Young Driver Scheme

I was wondering if any of you had any experience with the young driver scheme allowing 18-21 year olds to driver HGV’s

I’ve been involved in haulage all my life (I’m 18 now) as my dad owns a small haulage firm with an artic and a few 8 leggers (hence my name :laughing: ) and I was considering going down the line of haulage my self and using the young driver scheme as a stepping stone, so if anyone has first hand experience of this please could they share there thoughts

I would have liked to have gone on the young driver scheme but no one was interested in it at the time. Ive read articles in truck & driver and seems to be worth it but apart from that I cant help you matesorry

Thanks Lovemachine, I’ve been on the Skills for Logistics website and I think I’ll give some of the training companies a ring to see the cost and get some other information about the course.

Hi 8 legger,
I’m 19 and got my class 2 on the young drivers scheme last May and am about to go for my class 1 at the start of December after doing the minimum of 6 months on class 2. I started off by calling my local approved training organisation last January. They were brilliant and dealt with everything. Apart from a missing license (Royal mail!) the whole process was very smooth. I passed first time and have had 4 assessments since (the last one being yesterday). My training and NVQ were both funded, also sorted out by ATO. Although class 1 training at the moment is not funded. Hope this helps.


We were looking into this at work recently, I don’t think there are to many problems with it providing you follow the regs. We didn’t go ahead due to cost of insurance.

Try this website for more info

Thanks jedimaster, is 4 months the average it takes to get a licence? Do you know if your employer had any problems with insurance?

Hi 8 Legger,

I should of had my test about a month earlier had my license not gone missing but the process was about a month faster than normal because i had already done my theory and had a medical on the DVLA records because i had already taken my 7.5 tonne test. So 4 months should still be the norm. The reason it can take this long is because of all the paper work going from ATO to skills for logistics then to the DVLA and back again!

Had a struggle with insurance to start with but then came across a good broker who was happy to take me on providing i had an assessment by the insurance company on top of the 4 standard assessments.


Thanks jedimaster

I think i’ll look further into it, with costings and such… thank you very much again!

Hi 8legger, im 18 also and considering going into the driving industry, I have managed to find quite a bit of information about the yds scheme such as the careers in logistics website but im not having any luck with finding any companies that offer this scheme. How are you getting on 8legger, have you managed to find anything?

Nick :smiley: