Will it register a break?

Always book a break so it shows on the card, rather than as a manual entry - IF you get the choice.

Think of it from a VOSA inspector’s point of view: The card got popped, and then there’s a two hour gap (say) when you manually enter a 45 minute break… How is the inspector going to know you were not just blagging a break like you’re encouraged to do when working for pallethub outfits?

I’ve seen people take a quick 15 on a derv pump, pull off the bay, close their doors and book off a 15, and sit in a tip queue doing their curtains whilst booking off a 15…

It is not a stretch of the imagination for some drivers somewhere to really take the ■■■■ on such a move - and blag the entire 45 minutes by popping the card, driving the wagon around the yard (off the public highway, so they think they are staying legal) putting the card back in the same or different vehicle, having manaually entered a 45 minute break that you didn’t actually take…

C’mon! - Who hasn’t even been tempted to pull that stroke once or twice in their driving god career? :open_mouth:

It makes no difference if the break is whilst the card is in or you manually enter one for when the card is out.

How does it being in the vehicle on break guarantee a driver wouldn’t go work in the warehouse?

It doesn’t matter what a dvsa bod thinks, they need to prove you weren’t on break whilst you’ve recorded a break and if you were on a break, they can’t

Stop spouting ■■■■■■■■