You are going to love this

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Here in Algeria the gas is run by Sonatrach the oil side is run by Naftal so what do they call their transport Look at the truck and make and model :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I have driven them i have no problems with them, They go they stop they do the job no problem but for some they are the pits and they will LOVE
this :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The picture is not working. You haven’t uploaded it properly.

It work on
the preview

Still not working. Only a third of the pic is showing. The rest is grey. You haven’t uploaded it properly.

OK will try to redone it but i can see the truck

Here we go potobuket a bit slow SORRY :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Original β€œ1/3 picture” was best - at least you could read the name…nice one Robert :laughing: :laughing:

try this

:smiley: Thanks Dennis i did it to quick and did not upload the pic complete off photobuket . do you do OK on the livestock transport , I was brought up on a farm my father kept pedgree guernseys only a 30 acres but won alot of prizes at local shows Namely Staffordshire and the breeders shows that was thirty years ago I then realized no money in farming so did not follow him but still miss it a bit that how i got into truck driving alocal farmer come contractor asked me if i would take my HGV to drive his truck now and then dropping off diggers and Hymacs on weekends .

Yes, good pic. Sums up the Renaults to a tee.

:laughing: :laughing: , could always substitute naf for gutless too…

Rob K:
Yes, good pic. Sums up the Renaults to a tee.

Took, and failed, my cat C test in a Premium…