Yard Shunters

heres a few shunters for you…

first fl10… Kilmarnock.

a FL7 …Andersons of Bo’ness…

Stevenson’s of Avonbridge…

M & Co Inchinnan (Mckays shops) … MAN…fuel tank held on with ratchett straps …air tanks held on with zip ties… :sunglasses:

in Russells yard Hillington Glasgow…

MAN…fuel tank held on with ratchett straps …air tanks held on with zip ties… :sunglasses:

factory spec then… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

nice pictures, im glad im not the only one who takes pictures of the old nails in the corners of transport yards

MRCTs Little Wendy House Shunter

And Here It Is Acting As A Wrecker Pulling A Ummmm Wrecker

FL Versus V8 Scania :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …And It Got It Out

ERF shunter seen here at Holmfirth when we cleared out McConnell Dowell equipment and shipped it to Australia and Singapore.
I later bought it with a view to restoring it but it was a bit of a mess inside the cab. I believe it is (or was) shunting on Scunthorpe steelworks ?
regards Big Al

A proper shunter :smiley: regards Big Al

only a video i took when i was on work expierence the other month


only a video i took when i was on work expierence the other month

I’m doing mine the end of this year with a hgv mechanic. :slight_smile:



only a video i took when i was on work expierence the other month

I’m doing mine the end of this year with a hgv mechanic. :slight_smile:

Yeah i did it with baybutts transport.
Good stuff enjoyed it.
But mine was the 2 week one you do at school
Nice break from school it was indeed :sunglasses:

That Stockton ERF only needs a bit of tax on it :stuck_out_tongue:

This is one from Ossett

Yeah i’m looking forward to it.The company i chose services are lorries but i was thinking of Mercedes trucks but its quite far away.

josh when i was workin i delivered to baybutts, and the noise of that shunter was horrendos, little 310/320 scania was goosed haha

mark h:
josh when i was workin i delivered to baybutts, and the noise of that shunter was horrendos, little 310/320 scania was goosed haha

haha it is shockingly loud though

i know !!!

i’m suprised that globby480 hasen’t piped up with “shuttlespanker why ain’t bigblue in here” :laughing:

i do like the volvo f12 'trotter though it be a good’n if it was restored, now theres an idea :smiley:

i’m suprised that globby480 hasen’t piped up with “shuttlespanker why ain’t bigblue in here” :laughing:

i do like the volvo f12 'trotter though it be a good’n if it was restored, now theres an idea :smiley:

yeah, well, that’s globby480 all over isn’t it :unamused:

and i was thinking the same thing regarding the F12 :smiley: i did have a closer look round it, it does need a fair bit doing to it

surprisingly though, looking through the windscreen, it still has a lot of the drivers kit inside it

Yeah, bloody shame about that Globey, looks as if it was a smart piece of kit in it’s day. Makes me feel old though, G-plates still don’t seem that ancient to me :blush: …unless i was given one to go up the road in, then i’d have a few things to say about it! :wink:


Looks to me like one of the old Crown Chicken FL’s from Weybread Blissy, with optional MRCT FL bumper :wink:

Big Al:

And isn’t this taking lightweight midlifts to the extreme??! :smiley:

This was taken at iceland swindon (i think) tyres where down to the cords.


i’m suprised that globby480 hasen’t piped up with “shuttlespanker why ain’t bigblue in here” :laughing:

i do like the volvo f12 'trotter though it be a good’n if it was restored, now theres an idea :smiley:

yeah, well, that’s globby480 all over isn’t it :unamused:

not saying a word rob, well not just yet :wink: :wink: dont worry tho i am here

a Merc in Arcadia at Milton Keynes