Im sure this will get some comments

When is all this pathetic do gooding nonsense going to stop.Now,I’m a non-smoker,and always have been,but just because you smoke doesn’t mean that you are going to die from lung cancer.I wish all these do gooders would just shove off and stop bloody whingeing and making everyones life a misery.

Whats wrong with making the saloon bar non smoking and the public bar smoking.If non-smokers don’t like it,they can procede next door.Simple.And to pre-empt you,it there is only one bar,and you don’t like it ,don’t drink there.I wonder if Westminster will curtail the smoking ban.Yeah,pigs might fly. :smiling_imp:
Most of us work bloody hard,and should enjoy the small pleasures in life that they have worked for.Ireland are just trying to show Brussels what great Europeans they are.It will be ANARCHY in the UK if they try to bring it over here.

Another point,especially if you live in a big city is that you are breathing in fumes all the time that are far more obnoxious than tobacco smoke.Sitting in traffic is the same.Yeah,sure you will feel better for not smoking,but since when do the state have the right to tell you what you can and can’t do.We are living under a dictatorship run from from poxy Brussels.They can stick the Euro where the sun don’t shine.Thats my rant over. :imp: