You won't get that in here

You won’t get your 26tonner in here drive

Wanna bet!!

Loads of room didn’t even need to tuck the mirrors in. :wink:

Did they not realise the gate was only half open? :smiley:

You could get a jumbo jet in there jimmi, don’t get cocky :grimacing:

Nice. :smiley:

nice looking motor,is it a sleeper :question:

If it was that tight, you would have to climb over the wall to open the back doors :stuck_out_tongue:

only ever had to ask for help on a drop once.
had 2 fold in both mirrors and they still rubbed the gates going in backwards.

my area boss turned up took one look at the gateway and refused to drive his insignia through them.

nice driving by the way. great looking motor!

More impressed if it had a trailer on the back ! :sunglasses:

An inch is a mile as long as you miss!.

I take it that’s your own drive your blocking ■■ :smiley: is the council litter wagon jammed in behind you ■■? :smiley: :smiley:

The council van moved. The mirrors stayed out because I was as far back has I could go and still get the tail lift out. I also got a £110 parking ticket for blocking the pavement.

Bigboots yes it’s a sleeper and suedehead i had to go though the shop to get to the back doors.

The parking ticket a bit harsh. how many cars do you see with the whels up the kerb. what town was that in. can you appeal against parking? or does the towmn you were in not want any of the product you were delivering.
Nice Motor :smiley:

Cheers old timer. It’s only 3 months old. I was delivering stock to a new card factory shop. It was the back of 43 Mitcham road tooting.