Your ability to drive

Do you think that people can either drive or they can’t?
I think it’s something that comes naturally to some and not to others. It doesn’t matter how much tuition or miles experience they gain, they still don’t get the concept of driving. Then there’s others who take to it like a duck to water and make it look like second nature to them.
Yes there’s still time when I don’t park on a bay without a shunt but there’s some which fail to every time.
Does anyone else think the same?

I’ve driven many things from ships cranes, bulldozers, front end loaders, bobcats and many more as a Docker and your right some people just could never pick it up. Passing the eternal tests wasn’t too difficult but not everybody improved after that
therefore it did seem to be the same people driving the same plant most of the time.
Also my missus is a driving instructor and she says the same thing that some pick it up very quick and to others it’s a constant struggle.

Agreed, some people have an aptitude and you spot them a mile off, others you could train till the cows come home and they’ll still be incompetent 25 years hence.

We can’t all be surgeons or scientists or plasterers either.

Do you think that people can either drive or they can’t?
I think it’s something that comes naturally to some and not to others. It doesn’t matter how much tuition or miles experience they gain, they still don’t get the concept of driving. Then there’s others who take to it like a duck to water and make it look like second nature to them.
Yes there’s still time when I don’t park on a bay without a shunt but there’s some which fail to every time.
Does anyone else think the same?

I’m both,a good driver and a bad driver,tues -fri I’d say I’m a good driver as I’m in no particular rush to get anywhere so my standards are high,sat is my last shift so all that’s on my mind is getting home as quick as I can,standards go out the window and it’s just how quick I can get it back in yard,and not bothered how good/ bad my driving is,just foot to the floorboard and get out my way.

Agreed, some people have an aptitude and you spot them a mile off, others you could train till the cows come home and they’ll still be incompetent 25 years hence.

We can’t all be surgeons or scientists or plasterers either.

I’ve always thought the same, and that’s why I think it’s all wrong when you read in the paper about people passing their test at the 35th attempt or whatever. You can’t tell me they’re safe in everyday driving!

Some people are hopeless at exams and tests though they can do the job well enough at all other times.A lot of women will only have a strange man in their passenger seat whilst on test and at no other time.

Something my instructor at Scania said to me that stuck was, people like me come around less than 1 in 50…
Now I can’t help but think if he was referring to driving or the banter that was going on, probably thought I was an ■■■■■■■■ wouldn’t be the first!
Their has been some manoeuvres that I make a pigs arse out of right enough lol

As Alamcculloch says some people are hope less at taking tests and exams and I am one of them. I struggled at school with exams and I struggled to get pass my HGV but I haven’t had a problem since I passed.

I feel the reverse, that taking tests are relatively easy if you prepare (cramming, practice or whatever), concentrate like mad on the actual test and not be concerned about the results (don’t allow yourself to be stressed out, good sleep the night before etc.) - just do your best. As for the rest after passing, it gets harder to keep up that “learner standard” - the interest, academic knowledge (e.g. the intricacies of the Highway Code) and attention fall away and complacency comes in, as does experience though.

As for the OP, I believe it to be true that some people are naturals and some are eternally inept with all shades overlapping in between - this applies to most areas of endeavour.