Spain route advise


Muckles, a proper European driver would have snow chains and a shovel to expect the unexpected , or park up til the snow plough clears his route.
Late for the ferry, so be it.

Or they’d ask for advise on conditions up ahead and avoid the snowbound route altogether. :wink:

For traffic conditions in Spain, go to this site

you used to be able to select english as language, but I do not see it anymore
but just select trafico and then mapa del trafico and zoom in

Ps; last weekend there were numerous roads closed in spain due to the snow
and for the op; beware parking along the A7 and AP 7, the whole part down to Allicante is dangerous for theft, better to get off and look for a little restaurant on the national with plenty of (Spanish) trucks.
(Not foolproof but the better option :sunglasses: )