Yorkie advert

Check out he truck in this advert!


I remember that. Does that make me old? :unamused:

yeh…not for girls…or people with teeth that are likely to drop out :laughing:

Anyone even remotely understand the Cadbury advert below ?

youtube.com/watch?v=_YkV4a6W … re=related

Anyone even remotely understand the Cadbury advert below ?

youtube.com/watch?v=_YkV4a6W … re=related

Really makes ewe wanna go out and buy chocolate that one… :confused:

Didnt the original “yorkie” ad have a nice chap, in an equally nice anorak driving a Daf 2800 ?
Sad i know, probably more sad that i remember it!!

Didnt the original “yorkie” ad have a nice chap, in an equally nice anorak driving a Daf 2800 ?
Sad i know, probably more sad that i remember it!!


or this one for girlys.

youtube.com/watch?v=LH2pLzde … re=related

look @ yorkie ad early 90’s love that scania wanted one like it when i was a kid :sunglasses: :sunglasses: i like yorkie bars to yum

Wheel Nut:

Didnt the original “yorkie” ad have a nice chap, in an equally nice anorak driving a Daf 2800 ?
Sad i know, probably more sad that i remember it!!


or this one for girlys.

youtube.com/watch?v=LH2pLzde … re=related

Thats the one, shows how long ago that was . . . got a telex no on the door of the cab - Happy days!!

I remember that. Does that make me old? :unamused:

Oh yes, yes it does make you old :stuck_out_tongue:

I may well remember it myself as it goes…I recall being captivated by the 2 foxy cyclists and the fact that although Yorkie is really not for birds…I would gladly give them one myself :wink: