Blocking London for brexit


I think their idea is to kick the Brexit can down the road as far as possible (going well so far eh?) give a million or two oldies the chance to die, and to bring indoctrinated youngsters up to voting age.

Which is exactly the plan.
Sadiq Khan said yesterday “Young peoples voices were ignored in 2016 and they must have the final say now” and what he really means is that there’s now another two years worth of young voters who’ve been brainwashed into believing their future is a dystopian wasteland without membership to the EU who will vote remain.

That guy is a complete prick.
He was asked three different questions yesterday, and he gave the same rehearsed dialogue to each one like a ■■■■ parrot. :unamused:
How the hell did that ever get to be the Mayor of London ffs…and don’t anybody dare play the race card against me on that btw. :bulb:

Stanley Knife:

What’s so terrible about a second referendum ?

If the result of a second referendum was exactly the same as the first what would your response be?

I think it WILL be exactly the same, that’s just it.

The problem would then come from the way the votes are counted?

The 17.4m people would be split over “Accept Cheqeurs Deal”, “Go back for further negotiations”, and “Perform a no deal Brexit without delay”.

Meanwhile, “Remain” - just get the one option, keeping their entire 48% poll in once place.

The 52% poll - gets split three ways, and the final outcome would be something like:

Accept Chequers - 6%
Continue Negotiations - 22%
Perform No Deal Brexit NOW - 24%
Cancel Brexit, and Remain in the EU - 48%

Total 100%.

It doesn’t matter how low, or how high the turnout is - Remain easily wins - with exactly the same poll they got LAST time.

We must not have a second referendum under any circumstances then.
Remain only lost the first time, because Cameron stood with Remain, and Labour Remainers didn’t want to be seen voting for anything with Cameron’s blue sick all over it.
Now if CORBYN had stood for Leave, as his apparent “EuroScepticism” might have suggested - then he would be PM by this point - or Remain would have won, because this time LEAVE voters "couldn’t countentance voting leave now that it had been JC’d making them “backdoor Corbyn Supporters” - perish the thought! :wink:

To paraphrase Josef Stalin - “It is not the votes that count - but the way the votes are counted”. :bulb:



I think their idea is to kick the Brexit can down the road as far as possible (going well so far eh?) give a million or two oldies the chance to die, and to bring indoctrinated youngsters up to voting age.

Which is exactly the plan.
Sadiq Khan said yesterday “Young peoples voices were ignored in 2016 and they must have the final say now” and what he really means is that there’s now another two years worth of young voters who’ve been brainwashed into believing their future is a dystopian wasteland without membership to the EU who will vote remain.

That guy is a complete prick.
He was asked three different questions yesterday, and he gave the same rehearsed dialogue to each one like a [zb] parrot. :unamused:
How the hell did that ever get to be the Mayor of London ffs…and don’t anybody dare play the race card against me on that btw. :bulb:

He got to be Mayor, because Zack Goldsmith had a successful ‘Anti Semitic Hate Campaign’ ran against him, whilst Liberal Elites “looked the other way”, hoping to grab some crumbs from under Goldsmith’s table like Sarah Olney did in the Richmond By-election…

Tbh I think if there was a second referendum the remoaners would win.
Not because ‘‘The pro Brexit did not know what they were doing/they were ignorant and irresponsible’’ or any other cmplete dog crap the remoaners come out with on a regular basis, but with all the pro remain propaganda by the media we are drip fed, to the point people actually believe it. :open_mouth: (a well tried and successful tactic used in the 30s and 40s :bulb:)

Tbh I think if there was a second referendum the remoaners would win.
Not because ‘‘The pro Brexit did not know what they were doing/they were ignorant and irresponsible’’ or any other cmplete dog crap the remoaners come out with on a regular basis, but with all the pro remain propaganda by the media we are drip fed, to the point people actually believe it. :open_mouth: (a well tried and successful tactic used in the 30s and 40s :bulb:)

That’s also how the 1975 referendum was won by the remainers.

The question is why do Leave voters think that it’s a matter which could/would/should ever be settled by referendum anyway.When no one has the right to vote the nation,as a sovereign independent state,out of existence.While remainers ( Soviets/Federalists ) are just acting true to form in never accepting any vote for secession usually historically resorting to force of arms to impose the will of the Federation by that point assuming secessionists refuse to back down.The fact that the head of state and armed forces seem to be on the side of the EU in this suggests that the leave vote doesn’t even have the luxury of that support to save the country in that regard so I’d guess it would be more a case of many leave voters like myself then saying who cares let em take it because the place ain’t worth trying to save from itself and let the EU supporters get what they wish for.While the older demographic won’t be around anyway in the longer term to see it all implode and have the last laugh.

Tbh I think if there was a second referendum the remoaners would win.
Not because ‘‘The pro Brexit did not know what they were doing/they were ignorant and irresponsible’’ or any other cmplete dog crap the remoaners come out with on a regular basis, but with all the pro remain propaganda by the media we are drip fed, to the point people actually believe it. :open_mouth: (a well tried and successful tactic used in the 30s and 40s :bulb:)

Not everyone reads the propaganda news ,These biased out lets spew out ,It is 2018 not 1930
I think you are wrong.
You probably made a few more remainer pals though :laughing:


Stanley Knife:

What’s so terrible about a second referendum ?

If the result of a second referendum was exactly the same as the first what would your response be?

I think it WILL be exactly the same, that’s just it.

The problem would then come from the way the votes are counted?

My point was if exactly the same question was asked and exactly the same answer given, what then?

It works the other way round if there was an IN/OUT referendum again and Remain won 52/48 what then?

My point being democracy is not an option you choose because it suits. Referendums in France, Ireland and The Netherlands which didn’t go the right way were re-run to get the right result, after a huge influx of funds in each case from the EU.

The Remainers who argue for a Second Referendum will never allow a straight IN/OUT option again just in case we don’t do as we are told. The last referendum question was posed by Remainers, should there be a next one that will also be posed by Remainers. But Mrs May has said there will be no Second Referendum - she’s doing a fine job as it is. :unamused:

Harry Monk:
Absolutely disgusting photo taken yesterday.

Once we’ve left, and the Euro collapses in value - Britain will then be begged for bailout funds BY the EU.

By this point, our hearts need to be hardened, with offers to bail out individual member states of the EU - ONLY if they do an “Exit” as well. This would mean switching their outgoing Euro currency to Sterling.

A “United States of Brussels” might not be viable, but a “United States of Britain” ? - That’s another story…

Member States already speak English when meeting with their delegations.
Sterling is accepted all around Europe already as “Hard Currency”, despite it’s recent markdown.
Britain will end up owning all the real cash, should the EU economy crash following Brexit
Britain won’t ask much for “bailout funds” - other than a poltical allegiance - to BRITAIN who can be trusted to run an Empire properly this time around.
Trump’s America - will be delighted at this new arrangement, and the United States will fully assist in any way they can in this exciting new project…
The Far East, that already idolizes Britain - will jump in as well, bringing much needed inward investment to those countries shut-out by EU regulations beforehand, but now part of a global-trade-reaching “British” European Union.
The ECB will be wound up, and if found to be short of assets - “prosecutions for theft, false accounting, and high fraud” will be forthcoming.
The Border will be the Mediterranean to the south, Atlantic to the West, Artic Ocean to the North, and Danube to the East. (Ukraine can be shut out, as can Turkey)


Harry Monk:
Absolutely disgusting photo taken yesterday.

Once we’ve left, and the Euro collapses in value - Britain will then be begged for bailout funds BY the EU.

By this point, our hearts need to be hardened, with offers to bail out individual member states of the EU - ONLY if they do an “Exit” as well. This would mean switching their outgoing Euro currency to Sterling.

A “United States of Brussels” might not be viable, but a “United States of Britain” ? - That’s another story…

Member States already speak English when meeting with their delegations.
Sterling is accepted all around Europe already as “Hard Currency”, despite it’s recent markdown.
Britain will end up owning all the real cash, should the EU economy crash following Brexit
Britain won’t ask much for “bailout funds” - other than a poltical allegiance - to BRITAIN who can be trusted to run an Empire properly this time around.
Trump’s America - will be delighted at this new arrangement, and the United States will fully assist in any way they can in this exciting new project…
The Far East, that already idolizes Britain - will jump in as well, bringing much needed inward investment to those countries shut-out by EU regulations beforehand, but now part of a global-trade-reaching “British” European Union.
The ECB will be wound up, and if found to be short of assets - “prosecutions for theft, false accounting, and high fraud” will be forthcoming.
The Border will be the Mediterranean to the south, Atlantic to the West, Artic Ocean to the North, and Danube to the East. (Ukraine can be shut out, as can Turkey)


That’s not an argument for secession from the EU.That’s a case of wanting to maintain the EU in whatever form but us to be top dog instead of Germany.While the Battle of Britain was all about fighting for the right of Europe’s nation states to exist as independent entities which is why remainers being Soviet style Federalists decided to insult it.

Question to Brexit supporters.
When we are finaly free from EU shakles, who would you want this country to sugn the first free trade deal, who do you think is the first country we sign a free trade deal with?

Trump’s America of course. :sunglasses:

Yeah, that’s the answer I was expecting
Here you have a simple comparison of food standards between UE and the US of A … 50175.html

I know what me and my children prefer to eat

Trump’s America of course. :sunglasses:

Beef raised on antibiotic laced feed,
Genetically Modified fruit & vegetables, chlorine washed factory reared chickens, all taking that TransAtlantic ferry soon!
And a Free Trade deal will open up lots of investment opportunities: the companies that run the most expensive health care system have buckets of cash to spend. Sure they’re all nice guys who’ll treat our NHS gently and not rip us off.

Yep. Can’t wait to throw away these EU rules that prevent our farmers ripping up hedges and planting GM monoculture crops.
Hey! Let’s copy the US, get rid of bosses paying towards our health and pensions. Cut paid holidays. After all we will need to cut out there frills to compete with our big cousins.

As trading partners with the US maybe our NATO and defence role will be increased? Trump will need somewhere to put the extra Nukes has is talking of?
Not enough soldiers to guard the missiles? No worries, G4S have a proven record…

So many opportunities, for someone. ;-/

Edit to add.
Bit like democracy maybe?
The EU is a bit crap, but it’s better than the alternatives.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Edit to add.
Bit like democracy maybe?
The EU is a bit crap, but it’s better than the alternatives.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Just to quantify that; we do indeed KNOW that the EU “is a bit crap”. What we do not know however is whether the alternative will be a little bit crap or a little bit good. I suspect it’ll be a mixture of the two. I also suspect that naysayers such as yourself are almost wetting your pants in eagerness to be able to say “I told you so”. Be very careful what you wish for.

Question to Brexit supporters.
When we are finaly free from EU shakles, who would you want this country to sugn the first free trade deal, who do you think is the first country we sign a free trade deal with?

Typically loaded remainer question.Who cares so long as it’s not the net payments and foreign imposed rule for the privilege of being a net importer of stuff that defines our membership of the EU.As for the idea of ‘when’ we are free from the EU’s shackles more like ‘if’ we ever get a UKIP majority that smashes the obvious endless ‘transition’ scam to hold out until the next election which was obviously May’s,Hammond’s ( and Cameron’s ) plan from the start.

the maoster:

Edit to add.
Bit like democracy maybe?
The EU is a bit crap, but it’s better than the alternatives.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Just to quantify that; we do indeed KNOW that the EU “is a bit crap”. What we do not know however is whether the alternative will be a little bit crap or a little bit good. I suspect it’ll be a mixture of the two. I also suspect that naysayers such as yourself are almost wetting your pants in eagerness to be able to say “I told you so”. Be very careful what you wish for.

You are so wrong.
I really, really, want to be proved wrong!
When the Leave vote came in I was disappointed. Now, having seen the performance of our Government I am worried. They seem intent on turning a bit of a problem (my opinion) into a disaster.
My concern is more for the future of this country, then me “loosing face” in an anonymous forum!
And my knickers are quite dry, thank you! :slight_smile:

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk


Trump’s America of course. :sunglasses:

Beef raised on antibiotic laced feed,
Genetically Modified fruit & vegetables, chlorine washed factory reared chickens, all taking that TransAtlantic ferry soon!
And a Free Trade deal will open up lots of investment opportunities: the companies that run the most expensive health care system have buckets of cash to spend. Sure they’re all nice guys who’ll treat our NHS gently and not rip us off.

Yep. Can’t wait to throw away these EU rules that prevent our farmers ripping up hedges and planting GM monoculture crops.
Hey! Let’s copy the US, get rid of bosses paying towards our health and pensions. Cut paid holidays. After all we will need to cut out there frills to compete with our big cousins.

As trading partners with the US maybe our NATO and defence role will be increased? Trump will need somewhere to put the extra Nukes has is talking of?
Not enough soldiers to guard the missiles? No worries, G4S have a proven record…

So many opportunities, for someone. ;-/

Edit to add.
Bit like democracy maybe?
The EU is a bit crap, but it’s better than the alternatives.

UK buyers would still have the right to refuse to buy the US product.Then US farmers wouldn’t take long to figure out that US products destined for the UK market will need to reflect UK buying requirements.In just the same way that I don’t have to buy unpasteurised French dairy products or a LHD Ford Mustang.Also seems ironic to use the undemocratic EU government system to make the case for democracy.As for the NHS I’d much rather ask the guvnor for the wages needed to pay for decent health cover,than the Brit system of imposed health care rationing to the point where the implications of being denied access to non existent ICU provision and/or expensive complicated operations can then result in effectively being told to go home and die as part of the ‘palliative care’ ‘option’.Which you’ll find is actually just a one sided decision made by doctors not the unfortunate patient and which obviously can’t be challenged.Also bearing in mind the conflict of interest that creates in too few resource starved hospitals combined with far too many patients to treat.Possibly based on nothing but the patient’s age IE too old with too many expensive complications to be worth trying to save on a whatever it takes basis.Or having to lose your house to pay for long term after care which isn’t covered by the NHS.All to save the employers the money needed to pay for a decent health insurance plan.

I really, really, want to be proved wrong!
When the Leave vote came in I was disappointed. Now, having seen the performance of our Government I am worried. They seem intent on turning a bit of a problem (my opinion) into a disaster.
My concern is more for the future of this country, then me “loosing face” in an anonymous forum!

But the ‘government’ in question that you’re referring to is led by committed remainers obviously doing everything possible to sabotage the Brexit process so as to create the best possible chance for the cross party remain alliance to then reverse it.Hence a decision to leave the EU as of 2016 translates as open ended so called ‘transition’ which actually keeps us signed up to the EU until at least seemingly 2022 and counting.

How about free trade deal with China, population over a billion vs our population of just over 60 millions (and that’s thanks to the influx of those unwanted eastern European immigrants, otherwise we would be even more insignificant).
China currently as a country higher purchasing power than the USA, that’s why the US is relocating as much hardware to the pacific as they can
Some time ago I remember I watched a documentary about China on YT, it was something about China’s trying to feed itself, agriculture, they said apparently China permits double chemical doses on their fields what EU permits ( can’t remember exactly what chemicals they were) and that’s why chinese fields, crops look so green , lush.
Plus because there is so much industrial development everywhere chinese food contains high amounts of carcinogenic metals.
From that time I stopped buying chinese foods which I liked to buy from time to time from chinese shops.

Not sure if anyone remembers there used to be free trade talks going on between the USA and the EU, they were going on for many, many years, they collapsed at the end because the American food wasn’t meeting high EU standards.

Yes, EU is not the quickest to strike new free trade deals, because they do things on their own terms, 500 million population, mostly reach consumers can afford to do deal at their own pace and their own terms and conditions.
You meet our standards with your products or we don’t do deal with you, simple.

There are some airlines that are not allowed to fly to EU because they do not meet EU safety records.

So, what chance a little UK has out there to strike a good deal with others.
That’s why all over the world we are the laughing stock, people shake their heads wondering what are we doing here.

Now, about those insignificant antibiotics so common in american food, that we will have to permit to our markets.

Take a look at this scientific research. … n-11532307

|t’s not what mu mate told me yesterday at that ■■■■■■ RDC waiting room, or what I might have read on trucknetuk.

Ah, but we’ve had enough of experts, as Mr Gove said.

It will all be splendid after Brexit. We shall rebuild the Merchant Navy and import GM Spam from the USA by ship.

Convoys will form in New York Harbor, slip by the deadly EU-boats in the North Atlantic, and be welcomed by cheering crowds at Tilbury Docks who will watch the trusty British dockers crane netfulls of the delicious luncheon meat out of the holds of our plucky freighters.

We shall all cheer when our ration coupons arrive after the no-deal Brexit!