Yet another 'do' with the police

I’m sure I’ve got some bizarre internal police-magnet built into me :angry: .

Tootling through Leeds today in an artic, following the loop road round the back of the town hall and up the hill through the lights and in between the Merrior and St.John’s lights when, just as I was about to sail through the lights (on green of course), a TRAFFIC POLICE car suddenly appeared into view round the building and came through the lights from my right WITHOUT STOPPING and WITHOUT SIRENS and, as the road was wet I just about jack-knifed the wagon as I skidded to a halt to avoid a nasty collision.

Absolutely ZEBIDEEING fuming at the unbelievable STUPIDITY from a POLICE TRAFFIC CAR driver, I rammed the door open and bellowed an endless amount of obscenities at the driver who clearly knew he was at fault and totally avoided eye contact with me or any confrontation, pulled round me and zebidee’d off before I even got the chance to note down the car reg or number :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

The bus driver at the side of me said it was a close call and asked if I was alright. Sadly because of the angle the car was to him he didn’t get the number either but he was as raging as I was.



:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


:laughing: (picks up another dummy just lying around) :laughing:

Far too many of those around here.

Next one I see I’m calling 911 and telling them that there is a person impersonating a police officer, and give the location.
We all know that Police drivers are professionally trained, and would never drive like a complete [zb]… :slight_smile:

Too obvious.L. :wink:

You know, Rob - the first time is unfortunate, the next few times are probably a coincidence, but at some point, you have to start asking whether it’s actually you that’s the problem…
:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :laughing:

You know, Rob - the first time is unfortunate, the next few times are probably a coincidence, but at some point, you have to start asking whether it’s actually you that’s the problem…
:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :laughing:

How can it be ‘me’ :question: :unamused: :unamused: . Do you not bother to read the posts in full before you come out with your wild accusations :question: :unamused: :unamused: .

touchy touchy rob :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … have you “got the painters in”… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: