…If you were asked to do a load into a site that you are banned from (They know you are banned)
And when you got there you made a bit of a fuss, because the place is really very bad in all aspects.
The GM came out and recognised you, so refused to tip you and in a phone call to your boss called you evil, vile and the anti-Christ( ) And ugly, when you put your head outside the window of your lorry…
…Your employer had to divert another driver over to tip you and then you went back to depot empty(would usually have empty boxes on)…Would your employer keep you employed
If you are like the names called I would expect the sack it hardly sounds like you would be a good representative off the company now would it .
My employer knowing my nature would assume if I was banned from a site then someone there must off been a bit off a ■■■■ to get my back up. If the gm phoned my boss to complain my boss would phone me and tell me to pull away and to tell them not to ring us again ( it has happened in the past ).
My boss acts like he doesn’t like me but deep down I know he does he’s always got my back the same as if I’m not happy with somewhere or have been spoken to like a piece off ■■■■ by some tie wearing tool then we simply don’t go back again.
Not if they sent you there knowing that you was already band, of course not. Don’t be a knob about it though, i would have apologised to the other driver as its probably ■■■■■■ him up but keep quiet and let it play out.
He’d have no choice but to keep me on. I’m sleeping with his mrs.
I’m self employed
Seriously though. I was banned from all bardon’s recently and I wasn’t sent on them for a fortnight. After a fortnight we didn’t have cover so I was sent. No a word mentioned about me being banned and I’ve been on bardon’s again for 7 weeks with no issues.
Your boss knew you were banned so I can’t see where the issue is here beyond bad planning. Why were you sent knowing you were banned. It seems like you’ve done no wrong
So lets get this straight, a boss sent a driver to a place he’s are banned from, I assume he was short of options and needed him to do this, and instead of just going in quietly and biting your tounge and doing the old yes sir no sir routine and getting the job done he mouths off at them again and gets himself booted out? Again? Ive no idea who he is or what he’s like in real life, he may be the loveliest man in the world (!), but purely from this post hes sounds like a right pain in the neck for an employer! Although I wouldn’t see this one incident as a sackable offence I doubt this is the latest in a long line of trouble caused so ‘he’ may be on the edge of precipice
From a bosses point of view, what use is a driver who can’t go into the customers?
Eventually the customers are the ones who pay the bills.
Going onto a site that you are already banned from and then STILL making a song and dance doesn’t sound like the kind of behaviour that many bosses would put up with for long.
I think that we have all been there and had times when we have wanted to spout off and tell the customer where to stick their goods but most sensible people realise that in most cases there is only one loser and simply bite their tongue.
just wondering what you did to get banned in the first place ?
That is beside the point.
Getting banned in the first place: Questionable but then all it takes is for Driver and Goods In Twerp to both be having a bad day and it gets ugly.
Getting sent back in there and kicking off: Unacceptable. If you are unhappy/unwilling to do the job, speak to the boss explain the situation. If sent anyway then keep quiet, sit in the corner with your book and smile nicely when collecting your notes. If you cant do this then you are a poor ambassador for the company and if I was in the TMs chair, it would be a sizable step on the way to that major trunk route, the p45.
We all get asked to go to bad places and do crap work some times. It is the marque of the professional that you get over it and get on with it, not that you create problems with the customers.
At Asda below Dartford bridge.I saw a list of banned drivers.About 12 from the same firm that have been on the telly.Green lorries.
I asked why at the gate.But he would not say.
At Asda below Dartford bridge.I saw a list of banned drivers.About 12 from the same firm that have been on the telly.Green lorries.
I asked why at the gate.But he would not say.
But does anyone actually check these lists? I doubt it.
Interesting topic because I know someone who purposely got himself banned from ASDA Dartford.
He walked out of the yard with a plastic carrier bag, then returned about half an hour later with said bag filled ‘with something’ and dropped this on his pasenger seat. He’d made a point of chatting to security on his way back in. Within a few minutes he had security checking his truck, and not allowing him near his doors. He was accused of stealing from the site and security held him away from his truck. Plod was summoned and …
When plod arrived; he wanted to see inside the truck and of course the bag was found which upon inspection plod found 5 house bricks.
The driver explained that up in Lincolnshire we have strange habits and one of his habits is collecting house bricks. He has this wonderful collection of house bricks, and he had found a pile of bricks just outside ASDA’s gate-house and decided to add them to his collection. Finally plod (in tears of laughter) departed. ASDA banned him from the site for life - for taking the ■■■■ - and he has never been back.
If only I thought 'd be able to keep my job, I’d also be banned from that sodding place I’d be on that list you mentioned!
Chatting with security! At ASDA dartford! I went the other night and had to knock on the window to wake the guard up. To be fair he was dressed like a Michelin man & had the heater going full belt, well it was down to 5deg bless him. The list is still there but im betting if you went there and announced yourself as one of those names they wouldn’t have a clue.
Chatting with security! At ASDA dartford! I went the other night and had to knock on the window to wake the guard up. To be fair he was dressed like a Michelin man & had the heater going full belt, well it was down to 5deg bless him. The list is still there but im betting if you went there and announced yourself as one of those names they wouldn’t have a clue.
This is really weird cause I was just gonna mention about this. Was it the old boy who was on? And you are referring to the list on the right hand side as you put your head in? It made me laugh because a lot of banned drivers seem to be Stobarts!!
Yes that’s the list, still there Sunday night. Guard was from the southern hemisphere, Nigeria at a guess.
Nigeria’s in the northern hemisphere.
But why let fact overcome prejudice or ignorance
You’re correct, I did not know that. I thought all of Africa was in the southern hemisphere. Prejudice? How’s that? If id have said “the brown fellow from an African country” maybe but as his accent sounded African, he did speak as he woke up,I guessed Nigeria.
Yes that’s the list, still there Sunday night. Guard was from the southern hemisphere, Nigeria at a guess.
Nigeria’s in the northern hemisphere.
But why let fact overcome prejudice or ignorance
You’re correct, I did not know that. I thought all of Africa was in the southern hemisphere. Prejudice? How’s that? If id have said “the brown fellow from an African country” maybe but as his accent sounded African, he did speak as he woke up,I guessed Nigeria.