yeoman f88

was the yeoman f88 built by yeomans or is it this truck that pete harding ran i used to see this truck alot when i were a lad as petes from my home town of tamworth but i never had chance to ask him or the guys at yeomans when theyve been at gaydon

I remember talking to the yeoman guys at a show last year and I’m sure they said it was done by themselves over a period of time.

It’s actually quite heavily modified but I can’t remember the details.


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hiya …one year at gaydon they made yoman leave his 88 on the trailer park. they said it was to modified to entre
the main show.i think it has a F12 engine. its done some hard work in it time,

Hi all,
This motor was,as far as I am aware never owned by hardings.paul Hammond the owner once told me that a firm in Bristol? Had her new.pretty much everything has been changed on it,may? Even have ecu’s and an fh lump in her these days.when it went on the Volvo anniversary event to Sweden in 2002, I have it on good authority that the engineers at the factory were very keen to look around,mr Hammond apparantly was not too pleased when questions were asked about the large number of iveco components that were found and on its return to England had all these iveco parts removed and replaced with volvo I am told :wink:
Regards Andrew.

Did they replace the Iveco parts on the yeoman F88 in Sweden? I drove the whole English group with an old Volvo bus (B655 from 1964) for a couple of days in Gothenburg before we went for the rally in Helsingborg, and during that time there was no work on the vehicle… as far as I know :confused:


Had a look round this one year at gaydon,remember thinking that the chassis and running gear looked very much like my fh,it was on air too.

Very smart looking truck and a credit to the builder.

Hello lads,heres my 3 pennath…1st shot in its original owners colours and the other is before the high roof was put on,Cheers Bubbs, :wink: