Yet another Tacho question

Yesterday about 18.00 I parked the unit up and took my tacho out and put my gear in my locker(spend the last couple of hours loading rigids). Walked into the office to be asked to take it out for a pick up. So got my tacho and put it back in, did the job, took tacho out and wrote on the back “tahco removed by accident 18.oo to 18.15.”
Similar thing happened tonight except my tacho was out for an hour. This time when I put it back in I filled in the back as a second vehicle all though it was the same truck I had been driving all day.
What is the correct method?

IMHO… If you’ve “closed off” the tacho (filled in the destination, end mileage, etc.) then put the tacho back in, and record the new mileages on the back as if it were a second vehicle. If it’s still “open”, then put it straight back in, and record a note saying why it was removed “mid-shift”.

In both cases, make sure you record the “dead” time as other work (or whatever it actually was).

If your vehicle is not being used you should leave the chart in the head until the end of your duty.
You should only remove the chart if you are leaving your vehicle & someone else is using it / driving it, if you are changing vehicles or if it is the end of the duty.
Your tacho chart is suppose to record your working day, not just the period spent in your vehicle.

If your vehicle is not being used you should leave the chart in the head until the end of your duty.
You should only remove the chart if you are leaving your vehicle & someone else is using it / driving it, if you are changing vehicles or if it is the end of the duty.
Your tacho chart is suppose to record your working day, not just the period spent in your vehicle.

Daxi,Read the question m8,The guy ( Knight) had actually finished his shift,as he obviously went into his office to hand in paperwork etc his boss asked him to go back out.( A one of job must have come off).So he then re-opened the tacho by filling out the rear of the chart and went and done the job that he was asked to do.On his return he then closed the tacho and went home.(Just as he intended to do the 1st time he closed it)Go home :laughing: :laughing:

And i think we all know what a tacho is for M8. :unamused: :unamused:

He hadn’t actually finished his shift, proved by the fact that he spent a couple of hours working, what he had done was thought he had finished driving for the day. The tacho should stay in until the end of your working day not just when you finish driving (as I know you are all aware :slight_smile: )

Sorry Kit Kat I didn’t think I’d explained it well. I’d done what i thought was the last collection of the day, took the paper work in the office as some of the stuff I’d picked up was going out that night so the paper work has to be processed asap. Because my job doesn’t take a full day I make up the hours loading some rigids. Because my unit is used by others I take tacho out as soon as possible. Just wasn’t sure of the correct way of putting tacho back in when they asked me to take the unit out again.

I can sympathise with knight. I’ve often worked at companies where, you reverse onto the bay, and by the time you’ve got the paperwork processed, the vehicle has been reloaded and out of the gates. “Hot Bunking”.

The only way to keep hold of your chart is to keep it with you because, once your back is turned, anything can happen. :laughing:

Agreed, a manual entry should have been made showing ‘other work’. but as for leaving it in the vehicle whilst engaged in Warehouse Duties or suchlike, I’d not be too pleased if someone took the vehicle out to do a local collection and tripped a speed camera on my card.