Your favourite actor list

For me it is Robert Deniro, in the film made in Paris with the most expensive car chase, it was called Ronin.
He plays comedy parts in Meet the Fluckers with his cat in the RV.
Al Pacino in Heat.
Ray Winstone.
Vin Diesel.
Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man.
Ray Liolata who was a cop stalking Kurt Russels wife after a burglary in their home.
Jack Nicholson in The Departed.
Andy Garcia who played an airline pilot and his wife Meg Ryan was an alcholic.
John Candy and Steve Martin in Planes trains and automobiles, my favourite film ever, “Those aren’t cushions”
Harvey Keitel.
John Cussack in Pushing Tin about feuding air traffic controllers with Billy Bob Thornton.
Fargo was a great film.
Robert Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws, yes I did jump out of my seat when he saw the dead fishermans head pop out in the hole in the boat.
Denzil Washington, all his films turn to gold.
John Travolta.
Matthew Mccauney gets better with age

Joe Pesci - total ■■■■■■ in Goodfellas, yet bloody hilarious in My Cousin Vinny. Takes real acting talent to play such starkly opposing roles. DeNiro can do both too - e.g. Cape Fear and Meet the Fockers.

Nick Nolte in Breaking Point with the late Patrick Swayze, bank robbers with masks of American presidents.
Meatloaf who played a haulage boss in Black Dog.

Kevin Spacy (sp).

Denzil Washington

Morgan Freeman (I’d happily watch him reading aloud a telephone directory)

Al Pacino

Robert DeNiro.

John mills, Richard Attenborough, Alister Sim, Sid James, Stanley Baker, Dirk Bogarde, Richard Todd, Alec Guiness, Hack Hawkins, Kenneth More, David Niven, Anthony Quayle, Peter Sellers,
If you hadn’t guessed, I enjoy good old British 1950’s B&W movies!

Richard Attenborough in the original Brighton Rock was menacing and scary.
Robert Shaw as Quint in Jaws, when he tells the story of sailors eaten by sharks, a great actor.

jurgen Prochnow - Das Boot
Daniel Day Lewis - There will be blood
Al Pacino - The Devil’s Advocate
Paddy Considine - Dead Man’s Shoes
Jack Nicholson - The Shining
Ben Kingsley - ■■■■ Beast (is that sir Ben? :smiley: )
Leonardo De Caprio - The Aviator/ Shutter Island

John Thaw in The Sweeney.
Dennis Waterman in The Sweeney.
Damien Lewis in Band of Brothers and Homeland.
John Wayne.
Clint Eastwood in Good Bad Ugly.
Bob Hoskins in The Long Good Friday.
Best modern actress for versatility Sheridan Smith.

Tom Hanks - forest gump
Liam Neeson - taken
Bruce Willis - die hard
actress, Sandra Bullock - blind side
Will Smith - hancock

John Travolta - Face Off (After he became Castor Troy)
John Candy - Uncle Buck
Bill Murray - Ghostbusters & Groundhog day
Clint Eastwood - Any film he’s ever made!

Clint Eastwood in The Bridges of Madison County.
Having an affair with a farmers wife , played by Meryl Streep.
The part while he is waiting for the traffic lights to change, while in his pick up truck.
Meryl is sat in the passenger seat of her husbands jeep clutching the door handle, contenplating to to run off with Clint.
Did you notice the modern John Deere harvester machine drive past in one scene,but the film was set in the 1960 s.
Ray Winstone in The Departed.
Mark Wahlberg in The Departed.
Kurt Russell in Broken Down, his wife is kidnapped by a truck driver.
Michael Douglas in Falling Down, a defence office worker has a mental breakdown in Los Angeles.
Tommy Lee Jones, all his films are brilliant.