EU.In addition to providing it with the time and the means to punish any state that dares to try it.

By golly (can I say that anymore?) there is some sense being talked here tonight. With the usual exception of course.
Why oh why don’t they have anybody on the negociators ‘team’ with a big enough pair to stand up for us? Why is the ‘media’ hell bent on convincing the country of the horrors that await us if there is the famous no deal?
The first part of this so called deal that is taking so much time to discuss should have been kicked into touch first day. Imagine if Dennis went to buy a truck and the dealer said “Pay whatever price I decide plus 50% for what I might have forgotten and when it’s cleared into my Bank I’ll let you know if it comes with wheels or not”.
We only need to believe in ourselves enough to tell them to stick it but I suppose the problem is that we no longer know who we are or remember what our Fathers achieved. But we no longer even know who we are do we.
I feel really sorry for those who are left to sort this mess out cos I will be long gone but I feel terrible sure that it’s going to be a disaster for our Country.
But on the bright side I do so hope you are right Dennis and the Black Toad and the Chairman become embroiled in a major ■■■■■■ controversy. That would make the news worth watching

All Countries are supposed to be “Sovereign” so we can just walk away and tell the EU can go and [zb] itself ! What can they do, [zb] all ! and World trade will carry on ! so what are the "Remainers " scared of ? We aren’t lame ducks are we ? we are the second biggest “NET” contributors to the EU so we only get back a percentage of what we pay in, and that has always been the case ! So what’s wrong with keeping 100% of our contributions, it must do us more good than receiving less back in “handouts”. The Paddy’s are starting to realise that their “handouts” are coming to an end and they will start to be "net " contributors shortly ! So that is going down like a “lead balloon” in Eire !! [zb] 'em I say and just walk away because I will tell you those [zb] in Brussels are never going to agree to anything so it will all end in tears ! Cheers Bewick.

Firstly puppet Cameron and his EU masters never intended the referendum to be won by the Leave vote nor to honour it if it was.While it’s equally obvious that article 50 has been purposely designed for that agenda to bog down any state in so much aggravation that it will never happen.Bearing in mind that even Rees Mog supports it and remainer May and the ongoing delaying tactics which that process provides her with,then who are the ‘Leavers’ actually supposed to be in this bs process ?.

Now Gentlemen I have just read Juddians last post on here and then read it again and I have to say he does make some very valid points indeed, read it slowly and inwardly digest as IMHO most who reside in this country don’t give a toss what happens anyway as they are not born and bred here, well some are but there descendants are not,and a lot are out for what they can screw out of our government. Personally I think its too late because we are already a major multi cultural society so all the efforts of those who perished in the two world wars to preserve our society did it for nothing but things have changed since those dreadful times and here we are today, to say its too late is an understatement and although I am too old to probably witness it there could be a time in the future with real possibilities of a Muslim or Jihadi in a position of power controlling this once fine country of ours, we are doomed and I fear for my grand children I will leave behind for it is them that will have to deal with that situation when it arises, make no mistake this is a real possibility.
Like Juddian I did not vote to be part of the corrupt EU and why is it when we had a democratic vote to leave it takes so long for it to happen. Supposing Germany nuked us would we wait that long to press our red button in reply, I don’t think so lets get on with it. The truth is of course they are scared that if and when we leave we go on to make a grand success of trade elsewhere and take off there will surely be others who would want to follow in our footsteps and exit the EU that’s for sure and that is what they are frightened of, I just hope I breath long enough to see us out and make
Go of it and make us Great Britain once more, Buzzer.[/quote
I agree about the real possibility of the muslims taking the government over. The only scenario to this would be the monarch asking the military to take the country over. There are plenty of generals waiting to do the job, there would be a ring of tanks around Westminster and Enock’s speech would come true. Ken

Some really strong feelings put into words on this thread tonight, maybe we should try and get it streamed straight into Whitehall so the ■■■■■■■ running this country of ours can see just how we are feeling abut the whole ridiculous debacle, Buzzer.

The aerosols in the EU are starting to crap themselves as they have realised that when our contributions cease they will have a ■■■■■■■ great black hole in their budget and this fact is setting off unrest in some of the EU member countries like Sweden, Holland etc who are sympathetic to the UK. This why the ■■■■■■■■ at the EU are demanding we pay “through the nose” to leave ! I say tell them to ■■■■ off and just walk away, which will with any luck end up being the outcome ! Fingers crossed ! Cheers Bewick.

You must not let them get to you Dennis it will upset your appetite for the Chinese takeaway tonight, its a good job you and me are not in charge here as we would have left the week after the vote and be well down the road over the hill and out of sight by now with a few more EU members thinking we should go as well. Me well I am out to an Italian restaurant tonight treating a driver and his good lady, he has been with us for over twenty years and it was his 65th birthday recently but he is carrying on. It is rare indeed nowadays for such loyalty so this is a small reward, god knows how my boys will ever afford the gold watch when he does retire, Buzzer.

The aerosols in the EU are starting to crap themselves as they have realised that when our contributions cease they will have a [zb] great black hole in their budget and this fact is setting off unrest in some of the EU member countries like Sweden, Holland etc who are sympathetic to the UK. This why the [zb] at the EU are demanding we pay “through the nose” to leave ! I say tell them to [zb] off and just walk away, which will with any luck end up being the outcome ! Fingers crossed ! Cheers Bewick.

Blimey Bewick where do you get these ideas that remainer May has the slightest intention of walking away from her EU allies.Let alone that the Dutch are on ‘our side’. :open_mouth: … ll-2017-10 … 03296.html

You must not let them get to you Dennis it will upset your appetite for the Chinese takeaway tonight, its a good job you and me are not in charge here as we would have left the week after the vote and be well down the road over the hill and out of sight by now with a few more EU members thinking we should go as well. Me well I am out to an Italian restaurant tonight treating a driver and his good lady, he has been with us for over twenty years and it was his 65th birthday recently but he is carrying on. It is rare indeed nowadays for such loyalty so this is a small reward, god knows how my boys will ever afford the gold watch when he does retire, Buzzer.

Well said Buzzer ! Yer Mate we would sort the ■■■■■ out PDQ and it would have been two fingers and we’re gone eh!. No doubt you will do your long serving Lad justice to-night, I’ve been there many times during my time, mainly retirements after long service but it has to be done and is a small price to acknowledge loyalty that has been shown to the firm over the years. Cheers Dennis.

Thought this very poignant, Buzzer.


And so it is Buzzer.

And very timely.


Todays news Brexit should be prevented, German Government advisors say due to “far reaching impact” that Brexit would have, are they scared of how much better we would get on if we ever get out, trouble is if we do and get on well trading else ware how many other countries would want to follow, Buzzer.


We’ve pushed the door open a little bit, now’s the time to kick the thing off its hinges and get right out, and watch the others follow.

Thought this very poignant, Buzzer.

Different takes on that; a local chap wrote (pre Brexit vote) in our rag that he had served through WW2 (and later Korea) and was pleased that what he had fought for had actually come to fruition, a united europe, and now folk were on the verge of throwing it all away. He said “what price can you place on peace in europe?” but of course that was just one ex servicemans opinion. :confused:



Thought this very poignant, Buzzer.

Different takes on that; a local chap wrote (pre Brexit vote) in our rag that he had served through WW2 (and later Korea) and was pleased that what he had fought for had actually come to fruition, a united europe, and now folk were on the verge of throwing it all away. He said “what price can you place on peace in europe?” but of course that was just one ex servicemans opinion. :confused:


It needs to be remembered that there are no lengths that these Soviet EUSSR supporters won’t go to get what they want.Including masquerading as ‘regretful’ Leave voters and possibly the imaginary freedom fighter old ‘soldier’ supposedly fighting for the contradiction of a Federal Europe.

Bearing in mind that most/all of the European wars have been fought to defend its sovereign nation states against takeover by expansionist undemocratic despotic regimes in whatever form.To which at best he seems to be saying let’s appease that agenda by going along with it to create the illusion of ‘peace’.

On that note ironically and sadly I could imagine plenty of real patriots and those with the views of that deluded Federalist EU crusader,fighting on opposite sides,in any potential future war of secession.Which is probably what it would actually take to get the country out if the remainers succeed in keeping us in. :unamused:

I see from the news that Maggiemoos team of steely - eyed ‘negociators’ have ‘negociated’ the financial deal with the EU. At 55 billion quid it is very close to what they demanded in the first place. That’s some serious ‘negociating’. Just think about that for a minute. 55 BILLION pounds. Of course that’s not going to be all because it seems that, in addition, we will be responsible for the Pensions of all EU employees till early 2065.

Anyway the door is now sort of open to begin the Trade ‘negociations’. The UK should probably take down their trousers and stand by for a serious shafting. With this lot I shall be surprised if we get even the right to sell Mangle Wurzels on the front at Ostensible for two weeks in March.

But don’t worry because 55 billion is nothing. We have for many years spent 63 billion every year in ‘Foreign Aid’ which we do so that our politicians can still kid themselves that they are ‘International Statesmen’. The list of the Despotic and Ungrateful nations who get all this money is interesting and includes South Africa. I would have thought that, with all their Gold and Diamonds, they should probably be sending us money.

Anyway I am lucky because I am old and all the Government expects of me now is that I die fairly soon to save the NHS expenditure so that they can save the money to use on drug addicts, teenage mother’s and useless car drivers. I’m doing my best but the people that I am really sorry for are you young guys with kids and all you hero’s who are trying to run haulage companies. My heart goes out to all of you.


David Miller:
I see from the news that Maggiemoos team of steely - eyed ‘negociators’ have ‘negociated’ the financial deal with the EU. At 55 billion quid it is very close to what they demanded in the first place. That’s some serious ‘negociating’. Just think about that for a minute. 55 BILLION pounds. Of course that’s not going to be all because it seems that, in addition, we will be responsible for the Pensions of all EU employees till early 2065.

Anyway the door is now sort of open to begin the Trade ‘negociations’. The UK should probably take down their trousers and stand by for a serious shafting.I’m doing my best but the people that I am really sorry for are you young guys with kids and all you hero’s who are trying to run haulage companies. My heart goes out to all of you.

I wouldn’t shed too many tears as there is a massive amount of those ‘younger’ people who actually support throwing away the country to foreign interests.May’s agenda is obviously along the lines of oh look how bad Brexit will be and cost us let’s all change our minds and remain after all. :unamused:

While now the treacherous hag has the nerve to have a go at Trump for telling it like it is. :imp:

Daviv we are still going in transport but by heck it aint easy, Buzzer