You couldn't make it up.

Serco do random drug tests & apparently they can detect Cannabis in the system for a few days after you’ve taken it & they sack anyone found positive, here’s an article on it- … g-testing/

Cannabis stays in the system longer than cocaine and heroin and one reason why they are preferred.


Captain Caveman 76:


According to the Daily Mail, a policeman from West Midlands who was sacked for using cannabis is now a lorry driver.

So what’s the issue?

The Daily Mail is written to make you angry. Anger leads to hate, and we all know what hate leads to!

:confused: What’s that then ?

The Dark Side of course! Where rigid drivers are treated with respect and agency drivers are loved by their permanent brethren! :open_mouth:

One must never go there! :grimacing:

Haha how funny if some trucker is sat in a service station with some guy he’s just met saying have you read this about some [ZB] doing drugs as a copper now he’s a tucker :open_mouth: :open_mouth: erm got to go garb another cuppa :laughing: :laughing: