
Don’t think it’s a good time to be in that part of the world right now, looks like Obama is making threats to Assad about chemical weapons etc. … apons.html

Wonder how this is going to turn out. I’m sure Cameron willl be making use of our hard pushed forces while at the same time cutting them :unamused:
We’ve got our fingers in a lot of pies at the moment - Afghanistan, Iran is teetering on something big with whatever it is they’re doing, we’re going to be absorbed with the Olympics soon, the Falklands are heating up, Southern Europe is crumbling and now Syria. Let’s hope the powers that be know what they’re doing :laughing: :confused:

Wether we should be concerned about other people’s problems is one thing, but why on earth did Cameron think now would be a good time to make all these cuts to our forces??

Im in favour of cutting out armed forces if it prevents one body bag being flown home because some politician wants to play poker with other peoples lifes it’s got to be a good thing, doesn’t it?
As for Syria I think Asaads coming to an end when your inner circle are getting killed by suicide bombers you can’t trust anyone and paranoia must make you even more irrational with bad decisions and so bringing the end even closer.

just nuke the pricks. it’ll be one bunch of muslims taking over from another bunch of muslims.
we’d be doing the world a favour. the only way to have peace in this world is to wipe out islam.

just nuke the pricks. it’ll be one bunch of muslims taking over from another bunch of muslims.
we’d be doing the world a favour. the only way to have peace in this world is to wipe out islam.

Or just say that’s your place this is ours like Israel does.But the BBC seems to be trying to compete with Al Jazeera in bringing us minute by minute news of what’s going on there and what they’re doing to each other and taking sides probably all done to keep the UK Asian immigrant ‘community’ happy here and up to date. :unamused:

Israel has got the right idea let them all get on with it but the minute they look like causing trouble outside of their own borders then that’s the time to sort them out and if that means nuking them then so be it.But I don’t think that Israel has the type of open door immigration and travel policies,regarding the Asian countries,that us and America has which is why 911 probably couldn’t have happened there because,unlike here,I don’t think many Arabs/Muslims ever get an immigration or travel visa to enter Israel and get,or want,to fly on El Al aircraft. :bulb: :open_mouth:

Its not a good idea to ‘nuke’ anyone because who can say where the cloud of radiation would drift next ? Maybe Bradford or Slough … oh well, in that case go ahead :wink:

Unfortunately the BBC has a one sided view of everything so you will never fully understand what is going on, unless you also subscribe to Al Jazeera and Saudi TV channels.