Come on then… what does it mean?

The initials of a moderator who used to be on here a white ago.

The initials have stuck as a blackout for a censor dodge.

Come on then… what does it mean?

ZB, the initals of an old administrator by the name of zzarbean. When editing out profanity he’d replace it with his initials [zb] and it’s stuck ever since.

What cracks me about are the people who instead of just typing the swear word (if so inclined) and letting the auto-censor edit it out, they actually type the letters “zb” instead. WTF is all that about? :laughing: :smiley: :question: :confused: :unamused: Carryfast’s posts are usually the place to see this lunacy in action. [zb] [zb]s :smiling_imp:

We can’t write what it means … it would just replace it with [zb] :laughing:

Zum Beispiel

I thought it was software that hadn’t been configured to replace the censored word with something useful, like

I like the way it edits out all kinds of combinations of the 6th letter combined with the 11th letter, but you can easily get around 3.141 combined with the thing that opens doors. :smiley: :unamused:

Having met zzarbean, it’s nice to know his influence on the site, he was such a nice chap.

Didn’t get much time to chat, as there was a lot going on and a lot of people to meet, but a really nice chap.

It’s nice now to see the [zb] written in dirt and on some name plates :grimacing:

Today, I have had my first “what does [ZB] mean” from someone on a drop.

It was much fun to shout ■■■■ OFF at them.

With a little explaining they got the joke :smiley:

You can apparantly use the word ‘■■■’ without the sensor automatically kicking in… However, by the time you read this the word ‘■■■’ may have been manually sensored !!!

Zum Beispiel

I thought it was software that hadn’t been configured to replace the censored word with something useful, like

I like the way it edits out all kinds of combinations of the 6th letter combined with the 11th letter, but you can easily get around 3.141 combined with the thing that opens doors. :smiley: :unamused:

pi handle??! :confused:

You can apparantly use the word ‘■■■’ without the sensor automatically kicking in… However, by the time you read this the word ‘■■■’ may have been manually sensored !!!

Hi Kerbdog,

This might end up getting added to the FAQs…

A poster can type whatever they like… how hard is that for posters to understand■■? :open_mouth:

IF a word is on the banned list, then the auto censor ‘catches’ it and automatically substitutes “[zb]” for that word.

A breach of forum rules arises when people start altering the word a bit, such as by using asterisks or other characters to dodge the auto censor. That is when a Moderator will manually edit a post and put the “[zb]” instead of the dodge. If that continues, then the sanctions system kicks in. It’s all in the forum rules. :wink:

Words like… ■■■, arse, ■■■■■■ and ■■■■ are allowed, so posters can write stuff like…

My boss is taking the ■■■■, … or I was on a break, but the security ■■■■■■ wouldn’t let me back in my cab…

:bulb: The ‘Preview’ feature will allow posters to see which words get caught by the auto censor, but the advice is that the words that get caught shouldn’t be altered to dodge the auto censor.

■■■■■■■ Hell! nice to see that ■■■■ explained DD. I was awfully ■■■■■■■ confused about what the ■■■■ was all about. thanks a ■■■■■■■ million :smiley:

■■■■■■■■! ■■■■■■■ double post - ■■■■!!

OOH! found a new one I can use :sunglasses: :laughing:

The Sarge:
OOH! found a new one I can use :sunglasses: :laughing:

Yep, perfectly within the rules. :smiley:

Rob K:

Come on then… what does it mean?

ZB, the initals of an old administrator by the name of zzarbean. When editing out profanity he’d replace it with his initials [zb] and it’s stuck ever since.

What cracks me about are the people who instead of just typing the swear word (if so inclined) and letting the auto-censor edit it out, they actually type the letters “zb” instead. WTF is all that about? :laughing: :smiley: :question: :confused: :unamused: Carryfast’s posts are usually the place to see this lunacy in action. [zb] [zb]s :smiling_imp:

:laughing: :laughing: I actually did that other day for the first time ever.
I wanted to right Richard head but the censor actually cuts out “head” as well and I wanted to make it clear I was writing ■■■■■ head.

Just testing something.


So you can have ■■■■ but not ■■■■ and head together.

So you can have ■■■■ but not ■■■■ and head together.

I’d very much like my ■■■■ to get together with Holly Willoboobies head. Would that be ok or would it result in zb being stamped on my ■■■■?


Zum Beispiel

I thought it was software that hadn’t been configured to replace the censored word with something useful, like

I like the way it edits out all kinds of combinations of the 6th letter combined with the 11th letter, but you can easily get around 3.141 combined with the thing that opens doors. :smiley: :unamused:

pi handle??! :confused:

That was very good Winseer, bit high brow like a Times crossword clue or something. :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: I actually did that other day for the first time ever.
I wanted to right Richard head but the censor actually cuts out “head” as well and I wanted to make it clear I was writing ■■■■■ head.

Richard Cranium works tho :smiley: