Yet another Field Test required:/

Got a letter through from the DVLA today saying they require me to go through another field test(my 3rd one) this time at Rotherham General hospital! Even though they asked me to go to Barnsley General for my first test(which they say I failed, even though I’ve yet to see the results :unamused: )
Why can’t I go and have it done at Barnsley General again I want to know, plus why won’t they except the results from my 2nd field test which I had done at the Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield which I passed no trouble at all■■?
It just seems to me the knuckle draggers at the DVLA like nothing more than dragging things out and ruining drivers livelihoods whilst making their lives a misery at the same time :imp:

Good god your not having it easy with this are you.
They don’t like to rush them at Swansea,best of luck with it all anyway

I know a driver that had a mild stroke and has been cleared to drive again by his doctor/specialist around six months ago.

The DVLA still won’t give him his licence back and he’s up to his third medical now. The latest is an ECG needed, even though there has never been any question about the health of his heart, it’s fine.

■■■■■■■■ merchants I’m afraid. You just have to keep them sweet.

Best of luck this time. :sunglasses:

It’s taking the ■■■■ now mate. What I’m worried about is if I have an off day when I go for the test, anyone can miss a dot or two when staring at a screen for about 4 mins, even those with perfect eyesight. Even the opticians say my eyes are perfectly fine to drive HGV’S and that I don’t even need glasses to drive :confused:
I think the rule book the DVLA work from was wrote in prehistoric times :unamused:

I make you right steve, and i sympathise. I assume they want to get a better picture of your eyesight, by having 2 tests with 2 different opticians, bit like getting an estimate, but if they havnt refused you a licence, you can still continue to drive i believe. I had a similar problem last year, because i had been to my doctor for a sleep problem, DVLA assumed i had sleep apnoea, so they wrote to me, then i phoned them and told them to get the facts right, they did in the end, but it took then around 3 months.
good luck anyway.

I make you right steve, and i sympathise. I assume they want to get a better picture of your eyesight, by having 2 tests with 2 different opticians, bit like getting an estimate, but if they havnt refused you a licence, you can still continue to drive i believe. I had a similar problem last year, because i had been to my doctor for a sleep problem, DVLA assumed i had sleep apnoea, so they wrote to me, then i phoned them and told them to get the facts right, they did in the end, but it took then around 3 months.
good luck anyway.

They revoked my HGV entitlement in October of last year mate. I can still drive cars.

Got a letter through from the DVLA today saying they require me to go through another field test(my 3rd one) this time at Rotherham General hospital! Even though they asked me to go to Barnsley General for my first test

Just a thought, you think Barnsley could have ballsed it up so they’re sending you to Rotherham instead? DVLA never like to admit they’re wrong

If your medical has not yet expired than change the photo and get 5 years more for LGV without the hassle !

If your medical has not yet expired than change the photo and get 5 years more for LGV without the hassle !

They revoked my HGV entitlement in October

Rog,it’s already been revoked

I’ve got to go to Rotherham for what is called a “Goldmans Binoculor” test■■? :confused: Anyone know what one of these are and what it entails as I ain’t a ■■■■■■■ clue! :unamused:

hi how does that work mate by renewing picture had field test last nov
licence was granted for 3 years