syria [Merged]

If Corbyn wants to commit to a Brexit that appeals to the 52% (enough for a thumping majority in any general election) rather than the 40% ceiling he got in the general election last year - then he will need to get rid of everyone in his party who won’t be in favour of meeting the RIght half-way at very least, with a proper Brexit that encompasses those popular aspects of Brexit, as voted for by the very RIght-wing brexiteers, that the Left are intent on continuing to slag off…

Brexit does NOT have to mean “Being nasty to immigrants” - far from it. I could suggest that we

(1) Keep all those already here, fast-tracking full rights to remain to those who have paid taxes and NICs for more than 5 years already.

(2) Deport any criminal immigrants, with the alternative being jailed in this country alongside other criminals. NO special treatment. A criminal is a criminal. It would save the most money of course, if we could deport “petty criminals” BEFORE they’ve served time in a UK jail of course. Save the jail spaces for those convicted of the more serious crimes. So, in essence - if you are an immigrant in the UK today - you keep your nose clean - or any application to get a perment residency status - is binned on the spot, once a conviction for so much as littering is handed down.

(3) Immigrants in full time employment get day release to college to learn English properly, part cost to be paid by the employer, part cost to be paid out of the taxes already levvied on that member of staff.

(4) Immigrants are not entitled to draw benefits until five full years of NICs have been paid. This includes Tax Credits, so all immigrants other than those with a DECENT job lined up - are discouraged from coming in the first place. Those already here, will of course have by now, got some kind of NICs record, unless they are attempting to stay as benefit scroungers, in which case they will be rounded up, and deported once here for five years with no NIC record whatsoever. Hard to round up? - Only Illegal immigrants under current definition - will be able to avoid such a round-up. The black market economy cannot support the non-criminal fraternity for very long.

Brexit does NOT mean taking away any UK-born taxpayer’s rights then. Just those who shouldn’t have had such rights extended to them in the first place. We were idiots for allowing non-documented individuals, highly likely to be criminals rather than qualified persons - into the country in the first place.
The Left really need to “Remove the log from thine own eye, Brother” on this one. Be nice to your Leftists UK supporters FIRST - otherwise you’ll be upset in the future, when ordinary former labour voting folk keep on doing this upsetting thing of “speaking out against those who threaten their communities”… The public want JUSTICE rather than excuses such as “diversity” and “postive discrimination” and “equal rights, but for you home-growns last of all” kind of hand-wringing arguments that the Leftist in higher society have been rather too in favour of for some time already.

I suggest a REGULAR referendum with the burning issues of the day put as a question to the public - to see if they want any laws changed, abolished, introduced - to suit that same public.

Any vote getting 75% support - gets passed with immediate effect. 51-74% support - comes back as a question on the next ballot, and is only advisory in the meantime. 49% or less - has failed, and is banned from future ballot papers for the rest of this parliament. There’s something in there for everybody if you think about it.

“Popularism” can truly unite the Left, Right, and Center - I reckon. Punishment for Criminals. Taxation upon those who can afford to pay. Benefits for those who actually deserve them, such as the elderly, disabled, and recently-made-redundant.

I rest my case.

“The Enemy isn’t Left, Right, or Center - it’s the whole bloody lot of them, in power as MPs - but failing to act in the public’s interest!”