YODEL Bolton - Warning!

Hi guys and girls.
If you get asked to do Agency work at Yodel Bolton WATCH OUT!!!
I would advise you to think very carefully before you take it on because you could end up with 'black mark’s that are not justified and completely unknown to you. As a result, your Agency might put you to the bottom of their list without you even knowing!! Result, - you get less work and only the rubbish jobs from firms who are desperate and pay poorly.
Here’s what happened to me this morning at 8 o’clock.

I have worked on the odd day here and there for my agency at Yodel Bolton since August last year and my last job for them was about 6 months ago!!! (Overall I have probably done about 25 days there on and off). I have done lots of days at many other clients for the same agency since then.
In my opinion, Yodel is not the best managed or organised place, but they seem to keep going.

On that last job 6 months ago, I was phoned at 09:00 and asked to go in as a driver for an 11 o clock start. I got there at 10:45 and was made to wait in a side room with 6 other drivers and 6 other mates until 1:30. We were then told that our trucks were just finishing their morning rounds and would be trickling back in during the next hour or so. At about 2 pm we were told our trucks were back and WE had to LOAD them!!! Well none of us had an inkling of what our rounds were going to be. The goods were brought up to the bays in a TOTALLY RANDOM order (6 trucks worth of beds and mattresses). We didnt get out until 4pm. My round was Keighley, Wakefield, Leeds and Rotherham all HOME deliveries. Who expects a delivery at 11 pm■■? We were expected to dismantle the customers OLD beds and bring them back.
I had to deal with rush hour traffic, 9 ft. bridges, single track 90 degree hairpins, thick fog and ice on the road.
I only delivered half of my round and got back in at 1:15 THE NEXT MORNING!!.

Guess who got blamed for the no deliveries?

This morning I got a call from the agency at 07:20.
Can you go to Yodel at bolton ASAP 7.5 ton driver.
Wanting to please and show willing, I rushed like mad and got there at 08:00. The TM met me and said “We have Canned the round - it was for Harrogate”. Dont need you. Thanks for coming. Goodbye.
My phone was ringing, it was the agency.
“Yodel cant use you. They got another driver instead. You are banned from Yodel. Too many bumps and too many infringements”. (My thoughts - This is news to me, but I think I know the real truth behind that statement!)

I dont have any infringements with that client.
I dont have any bumps or crashes with that client.
My agency is unaware of any infringements or crashes at that client.
I told my agency never to send me there again.
But of course, who do you think the Agency will believe?
Who pays them? who do they have to ■■■■ up to? Not me (or you).
What do you think the Agency will think about me?
So if you get asked to go to YODEL Bolton, THINK CAREFULLY. You might get a few quid this week, but it might blight your long term prospects.

For my part, I am glad that I dont have to go back there because it is the sort of firm that you just know is gonna give you high blood pressure. :smiley:
Cheers all,

The cheek of some people, sound like complete barstewards.

When I told the agency I was with that I’d had enough of this [zb] and didn’t want to do HIAB anymore for this ‘group of companies’ that they supported primarily their response was to get me blacklisted.

Months later, an option of a one off with Jewsons was returned with ‘sorry, you’re blacklisted, they won’t touch you’

Agencies can be annoying in so many ways, it would just be nice to have a job with ONE company and stick with it, but it’s not going to happen is it :frowning:

Have the agency offered you any other work at other companies ? if not go in and ask whats going on , that you havent done anything of the like and see what they have to say face to face dont let them blacken your good name ,


It wasn’t the agency who blacklisted me, it was only Yodel themselves.

They didn’t say anything to the agency about me at all until yesterday morning half an hour after the agency had called me.

The agency has asked me to go to that company a few times since christmas, but I have always been on other jobs and couldn’t go, so that supports the agency knowing nothing at all about it. If they did then why would they send me and lose the work? No, its Yodel who has kept this little gem of information completely to themselves until they found out I was on the way.

Lets remember that the TM said to me Face to Face, we dont need you today because we have cancelled the run. But the Agency said the client doesnt want you because you have too many infringements and too many bumps.

So one or other or both of them are not telling the full truth.

Anyway, I dont really care anymore, I will simply find a different agency and make sure they know I dont want to go anywhere near Yodel.

Live and Learn folks,

A little update on this post.

My Agency spoke to me this morning about this, and I have to say I was very impressed with the very professional manner they dealt with things. They assured me that they would always speak to a driver in this kind of position to get both sides of the story and that is exactly what they did this morning. So perhaps I was a bit hasty in insinuating that an agency might look less favourably on a driver before they had listened to both sides of the story. I apologise for that.

I feel I need to make it absolutely clear that I never blamed my agency for what has happened and that they have always done right by me. I would be more than happy to recommend them to any driver looking for work.

As far as I am concerned, that’s the end of this little matter.


Calm down the ■■■■ licking

Typical Agencys. Always a pole to take yr place!! :blush: