Beating the virus

Macron has his own country to worry about, including fishermen of course, as does Merkel and all the other EU member country leaders.
French fishing figures? Does that matter? Johnson et al are making big noises about the UK fishing rights, whereas (sorry fisherfolk) it pales to insignificance against the motor industry and farming etc.
(2013 comparable UK / Fr … eet_en.pdf)
I dont know whether Macron or Johnson is the most (un)popular. Track and Trace,France doing badly too? So, we arent the only country doing badly? That doesnt make us any the better. Germany is doing OK. Might not be so bad if Johnson held his hands up sometimes, instaed of spinning stories about the "next level, world beating, moonshot" whatever. The heightened expectations makes each failure more of an insult to our intelligence, as he expects us to swallow more crap. I dont know Id believe The Times forecasts particularly. Certainly it is reliable on fact checks etc, but its views are closely aligned with the Tories.

As opposed to DDR Merkel and side kick Commy Macron closely aligned with the CCP intent on imposing ‘world governance’ on us all.
Macron doesn’t speak for much of France let alone Europe.He only got in by laughable ballot rigging against Le Pen.
Which part of our waters our fish, not your Corrupt Commy Collective, just like Iceland, Norway and Canada, don’t you understand.
As for Bozo you protest laughably too much when you know he’s just another world governance shill.